Saturday, October 17, 2015

BENEFITS OF VALLARAI KEERAI, otherwise called “Cinntellah Asiatica”, “Hydropotine”, “Brumby”, “Pennywort”, “Brahmi Leaves”.

BENEFITS OF VALLARAI KEERAI, otherwise called “Cinntellah Asiatica”, “Hydropotine”, “Brumby”, “Pennywort”, “Brahmi Leaves”.
Vallarai is Tamil name for the Mooligai Brahmi (Herbal Brahmi). From the ancient period Vallarai or Brahmi is used in the traditional Indian medicine that is Ayurvedice. Vallarai keerai benefits are more and it is identified in Tamil Maruthuvam/treatments to cure many types of health treatments like to regulate blood circulation, regulate the smooth functioning of liver, lungs and kidney. In many cases brahmi is also used in curing skin problems like Eczema, abscess and ulceration etc Vallarai Keerai benefits. Vallarai is considered as a natural Brain Tonic.
C:\Users\Mazhar Sayeed\Pictures\Curry Leave-Vallari Keerai 1.jpg      
Vallarai Keerai - 2 cups leaves alone-                                                          Small Onion-20 Red Chilies - 4                                                                                     
Graded Coconut-3 table spoons and Tamarind - little

The Brahmi plant contains a rich amount of Nitric Acid which is useful in leaving very positive effects on brain activity. Those who cannot focus on a particular thing, vallarai can prove helpful for their mental clarity and focus.
C:\Users\Mazhar Sayeed\Pictures\Image of Vallarai (Pennywort) Seedlings 3.jpg
Image of Vallarai (Pennywort) seedings

Vallarai for Memory: In Ayurvedice Brahmi is referred as “Memory Enhancer”.
Stops hair fall: Grind a handful of these green leaves (Vallarai Keerai) in a cup of milk and drink every day for 2 months, it will stop your hair fall.
Vallarai laikhiyam Benefits: It is advised for kids who are dull in their studies and have problem to memorize anything. Brahmi improves the capacity of learning and support the memory power very effectively. While treating the patients of Alzheimer’s, vallarai is used as a major treating agent. The treatment of Brahmi shows very positive results in the patients. Vallarai keerai helps to increase the ability of the brain to understand or remember anything and it also prevents the reduction of brain neurons. It is advised to take vallarai juice recipe daily. Anti-oxidant properties of Brahmi preserve the DNA cleavage in the body. The patients who are suffering from anxiety are treated with Brahmi as it is helpful in controlling the mind and reducing the anxiety. Vallarai is considered as a common tonic to fight against stress and tensions. The hyper activity disorders are also cured with the help of Brahmi plant. Those who are facing the problem of joint pain or inflammation can consume vallarai as a very good remedy on the problem. The patients of mental illness or epilepsy (Seizures or fits) are cured with the help of this magical plant. Vallarai hair oil reduces the hair fall and improves the hair growth. Sexual problems in men and women can completely cured with the help of Brahmi treatment. Women who are suffering from postnatal depression, vallarai keerai are the best solution to cure them. Insomnia and other types of depressions also can be cured with the use of Brahmi. Use Vallarai leaves in tea and it can prove beneficial in treating asthma and other respiratory problems. It is useful in common cold and coughs also. Stomach problems like indigestion, diarrhea or upset stomach can be cured with the treatment of Brahmi. Vallarai keerai powder for hair is very beneficial in hair, it also induce the nail growth.  


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