Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Amazing benefits cactus and aloe vera

C:\Users\Mazhar Sayeed\Pictures\Cactus Plant 1.png         C:\Users\Mazhar Sayeed\Pictures\Cactus Aloe Vera and Orange Juice.png       C:\Users\Mazhar Sayeed\Pictures\Cactus fruit  2.png           
            Prickly Pear Cactus                 Cactus + Aloe Vera + Orange Drink     Prickly Pear Cactus Fruits       
Cactus and Aloe Vera by nature grow everywhere around the world. They have heaps of Chlorophyll in them. Probably these are the most powerful healing plants on the planet. That’s a Prickly Pear Cactus and Aloe Vera. It is largely found in Las Vegas where the temperature is 120 degrees and up north where it’s snowing. Some grow them in their kitchen and living rooms. These two plants are truly amazing. Aloe Vera and Cactus with high antioxidants but all variety is edible. The little colorful Easter eggs on top are edible and the Mickey Mouse ears are also edible, they are called pads. The entire plant is Adam Alliance been used for centuries. It has Anti-Viral properties used for Herpes Flue, HIV, Overweight, Obesity, Gastrointestinal disorders, Cholesterol, and Skin problems. These Pink Easter Egg type bulbs that which is the fruit they taste like Raspberries. They are super high in Antioxidants are inside a prickly pear fruit. You can eat all the flesh, you can swallow the seeds or you can spell-out seeds just like eating a Watermelon. There is the red meat with thread means high. These flag green bats getting a full range of Amino Acids building lots of Protein. This is extremely rare for a plant source to have this many menorasis. It is a very high dietary soluble fiber. Studies have shown that the prickly pear cactus has been very effective against Diabetes even type two barely helps the pancreas creed and so on. 
C:\Users\Mazhar Sayeed\Pictures\Aloe Vera Leave Cross section 4.jpg       C:\Users\Mazhar Sayeed\Pictures\Aloe Vera Plant 1.jpg        C:\Users\Mazhar Sayeed\Pictures\Aloe Vera Plant 2.gif  
    Cross Section of Aloe Vera                              Aloe Vera     Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera is one of the most amazing plant you can imagine if you cut it, it heals itself. You can store it for months. It is smart plant you can tell the difference between the healthy cells which stimulates and bad cells which don’t belong like Cancer and things like that helps stop the viruses from metabolize fat spreading. It’s Anti-Bacterial, Anti-Viral, Candida, And Chronic Fatigue Syndrome; Overweight, Fibromyalgia, Allergies, Arthritis, Skin conditions like Eczema, Psoriasis. It Eliminates Detox, the toxic waste has essentially fatty acids, Omega EFA, Anti-inflammatory waste, which helps the Colon and Stomach. It helps every part of the body cleanse itself and since it helps clean outs the Colon/Bowels so well. It helps cut down on Bloating, Gas, Indigestion, Constipation, Diarrhea and all kinds of Digestive problems. It is very popular in conditions like Acid Reflux into Irritable Bowel Syndrome Colitis, Crohns diseases, you name it. You can grow this in-door / outdoor pretty much anywhere in the world grow this. It’s been shown to reduce Ulcers by at least eighty (80%) percent. It reduces Cholesterol and Triglycerides. It helps metabolize fat, Asthma, grief for everything from adult Diabetes to Asthma, Angina, Blood Sugar, Acne, AIDS, Anemia, Arteries, Athletes Foot, Bad Breath, Hair Loss, Bladder infections, Bronchitis, Bruises, Burns, Eye Cataracts, Cold Sores, Calic Colitis, Bladder, Depression, Epilepsy, (M.S Disease) Multiple Sclerosis Persites like coma and vision problems. Aloe Vera is a powerful Anti-Viral that can tell the difference between normal Cells and Cancer, Aids, HIV, Leukemia etc. It even heals itself when cut! It reduces ulcers by eighty (80%) percent. There is nothing better than that. It’s really silly to run to a fitness Gym, a grocery store or a pharmacy. It has all kinds of Natural Steroids, Antibiotics, Amino Acids, Minerals, and Enzymes stuff that we can’t even get into it yet. 
How to make the super longevity drink
C:\Users\Mazhar Sayeed\Pictures\Aloe Vera Leave Cross section 4.jpg             C:\Users\Mazhar Sayeed\Pictures\Oranges 1.png     C:\Users\Mazhar Sayeed\Pictures\Cactus Plant 1.png
             Aloe Vera                                                   Oranges Cactus
Let me show you how to make something really quick and easy with this thing. It’s so easy, it’s unbelievable, take one Aloe Vera to leave and chop it into small bits. Put them into your Vitamix Juicer. Take one pad of prickly pear Cactus. Hold it with the tongs and cut it into small pieces and grind them well separately. It is better we can add to sweeten-up a little bit and get a couple of Oranges juice. You can drink the Cactus + Aloe + Orange juice really high in fibers. The Vitamix Juicer literally liquefies nearly anything you put in there. Use a really fine ‘mesh-bag’ to filter and keep-on squeezing the mesh-bag and you get a glass full of real drink. It is obvious that there are seriously so many enzymes allied with life-force in this drink. You can taste how good this drink is for you! If you want to know a real health issue, you got to drink a cup of this drink almost every day. It is just like a fountain and says good-bye to all your problems whatever they are. If you want longevity… here it is! 

Saturday, February 9, 2019



For Thousands of years Yunaani and Ayurvedic medicines have been using honey to strengthen the semen of men and to treat impotency. Through the regular dosage of two tablespoons of honey before bed, impotence can be greatly reduced. In China, Japan and other far-Eastern countries, women who are unable to conceive and need to strengthen the Uterus, have been taking Cinnamon powder for Centuries. They mix a pinch of Cinnamon powder with half a teaspoon of honey and apply it on their gums frequently throughout the day, so that it slowly mixes with the saliva and enters the bloodstream. There is a story of couple from Maryland, USA who could not conceive children after 14 years of marriage and had lost hope of having a child of their own. When told about the honey Cinnamon mixture both the husband and wife started ingesting the mixture and the wife conceived after a few months, giving birth to healthy twins.

For Impotence-Remedy Treatment No. 1:

Impotence is a sexual disorder observed among men. It is the inability to sustain an erection during sexual intercourse. It is also known as erectile dysfunction. The condition varies from total inability in achieving ejection to sustaining only small ejections.

Causes: Problems related to penis structure and its surrounding tissues may cause impotence. Disease conditions such as kidney disorders, multiple sclerosis, and diabetes mellitus cause the condition. Emotional or psychological factors such as grief, anxiety and stress may lead to the condition. Damage to fibrous tissues, smooth muscles and arteries that happen as a result of infection or surgery interfere the blood flow to penis and result in impotence. Smoking and obesity affects the arteries and blood flow. Excess consumption of alcohol and addiction of drugs increase the risk. Medications such as antidepressants, antihistamines, hypertension drugs, appetite suppressants, etc may lead to impotence.

Symptoms:  Social withdrawal, Stress, Low-self control, Problems with relationship, Lack of interest in sex, Depression, Anxiety, Diagnosing Impotent: Years ago, the standard treatment for impotence was an implantable penile prosthesis or long-term psychotherapy. Although physical causes are now more readily diagnosed and treated, individual or marital counseling is still an effective treatment for impotence when emotional factors play a role. Fortunately, other approaches are now available to treat the physical causes of impotence.
          Onion                                       Honey                                              Milk

Ingredients: Onion, Honey and Milk

Natural Remedies:  Onions have been used from many centuries by human beings for medicinal purposes. Onion also contains mineral components such as calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, selenium and phosphorus. The antibacterial properties of onion teemed with anti fungal uses have made it a household name. Honey is a mixture of sugars and other compounds. With respect to carbohydrates, honey is mainly fructose (about 38.5%) and glucose (about 31.0%), 48% fructose, 47% glucose, and 5% sucrose. Honey’s remaining carbohydrates include maltose, sucrose, and other complex carbohydrates. Fry onion and mix with honey. Eat it at night, after drink the milk.

To increase Semen Count in male – Treatment No. 2:
If you eat the “ghee, black pepper, alternanthera amoena, amaranthus gangetions vertristis, besella” then semen count will be increased.
                                                                                       Black pepper                  Alternanthera amoena                             Besella
Symptoms: Less semen count.
Ingredients: Ghee, Black Pepper, Alternanther amoena, Amaranthus gangetions vertiristis and Besella
Procedure to prepare: Grind the ghee, black pepper, alternanthera amoena, amaranthus gangetions vertristis, besella and eat to increase the semen count in male.
Remedy to cure Impotence-Treatment No. 3:
If you drink the “flower of drumstick with milk” then impotent will be cured.
             Flower of drumstick                   Flower of drumstick                              Milk                             
Symptoms: Impotent. 
Ingredients: Flower of Drumsticks Milk
Procedure to prepare: Boil the flower of drumstick with water. Mix it with milk and drink.
Remedy to cure Impotence-Treatment No. 4: If you eat the “pomegranate” then semen count will be increased.
                                                      Pomegranate                           Pomegranate                          Pomegranate
Symptoms: Less semen count.           
Ingredients: Pomegranate
Procedure to prepare: Eat often pomegranate.
To Cure Impotence-Treatment No. 5: If you eat the “black pepper, almond nut, sugar candy, poppy seeds with ghee” then impotent will be cured.
                                                              Black pepper                               Sugar candy                                   Almond nut
Symptoms: Impotent.   
Ingredients: Black pepper, Almond nut, Sugar Candy, Poppy seeds and Ghee.
Procedure to prepare: Grind the black pepper, almond nut, sugar candy, poppy seeds. Mix it with ghee.
To increase Semen Count-Treatment No. 6: If you drink the “Coconut milk” then semen count will be increased.

               Coconut                                       Coconut                                       Coconut

Symptoms: Less semen count. Ingredients: Coconut Milk
Procedure to prepare: Drink often coconut milk.

To Cure Impotence-Treatment No. 7: If you drink the “fruit of Peepul tree and bark of peepul tree with milk” then impotent will be cured.

        Peepul tree                                        Peepul tree                          Peepul tree

Symptoms: Impotent. Ingredients: Fruit of Peepul tree, Bark of Peepul tree and Milk      
Procedure to prepare: Powder of fruit of peepul tree and bark of peepul tree by grinding. Mix it with milk and drink.

To Conceive or For Childbearing-Treatment No. 8:  If you drink the “Cynodon Grass, Banana, Pomegranate juice” then a lady will conceive.

Banana                                             Cynodon grass                            Pomegranate Juice
Symptoms: Childbearing. Ingredients: Cynodon grass, Banana, and Pomegranate Juice
Procedure to prepare: Drink daily morning Cynodon grass juice, Eat daily afternoon banana, and Drink daily night pomegranate juice.
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To Cure Impotence-Treatment No. 9: please wait...
Impotent  If you eat the “almond, cashew nut” then impotent will be cured.

                             Almond                                                               Cashew nut

Symptoms: Impotent.  Ingredients: Almond and Cashew nut  
Procedure to prepare: Eat often almond and cashew nut.

Remedy to cure Impotence-Treatment No. 10: VN:F [1.9.22_1171]
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If you eat the “Desi Bird Egg” OR called COUNTRY BIRD EGGS then impotent will be cured.   
Symptoms: Impotent.
                                                                                      Desi bird egg                         Desi bird egg                                Desi bird egg

Ingredients: Desi Bird egg   Procedure to prepare: Eat often desi bird egg.

To Cure Repeated Sneezing-Treatment No. 11: VN:F [1.9.22_1171]
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If you drink the “flower of mimusops elengi with milk” then sneeze will be cured.

          Flower of mimusops elengi                       Milk                        Flower of mimusops elengi

To Cure Impotence-Treatment No. 12: Symptoms: Impotent.                   

Ingredients: Flower of mimusops elengi and Milk

Procedure to prepare: Boil the flower of mimusops elengi with milk.VN:F [1.9.22_1171]

Remedy to cure Impotence-Treatment No. 13: please wait...
If you eat the “poppy seeds” then impotent will be cured.

                  Poppy seeds                            Poppy seeds                               Poppy seeds

Symptoms: Childbearing. Ingredients: Poppy Seeds

Procedure to prepare: Grind the poppy seeds.

To Cure Impotence (females)-Treatment No. 14: Childbearing for female: If you eat the “flower of Coconut” then the childbearing problem will be cured.

     Flower of coconut                   Flower of coconut                       Flower of coconut

Symptoms: Childbearing.  Ingredients: Flower of Coconut
Procedure to prepare: Grind the flower of coconut and eat.VN:F [1.9.22_1171]
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Treatment No. 15 - To increase the strength of Uterus (For Females)

If you eat “fennel, black cumin, turmeric and Jaggery” then the Uterus problem will be reduced.
           Turmeric                 Black cumin                Fennel Seeds                      Jaggery
Symptoms: Uterus problem. Ingredients: Fennel, Black Cumin, Turmeric and Jaggery

Procedure to prepare: Fennel, black cumin, turmeric and jaggery to increase the strength of uterus, so if you take an equal proportion of fennel, black cumin, turmeric and jaggery, then grind all the things properly and eat 5g every day.

Good to Strengthen Men (Good for Male-Impotency)

The following herbs are available in Chennai - Madras, Tamil Nadu State India:

Take few of each Herb: Veppalai leaves, Patta (Cinnamon), Patti’elia, Noochi ilai and 
Keezhanelli ilai
Boil all five (5) herbs together filter and drink daily minimum 50ml of its juice to strengthen men for Sex. Continue this treatment for 40 days to two months will cure the impotency.