Thursday, January 4, 2018

Benefits of Basil Seeds

If there is one drink I am crazy about, it is ‘Jigirthanda’ (Liver Cooler). It is a sweet drink made with condensed milk, rose petal jam, ice and loads of sabja seeds. There is a street vendor near my sister's place, who makes heavenly ‘jigirthanda’. Though I have tasted it in so many places, he is one of the best. I think it has to do with the best homemade ingredients that he uses. Nowadays my sister teases me that I visit her only for eating ‘jigirthanda’. I like this drink mainly because of the sabja/ tukmaria/ sweet basil seeds in them and each time I will ask for extra sabja seeds in the drink. Sabja seeds closely resemble chia seeds and in India it is also called as falooda or tukmaria seeds. The seeds are not from holy basil but from sweet basil and we call it "Sabja Vethai" in Tamil. The seeds are rich in fiber and it has amazing health benefits. The seeds can be easily found in any departmental stores. To use, take the sabja seeds in a cup and pour water till the seeds are completely immersed. Let it soak for 30 minutes. After half an hour, the sabja seeds would have soaked up the water and would have swollen up to twice it's size. Strain the left over water and now the sabja seeds can be added to any dessert. It can also be added to chilled milk along with little rose syrup and rose petal jam to make an easy and healthy drink. This drink is very filling, very tasty and has wonderful health benefits. Give this milk to children often to increase their immunity.

 Amazing health benefits of sabja/ tukmaria/ sweet basil seeds

1. Sabja seeds for weight loss: Though there is no scientific research to prove that tukmaria/ sweet basil seeds aids in weight loss, whenever I consume sabja seeds it keeps me full. I don't feel hunger at all for a long time, as the sabja seeds are full of fiber. If you are looking for foods to include in your weight loss plan, sabja seeds will be a great addition.

2. Sabja seeds for body heat: Usually sabja seeds are consumed during the summer time, as it is one of the best body coolant. This is also one reason that street vendors who sell sabja seeds based dishes close their shops during the winter time and reopen it only during the next summer. The addition of rose petal jam along with sabja seeds also help to cool the body. Usually I will be waiting for summer to consume my favorite drink.

3. Sabja seeds for Diabetes: Sabja seeds are said to be very effective for people with type 2 diabetes as sabja seeds help regulate blood sugar. If you are diabetic and want to consume sabja seeds, after soaking it in water, mix it with plain cold milk and add a few drops of pure vanilla. You have a wonderful healthy drink minus the sugar. You can also add it to other non dairy milk like almond milk or soy milk too.

4.  Sabja seeds for constipation: If you suffer from constipation, then adding sabja seeds to your diet will help you with the problem. If you are suffering from constipation, take the sabja seeds along with milk before bed, like I mentioned before. Try taking it regularly for few days to see results.

5. Sabja seeds for acidity: Sabja seeds has soothing effect on the stomach. If you suffer from stomach burn or acidity, a cup of this sabja milk will do wonders. Substitute it for your cola and coffee for a few days and you will notice a nice difference. Try to take it along with the rose petal jam, as even rose petal jam helps in treating stomach burn.

6. Sabja seeds for skin: Sabja seeds when mixed together with coconut oil are very effective for treating skin related problems. To make the Sabja seeds Oil, first crush the dry seeds without soaking them in water. Heat little coconut oil in a pan and add the crushed seeds and remove from flame. Strain and apply on affected skin area for eczema, psoriasis, white patches and other skin related problems.

7. For healthy skin & hair: Sabja seeds are very high in vitamins especially vitamin k and keeps our skin and hair in peak health. It is also very high in protein and iron. A small cup of this Sabja seeds will almost satisfy your daily requirement of iron and protein. These seeds also store well.
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Hip or Knee Pain

For Hip or Knee Joints Pain

Drink the “lemon juice with cold water” the hip/knee joint pain will be cured.
Lemon                  Lemon                Lemon
Lemon                                              Lemon                                            Lemon
Symptoms: Hand pain and Leg pain.
Ingredients: Lemon Juice
Procedure to prepare: Drink often lemon juice before breakfast.

Cramps on Ankle
Apply the paste ofCassia fistula seed” the cramps and pain on ankle will be cured.
Cassia fistula                    Golden Shower Tree                   Cassia fistula flower  
      Cassia fistula                                Golden Shower Tree                        Cassia fistula flower

Symptoms: Pain on ankle and Pain on leg.
Ingredients: Cassia Fistula
Procedure to prepare: Take the seed of cassia fistula-Grind the seed of cassia fistula with water and 
Apply to the Cramps on ankle.

Swelling of Knee:
To cure the swelling of the knee > apply the paste of dried ginger.

Dried Ginger                        Dried Ginger                Dried Ginger
Dried Ginger                                     Dried Ginger                                  Dried Ginger

Symptoms: Pain on leg and pain on knee.
Ingredients: Dried Ginger
Procedure to prepare: Grind the dried ginger - Boil the powdered dried ginger and apply the paste on 
the knees
Ankle Pain
Apply milk of “ficus racemosa” to get relief from ankle pain.
Ficus religiosa Linn                     Fruit of Ficus religiosa Linn                   Fruit
    Ficus religiosa Linn                       Fruit of Ficus religiosa Linn                                 Fruit

Symptoms: Pain on hand and leg and Pain on ankle.
Ingredients: Milk of Ficus Religiosa Linn
Procedure to prepare: Take 2 teaspoon of “ficus racemosa” milk and Apply to the ankle and also to any
 pain in our body.

SIMPLE HOMELY-NAANY TREATMENTS: (For People of Chennai-Tamilnadu since the ingredients are easily available in Chennai.

For Lose motions even if it is chronic from 3 years with stomach ache:
Buy ‘Maangaattu Paruppu’ (name of an herb or mooligai in Tamil language) from any herbal shop (Pansaari/Marunudu kadai) and eat it followed by water. Continue this treatment for a week and it will help stop even the chronic Lose motions.
Eat twice a day, a tea spoonful of Gul-Qand (Rose flower petals long-time drenched in honey) followed by normal water. This Gul-Qand is available in any herbal shop (Herbal Medicinal Shops). This will help stop any chronic lose motions and it will fix digestion disorders.
For any Nervous Problems for Children (Remedy for “Narambu Thalarchi” for Children):
Take four (4) Alomonds + half of spoon of Qhash Qhash (Poppy Seeds) + half spoon of Raw Rice + one small piece of Cocoanut and put them all in a cup of water overnight and leave it till next morning. Next morning grind them and give the drink to children. It is good for any nervous problems (called “Narambu Thalarchi” in Tamil) for children.

Remedy for Joints or Knee-pain for young and old (no need for any surgical operation and please avoid any operation on your delicate body):  Try to buy the “Neela Vembu theyneer” from any Pansaari / Marundu kadai / Desi-medicinal shop. “Pavazha Malli” leaves and “Aavaarai ilaigal” or Aavarai leaves from herbal leaves shop:
First try to reduce your weight;
Buy “Neela Vembu Theyneer” mooligai, 5-6 “Pavazha Malli” leaves (ilaigal) and boil them together and drink the boiled water after filtering every day for a couple of weeks.
Buy “Aavaarai ilaigal” mooligai leaves. Grind the Aavaarai leaves mix before or after grinding the leaves with a handful of Mash-lintel powder or flour (Urud or Ulanda Parpu powder or flour) and apply the paste on the Knee-pain area during the day-time or before going to bed. Wash your Knees gently the next morning with little warm water. Continue this treatment for a couple of weeks till you are free from your pain.

If you include these two things namely “Neela Vembu Theyneer” and “Aavaarai ilaigal” in your daily / every day food, you can live long as a healthy person for 100 years without any sickness:
Vallarai Keerai and Thoodu Valai (Thoodu vell with violet flowers). You can buy these two herbal from Desi-local herbal shops. If you wish to buy the Vallarai Keerai from any Nursery use the Botanical names for Vallarai Keerai as “Cintella Asiatica”, “Hydropotine” or “Brumby” leaves or plant. Bring and grow these herbal plants in your garden for your future use. The combination of these two herbal leaves is good for your Brain, for Memory Loss and various other diseases. These two leaves are good for all ages/male and female, mainly for Children (students) and for the grown-up or aged old people for the old-age disorders.

You can also make a juice to drink of Vallarai Keerai: Take a handful of Vallariy Keerai, boil in a cup of water. Add little Cumin (Zeera), and little turmeric powder. Filter it and add with milk and Sugar to drink. (For Sugar/Diabetes patients add some Pana Karkandu or Pannai Vellam instead of Sugar) and give this drink especially to the children (students) every day. This drink is good for any Brain diseases called “Parkinson Diseases” in Allopathic. This drink is “Anti-Cancer”, a Nervous Tonic, and good for Liver. It will stop hair fall and Hairs will remain always Black. It is also good for any Skin Diseases and even good for Leprosy. 

To get Black hairs: Grind a handful of Vallarai Keerai + few Rice grains + a cup of Milk. Grind them and drink every morning one cup. You will never get white/grey hairs. It is good for female irregular periods. This drink is good for forgetfulness (good for Memory) memory loss and age-related disorders. This drink is especially good for students. The students can eat the “Vallarai Keerai Paste” mixed with cooked rice (as food) for good memory power to help in their studies.

Good for Students and Old Aged People: Buy an herbal or Mooligai called “ARSI TIPPILI” Mooligai from the Mooligai, Desi herbal shop. You have to wash it seven times wash and dry the Arasi Tippili for seven (7) times as explained below:

Put the “Arasi Tippili” in the water over night and dry it next day, again put them in the water overnight and dry it next day. Like this you have to put it in water overnight and dry the next day continuously for seven days and nights like you dry the pickles. Then eat it which is an alternative treatment for good memory for students and for the older people for age-disorders.
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Wednesday, January 3, 2018


BENEFITS OF MINT LEAVES - Called ‘Menta Avensis’ or ‘Menta Acuantica’
C:\Users\Mazhar Sayeed\Pictures\Mint leaves1.png      C:\Users\Mazhar Sayeed\Pictures\Mint leaves2.png         C:\Users\Mazhar Sayeed\Pictures\Mint leaves3.png

Mints are hardy, rapidly growing perennial plants native to Europe and Asia. Peppermint, one of the most widely grown and used forms, is a hybrid of spearmint. It is also a type of mint called water mint and has stronger properties than either of its parent plants. Ancient Greeks and Romans used mint leaves to relieve pain, and mint has been used in natural medicine to alleviate indigestion for nearly as long. Modern scientific studies have uncovered a variety of potential health benefits for mint.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Mint leaves are widely used as a digestive aid. Peppermint leaf oil relaxes the muscular lining of the digestive tract, relieving cramps and gas and alleviating indigestion, according to naturopath Michael T. Murray, author of "The Encyclopedia of Healing Foods." A double-blind study published in the May 2010 issue of the journal "Digestive Diseases and Sciences" found that enteric-coated peppermint oil significantly reduced abdominal pain and improved the quality of life for patients with irritable bowel syndrome. Participants took one capsule of the mint supplement three times per day for eight weeks.

Anti-Cancer: Mint may offer anticancer benefits by virtue of its peryllyl alcohol, one of its constituent compounds. A tissue culture study published in the August 2012 issue of the journal "Biochimie" found that peryllyl alcohol may inhibit Prostate Cancer cell growth and reproduction by destabilizing its DNA structure. The compound may also help prevents liver Cancer, according to a study published in the August 2012 issue of the journal "Current Cancer Drug Targets." Researchers theorize that this and similar compounds, including carotenoids and retinoids, may act by blocking the action of cancer-causing substances in the liver. 

Allergies: Mint contains high levels of rosmarinic acid, an antioxidant that quenches free radicals and reduces allergy symptoms by inhibiting COX-1 and COX-2 enzymes. A study published in the 2004 issue of the journal "Biofactors" found that 50 milligrams of rosmarinic acid per day for 21 days reduced levels of allergy-related white blood cells, called eosinophils, and inflammatory molecules and decreased allergy symptoms significantly. In a laboratory animal section of the study, topical application of rosmarinic acid reduced skin inflammation within five hours. Researchers concluded that rosmarinic acid may offer benefits for the treatment of seasonal allergies due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.

Tonic for in-digestion: Used as food and it acts as good medicine. It contains heaps of menthol. It is good for Cough Anti-expectorant and a digestive tonic. It is good fever and stomach upset. It is good as anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory. It is good for face pimples if used Pudina paste mixed with few drops of lemon juice, make a gentle application on face with the help of cotton. We can steam Mint leaves with turmeric powder. Good for cold cough, Nasal congestion, or Closed Nose, Sinusitis, and head-ache. Cover with a blanket while breathing the steam water.

Mint Juice: Ingredients: Mint juice, Zeera, salt, lemon juice, little water.
Procedure: Mix water with Mint leaves paste, add 5 drops of lemon, add one spoon (zeera) Cummins and add little salt. Add Dry Ginger powder and Pepper powder. Drink half glass juice around 11 am so that you can eat your lunch freely. It is good for morning sickness for pregnant ladies. 

Mint Tea: Boil two glass of water in a bowl. Add 20to 30 Mint leaves + add some lemon juice with Tea. You can add sugar/honey for sweet flavour add some Cardamoms (if you do not add lemon, you can add Cardamom). Filter and drink (without Milk) as black tea, will act as a good appetizer. It is good for indigestion. Cramps called stomach pain called Cramps during menses or due to Menthol contents (APC) will help for indigestion and for any menstrual pains. It will also cure skin diseases.

Mint-Liniment: Put some Cocoanut Oil + Mint leaves Paste in a pan and turn-on the stove, heat it for 5 minutes. Add some Camphor. Apply this Mint liniment for head-ache. It is good for head-ache for both elders and even for children. Since Mint contains lots of Menthol, which acts as a counter-irritant for head-ache. It is good for ‘Reflex Syndrome’ and ‘Acidity’. This is good for “Smokers cough”, a better remedy for Cancer (tongue, Mouth, Colon cancer). 

Mix Mint paste with salt powder and munch for a couple of seconds, then brush your tooth with the same mint and salt as tooth paste which is good for Tooth-Pyorrhea, bleeding Gums, and bad odor. It will help for age-related disorders and maintain the Blood-Circulation for aged people.

Guvava: guava's effects primarily on Prostate Cancer, Breast Cancer, and oral Cancers. ... Guava is also beneficial in treating gastroenteritis for the same… Read ‘benefits of Guvava’.
Tangerine Tomatoes for Prostate Cancer: (Yellow coloured tomatoes are called Tangerine tomatoes) Lycopene has been linked with Prostate Cancer ... what role Lycopene might play in the prevention or treatment of Cancer… Read ‘Tangerine Tomatoes for Prostate Cancer’.

Brazil Nuts (Dry Nuts): Every man after 45 + may get Prostate problem. The above treatments are a preventive measure. You can eat a couple of “Brazil Nuts” (Dry nuts) every day to prevent Prostate Cancer in the future.
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/Users/shabnam/Desktop/thumbnail_IMG_20171226_1900553_rewind.jpg       /Users/shabnam/Desktop/thumbnail_IMG_20171226_1901212_rewind.jpg       /Users/shabnam/Desktop/thumbnail_IMG_20171226_1906042_rewind.jpg
       CHARCOAL POWDER                               COCONUT OIL                          CLOVE OIL

INGREDIENTS: Charcoal Powder, Coconut Oil, and Clove Oil. You can buy them from “Whole
Food Market” Located in Sun Center, 3670 W Dublin Granville Road, Columbus Ohio 43235

First Step:
Take One Table-Spoonfull of Coconut Oil in a small bowl and heat or microwave for 30 seconds and then add one tea baby spoonfull of Charcoal Powder and mix it very well. Allow it to cool down to Luke Warm (not too hot, not too cold).

Second Step:
Put the oil in your mouth, (but do not swallow) close your mouth, keep moving the oil within your mouth so that it touches the tooth and gums especially the painful Gum/Tooth area.  Also move it all around the mouth to touch both the upper and lower jaws. Keep doing it like this for at least 5 minutes or as much as you can. You can then spit-out the substance and use luke warm water mixed with Table Salt powder to Goggle your mouth to wash and clean it. There is no harm even if you swallow, because Cahrcoal and Coconuct Oil are edibile substances.

Third Step:
Better to apply Clove Oil one drop before going to bed, only on the painful Gum/Tooth, so that you can go to sleep. Your pain will disappear with the miracle of the above natural ingredients. Don’t repeat this application unless you feel pain again. There Is no side effects or after effects in this treatment. You can always consult your Dentist later about your tooth problem.
Avoid taking any pain killers which will weaken your Heart if you take tablets continuously. As a result your palm and fingers will start shivering because your Heart already become weak due to using more and more tablets and capsules every often.

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