Friday, October 27, 2017

Arthritis and Cholesterol – simple natural remedies

For Arthritis and Cholesterol – simple natural remedies
Tip # 1 - to drink - Ingredients: Cucumber (Kakadi), Ginger and Lemon.
C:\Users\Mazhar Sayeed\Pictures\Cucumbers-Cetrioli-640x425.jpg             C:\Users\Mazhar Sayeed\Pictures\Ginger 2.png            C:\Users\Mazhar Sayeed\Pictures\Lemon3.jpg         

Cucumber                                             Fresh Ginger                                        Fresh Lemon
Procedure: Make 50 ml juice of raw Cucumber, add Ginger paste 2 table spoon full and add Lemon Juice 2 table spoon full. Mix all the above three ingredients and drink everyday in the morning empty stomach for 48-60 days. This will cure Arthritis pain and Cholesterol problem.
Tip # 2 - to drink-Ingredients: a handful of Raisins (Munakka) and handful of Solid Coriander (Dhaniya)
C:\Users\Mazhar Sayeed\Pictures\image of Raisins-dry grapes 3.jpg             C:\Users\Mazhar Sayeed\Pictures\image of Raisins-dry grapes 2.jpg    C:\Users\Mazhar Sayeed\Pictures\Corriander Seeds 1.jpg 
Raisins                                   Raisins (Dry Grapes)                                Coriander Seeds

Procedure: Grind both the items and boil them with a glass-full of water in a bowl, filter and drink it morning and evening twice a day, every day for 48-60 days. This will cure Arthritis and Cholesterol.
Tip # 3 - to apply the paste on the Arthritis pain affected area.
Ingredients: Fenugreek seeds (Meythi), Ginger and Turmeric powder.
C:\Users\Mazhar Sayeed\Pictures\Fenugreek Seeds 1.jpg             C:\Users\Mazhar Sayeed\Pictures\Ginger 2.png            Turmeric 
Fenugreek Seeds                                  Fresh Ginger                                      Turmeric Powder
Procedure: Put a handful of Fenugreek seeds in a glass of water overnight to drench and grind the seeds next morning. Grind a little piece of Ginger with few drops of water, add it with Fenugreek seeds paste and add little Turmeric powder and heat the mixture paste of all three ingredients. Apply the lukewarm paste on the pain area due to Arthritis and on your joints at bed time or any time when you get pain.
Tip # 4: The following simple treatment for Arthritis - for Body/Joints/Knee pain:
Arthritis: Research result at the Copenhagen University in Denmark to cure Arthritis pain with the following experiment. Long term therapy may lead to cure even chronic Arthritis!
Ingredients: Cinnamon Powder and Honey
C:\Users\Mazhar Sayeed\Pictures\Cinnamon3.png        C:\Users\Mazhar Sayeed\Pictures\Cinnamon Powder 1.jpg        C:\Users\Mazhar Sayeed\Pictures\honey12-150x150.jpg
Morning and evening, take one cup of hot water and put one teaspoon of Cinnamon Powder and two tablespoons of Honey. Hope this helps to those who suffer from Arthritis and chronic pain, knee and joint pain.
  1. Remedy to reduce the Growing Tummy:
Ingredients: Kalonji Oil (Black Cumin Seed Oil), Pure Honey and one glass of normal drinking water.
C:\Users\Mazhar Sayeed\Pictures\Kalonji Oil.jpg           C:\Users\Mazhar Sayeed\Pictures\Kalonji Oil-1.jpg          Honey
Procedure: Boil a glass of water in a bowl, add one tea spoonful of pure Kalonji Oil (Black Cumin seeds Oil) and add one teaspoonful of pure Honey, mix it well. Allow it to cool down and drink the lukewarm water twice in a week in empty stomach and continue till you realize that your growing tummy is reduced to normal.
  1. Remedy for Acidity, Burps, Facial Pimples, White, Red, and Black Rashes:
Ingredients: Pick-up few tender Neem leaves and a couple of tender branches of Neem Tree and a glass of normal drinking water.
Other names of Neem are  Antelaea azadirachta, Arishta, Arishtha, Azadirachta indica, Bead Tree, Holy Tree, Huile de Neem, Indian Lilac, Indian Neem, Lilas des Indes, Lilas de Perse, Margosa, Margosa Tree, Margousier, Margousier à Feuilles de Frêne
Leaf buds of Neem Tree      C:\Users\Mazhar Sayeed\Pictures\Neem Leaves 1.jpg     C:\Users\Mazhar Sayeed\Pictures\Neem Leaves 2.jpg
Neem Tender leaves and branch       Neem Tree                                            Neem Leaves
Procedure: Pick up few tender leaves and tender branch pieces - drench them overnight in a glass of normal drinking water. Filter and drink the water in empty stomach every morning for a couple of weeks till you feel better and fully recovered from Acidity, recover skin shine, charm and facial beauty. Maintain natural facial beauty by repeating this therapy once or twice every month intervals. Please avoid using any cosmetics to protect your facial beauty from Sun-burn, skin allergy, pimples and rashes.
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Benefits of Banana

Benefits of Banana plant
Normally a man can live for 120 years and if they live with more care, can even live longer than this age. The Banana plant can melt ‘Iron and steel’. You can strike an Iron-knife on the Banana plant and leave it for few weeks. You will find the Banana plant slowly eating-away the edges of the metal knife. The Banana Plant contains Calcium, Potassium, Magnesium, Minerals, Amino Acids and Lime which helps to crush a Kidney Stone (without any surgical operation) and it reduces Uric Acid levels.
healthiest foods, health food, diet, nutrition, stock, bananas, fruits              C:\Users\Mazhar Sayeed\Pictures\Bananas 3.jpg              C:\Users\Mazhar Sayeed\Pictures\Bananas-Ladies fingers 5.jpg

Banana: Why they’re good for you? This tropical fruit is an American favorite, Bananas are actually classified as an herb, and the correct name of a “bunch” of bananas is a “hand.” Technicalities aside, bananas are an excellent source of Cardio-protective Potassium. They’re an effective Pre-biotic, enhancing the Body’s ability to absorb Calcium, and they increase Dopamine, Norepinephrine and Serotonin Brain Chemicals that Counter Depression. Eating Banana Bark or called Banana Stem and especially Root or eating both can protect Urinary system, prevent stone formation in the Kidney or Bladder and also helps Weight-loss and prevent from future Kidney failure and Kidney Dialysis.
    C:\Users\Mazhar Sayeed\Pictures\Raw Banana 3.jpg                                   C:\Users\Mazhar Sayeed\Pictures\Raw Banana  Dish after Seasoning.jpg
                  Pre-mature Banana                                                            Seasoned Raw Banana dish
Hair Loss: Pre-mature Banana (un-ripe Banana) is good to stops hair loss/hair fall. It will strengthen the roots of your hairs, if you include them often in your daily meals to eat any cook dishes, soup or seasoned ‘pre-mature Banana’ dish (please see the above image of the pre-mature banana and it’s dish).

How to extract ‘Banana Bark ’ Juice: Cut the Banana Bark in small circles (remove the un-wanted silky threads and trash-away) and save cut pieces in a fresh water bowl with some Curd/Yoghurt + little Turmeric Powder (otherwise these white pieces will turn into black colour very soon). Filter and wash them and grind the pieces to get a 50ml extract/juice. Mix the juice with some fresh butter-milk, pepper and salt to taste and drink daily for a couple of months.
Banana Bark juice is good for Diabetes/Sugar patients and for those with depression. It will heal the blisters in the mouth and stomach and good for mouth Ulcer, Stomach Ulcer called ‘Colon Ulcer’.
Bark of banana               Bark of banana                 Bark of banana
       Banana Bark                                          Banana Bark Pieces                                 Banana Bark
Eat “Banana Bark” Juice or Raw Salad: Cut thin slices of ‘Banana Bark’ like chips. Add few small chopped fresh Ginger pieces, salt, pepper (to taste). M ix with 2 spoonful of fresh Curd/yoghurt and add few fresh Coriander leaves to garnish and enjoy eating RAW Salad every often. The Juice/Salad is good for Diabetes/Sugar patients and also for those with ‘Depression’. It is a healing medicine for ‘Mouth Ulcer’ and Stomach Ulcer called ‘Colon Ulcer’.  It is good for ‘Gout’ Weight loss/Obesity, for body muscle pain as it acts like a ‘Muscle tone’ and a perfect cure to crush the Kidney/Gall Bladder stone. To drink the juice or eat the salad is good to maintain your normal heart-beat, and good for Cardiac/heart- attacks. In your daily food, please include a banana fruit or any one part of the banana plant to lead a healthy and longer life. This will prevent future Kidney failure. The Banana Bark is available in “Patel Indian Grocery” Opposite to ‘Food Basket’ on the Saw Mill Road, in Dublin, Ohio 43016 USA.
Banana Leaves:  In Asian culture most of the Indians eat their daily food (spread the main course of meals) on Banana leaves. To lead healthy and longer life, eat your food on the Banana leaves which will stop hair fall and stop growth of any grey hairs.     
Treatment for Computer Users/I. T. Personnel: Use the fresh tender banana leaves (called Cigar-leaves) as a blind-fold bandage on both your eyes before going to bed every night. This is good for nerves to cool the eyes for the Computer users especially I. T. Personnel to relieve them from their eye sore/pain and tiredness. It is also good for the eye-operated /Ophthalmic-patients to heal their eyes-soar/pain.
Treatment for ‘Madras Eye’: It is good to cure ‘blood-coloured eyes’ this disease otherwise called ‘Madras eyes’. Put a layer of Banana tender-fresh-leave otherwise called ‘Cigar-leave’ as blind fold bandage on your both eyes before bed for seven (7) nights, it will cure any kind of eye sore.                                                                                            
              C:\Users\Mazhar Sayeed\Pictures\Banana Leaves.png                        C:\Users\Mazhar Sayeed\Pictures\Banana Leaves-3.jpg
                              Banana Leave                                                Banana Leaves
For Fire Accident Skin burns:  Grind the Banana leaves and/or banana bark to make a paste to apply gently every day on skin burnt area for few weeks. It is good for Fire accident related Skin burns. You can use the Banana tender leaves called ‘Cigar leaves’ and spread the new-leaf gently on the skin burnt area. The repeated application of this leaf-therapy will cool the burns, reduce the pain and gradually heal them. The Banana leaves acts as anti-bacterial and anti-biotic.
To Reduce Growing Tummy: Use the Banana “Root’. This is good for medicinal use especially to reduce your Growing Tummy. Clean/wash the root to remove the soil. Cut the Root in thin chips and eat them as raw salad OR grind the pieces and drink the juice of 50ml in empty stomach. Add some salt and pepper to taste and drink. This juice is especially good to reduce your growing tummy. Drink it daily twice a day for a couple of months. The juice or the Salad will help to remove the ‘Diorites’ from the growing big tummy. The juice or the salad is good to maintain your heart-beat. Good for Cardiac/heart attack, Sugar/Diabetes and good for Depression patients.  
How to make a food dish or salad from the Banana flowers:
Add little curd, pepper and salt to taste, few leaves fresh Coriander to make ‘Banana flower Salad’ to eat raw. You can prepare a food dish of Banana flower. How to clean it: Remove and throw-away a few red thick shields protecting the actual growing banana fruit which looks like a flower. Take each one flower, open it to remove the one ‘longest’ tentacle which is bitter in taste from each flower and throw-away. Out of the two petals carefully remove the ‘small shiny petal’ which will be bitter in taste. Stop once you reach a white-soft-portion like cone. You can cut the ‘white soft cone’ and added with the cleaned flowers in to very small pieces. Then put the pieces of the Banana flower in a bowl of ‘Water + Curd + Turmeric powder’ to protect them from turning into black colour. Then filter, rinse in water one time and boil the flower pieces for at least 20-30 minutes. Once boiled, filter them. Use the boiled tiny-cut-pieces of flower to make a food-dish of your choice or eat as raw salad. The food dish of Banana flower is good for females to eat continuously for 2 months. This will help maintain monthly periods at right intervals. It will stops too much of bleeding during periods. It will cure ‘Lukeria-white discharge’. It will even heal the un-seen blisters inside the womb and remove body-overheat. It will clear the Urinary track, blood in urine and urine burning for both male and female.

          C:\Users\Mazhar Sayeed\Pictures\Banana Flower 1.png         
 Banana Flower                                                              Banana Flower

The BANANA FRUIT – FLOWERS – LEAVES –BARK and the ROOT contain lots of ‘DIETERY FIBERS’. It contains Vitmin-6, lot of Potassium, which is good for High B. P. It acts as Anti-Bacterial and Anti-Biotic. Tender Banana leaves are good for I. T. Personnel / Computer Users as “Eye Cool” for their eyes and it is good for any eye-disease and eye-sore.
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