Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Natural remedy for Cold and Sneezing

Sneezing:  It is your body’s way of removing irritants from your nose or throat. A sneeze is a powerful expulsion of air that is involuntary, which means you cannot control it. Sneezing often happens suddenly and may also be called sternutation.

Honey       Lemon Juice         Grape Fruit  
Honey                                  Lemon Juice                                  Grape Fruit
Causes: Sneezing is caused by irritation to the mucus membranes of the nose or throat. It can be very bothersome, but is rarely a sign of a serious problem.
Symptoms: Allergic rhinitis - Common cold – Flu and Asthma
Diagnosis: Avoiding exposure to the allergen is the best way to control sneezing caused by allergies. In some cases, you may need to move out of a home with a mold spore problem. Sneezing that is not due to an allergy will disappear when the illness that is causing it is cured or treated.
Ingredients: Grape Fruit - Lemon juice and Honey
Natural Remedies: Grapefruit and lemon boiled in one cup of water for 15 minutes makes an excellent home remedy for sneezing. Use only the fruit, not the rind. Cool and mix with raw honey to relieve symptoms.
Lemon is beneficial in all types of cold with fever. Vitamin C-rich lemon juice increases body resistance, decreases toxicity and reduces the duration of the illness. One lemon should be diluted in a glass of warm water, and a teaspoon of honey should be added to it. This should be taken once or twice daily.
Herbal teas mixed with honey are considered as excellent natural home remedies for Sneezing. Chamomile, Echinacea and nettle tea, in particular are quit helpful in healing this problem. You can also prepare a tea by keeping two tablespoons of fennel seeds in a cup of boiling water for about 15-20 minutes and finally straining and drinking it two times in a day. Cut the grape fruit and lemon juice. Add honey to boil and mix it. If you drink with morning and evening, you will subside the sneezing.

Sneezing:  A sneeze is a sudden, forceful, involuntary burst of air through the nose and mouth.

Causes: Allergy to pollen, mold, dander, dust (hay fever) - Corticosteroid inhalation (from certain nose sprays) - Drug withdrawal - Nasal irritants such as dust and powders and Virus infections (common cold, upper respiratory tract infections, the flu)

Symptoms: Irritating the nose and Throat infection

Brassica oleracea         Long pepper          Honey
      Brassica oleracea                     Long pepper                                   Honey

Ingredients: Brassica oleracea and Long pepper.
Natural Remedies: Brassica vegetables appear to be especially protective against cancer and heart disease. Glucosinolates and other sulphur containing metabolites acting as anticancer agents due to their ability to induce detoxification enzymes in mammalian cells and to reduce the rate of tumour development.
Long pepper is used as a nerve depressant and also has antagonistic effects on electro-shock and chemo-shock seizures for muscular spasms. This fruit is extensively used to cure ailments of the respiratory tract such as bronchitis, asthma, and cough. It is also an important ingredient in balms that are used to soothe muscular problems.
Take some brasica oleracea leaves, make its juice. Then soak some long pepper into this juice. Then dry and powder it. Take half teaspoon of this powder, mix with honey and eat it.

Sneeze:  A sneeze is a sudden, forceful, involuntary burst of air through the nose and mouth.

Causes: Allergy to pollen, mold, dander, dust (hay fever) - Corticosteroid inhalation (from certain nose sprays) - Drug withdrawal - Nasal irritants such as dust and powders and Virus infections (common cold, upper respiratory tract infections, the flu)
Symptoms: Irritating the nose and Continuous Sneezing.

Justicia adhatoda leaves         Basil leaves          Honey
Justicia adhatoda leaves                 Basil leaves                                    Honey

Ingredients: Adathoda leaves - Solanum trilobatum - Basil leaf  (Ocimum tenuiflorum) and Honey.
Natural Remedies: Adathoda leaves: The leaves are sometimes used as an insecticide and this small evergreen shrub has been used in traditional Indian medicine for more than 2000 years. The leaves and roots contain alkaloids, vasicinone, vasicinolone and vasicol, which may have a bronchodilatory effect of the bronchii.
This herb is commonly known as alarka and its botanical name is (Thuthuvalai in tamil) Solanum trilobatum.  Solanum trilobatum contains a potassium nitrate, fatty acid, diosgenin, caffeic acid, solasodine, solasonine, solamargine, quercetin, apigenin, histamine, and acetylcholine.
(Ocimum tenuiflorum) Basil oil has potent antioxidant, anti-cancer, anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties. The herb has been used as an antidote for poison since ancient times.
Plant Chemicals: (+)- volatile oil (linalool, methyl chavicol), methyl cinnamate, cineole, citronellol, geraniol, myrcene, pinene, ocimene, terpineol, E-beta-caryophyllene.
Make dry powder of adathod leaves, solanum trilobatum and basil leaves. Take one spoon of this dry powder, mix with honey and eat it twice a day.

Sneeze: Sneezing can also be triggered through sudden exposure to bright light, a particularly full stomach or viral infection, and can lead to the spread of disease.
Causes: Sinus infection and Allergies.
Symptoms: Irritating the nose and Throat infection
Diagnosing Sneeze: Avoiding exposure to the offending allergen is the best way to control sneezing caused by allergies - Change furnace filters - Remove pets from the home to eliminate animal dander - Travel to areas with low pollen counts - Use air filtration devices to reduce pollen in the air and Wash linens in hot water (at least 130 degrees Fahrenheit) to temporarily kill dust mites.

Sesame Oil        Sesame Oil          Sesame Oil
          Sesame Oil                           Sesame Oil                                 Sesame Oil

Ingredients: Sesame Oil.
Natural Remedies: Sesame oil is a source of vitamin E. Vitamin E is an anti-oxidant and has been correlated with lowering cholesterol levels. Sesame oil has a high percentage of polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega-6 fatty acids).but it is unique in that it keeps at room temperature. If you drink the sesame oil, it will reduce your sneeze and cold.

Sneeze problem (Sternutation): A sneeze is a sudden, forceful, involuntary burst of air through the nose and mouth.

Causes: Sneezing is caused by irritation to the mucous membranes of the nose or throat. It can be very bothersome, but is generally not a sign of a serious problem.
Symptoms: Allergy to pollen, mold, dander, dust (hay fever) - Corticosteroid inhalation (from certain nose sprays) - Drug withdrawal - Nasal irritants such as dust and powders and Virus infections (common cold, upper respiratory tract infections, the flu)
Diagnosing Sneeze:
Avoiding exposure to the offending allergen is the best way to control sneezing caused by allergies - Change furnace filters - Remove pets from the home to eliminate animal dander - Travel to areas with low pollen counts - Use air filtration devices to reduce pollen in the air and wash linens in hot water (at least 130 degrees Fahrenheit) to temporarily kill dust mites.

Musumusukai          Musumusukai           Musumusukai
    Musumusukai                 Musumusukai                  Musumusukai

Ingredients: Musumusukai
Natural Remedies: Musumusukai is typically low in calories, low in fat, high in protein per calorie, high in dietary fiber, high in iron and calcium, and very high in phytochemicals such as vitamin C, carotenoids, lutein, folate as well as Vitamin K. If you take musumusukai leaves with your food, it will reduce your sneeze problem.  

Sneezing problem:  If we drink “solanum trilobatum,black pepper and milk” then the sneezing problem will be reduced.

Milk          Solanum triflorum         Black pepper
   Milk                                Solanum triflorum                     Black pepper

Symptoms: Cold and cough.
Ingredients:  Solanum triflorum - Black pepper and Milk.
Procedure to prepare: Solanum trilobatum,black pepper and milk have the capacity to cure the sneezing problem, so if you take a half cup of solanum trilobatum leaves,10g of black pepper and a cup of milk. First you should grind the leaves and black pepper. After that mix the both things in milk and drink

Hiccup: If you eat “turmeric” the hiccup problem will be reduced.

Turmeric         Turmeric          Turmeric
Turmeric                               Turmeric                                   Turmeric

Symptoms: Hiccup.
Ingredients: Turmeric.
Procedure to prepare: Turmeric has the capacity to cure the hiccup problem, so if you take a piece of turmeric and heat it, at least 5 minutes. After that you should allow it to cool and eat.

Hiccough # 6: If we eat the “euphorbia hira leaves with butter” then hiccough will be cured.

Euphorbia hira         Butter        

       Euphorbia hira                                     Butter                   

Symptoms: Hiccough.
Ingredients: Euphorbia hira leaves and Butter.
Procedure to prepare: Grind the euphorbia hira leaves and Mix it with butter.

To reduce hiccup: If you eat the “gooseberry and honey” the hiccup will be reduced.


Gooseberry           Honey      Gooseberry
          Gooseberry                              Honey                                    Gooseberry 

Symptoms: Hiccup.
Ingredients: Gooseberry and Honey.
Procedure to prepare: Grind the gooseberry and Mix it with honey.

Hiccup: If you drink the “Cinnamon, dry ginger, long pepper” the hiccup will be cured.

Cinnamon           Dry ginger           Long pepper

           Cinnamon                                Dry ginger                                     Long pepper 

Symptoms: Hiccup.
Ingredients: Cinnamon - Dry ginger and Long pepper.
Procedure to prepare: Boil the cinnamon, dry ginger, long pepper with water.

Sneeze: If you drink the “solanum trilobatum, black pepper, honey or milk” the sneeze will be cured.


Solanum trilobatum            Black pepper          Honey
   Solanum trilobatum                     Black pepper                                    Honey

Symptoms: Sneeze
Ingredients: Solanum trilobatum - Black pepper - Honey  and Milk.
Procedure to prepare: Take 1teaspoon of solanum trilobatum powder - Take 1teaspoon of black pepper and Mix it with honey or milk.

Sinus problem: If you eat the “cumin and long pepper with honey” the Sinus problem will be cured.


Cumin           Longpepper        Cumin
Cumin                                    Long pepper                                      Cumin 

Symptoms: Continuous sneezing.
Ingredients: Cumin - Long pepper and Honey.
Procedure to prepare: Powder of cumin and long pepper by grinding - Mix it with honey.

Sinus Problem:   If you eat the “dry ginger, black pepper and long pepper” the sinus problem will be cured.


Dry ginger          Black pepper         Long pepper
Dry ginger                         Black pepper                                 Long pepper 

Symptoms: Continuous sneezing.
Ingredients: Dry ginger - Black pepper  and Long pepper.
Procedure to prepare: Powder of dry ginger, black pepper and long pepper by grinding.

Sneezing:  If you drink sap of “sessbania grandiflora (Hummingbird tree) tree leaf” and sap of “sessbania grandiflora flower” with “honey” the sneezing will be cured.


Pure Honey        Hummingbird flower         Hummingbird leaves
Pure Honey               Hummingbird flower                Hummingbird leaves 

Symptoms: Continuous Sneezing - Sneeze without mucus.
Procedure to prepare: Take 3 teaspoon of Sessbania grandiflora leaves sap - Take 3 teaspoon of Sessbania grandiflora flower sap and add 3 teaspoon of honey.

Irritation on Throat:  If you gargle the decoction of “Portia root and bark of Portia” the problem of the throat will be cured.


Portia tree          Portia Flower          Bark of Portia

           Portia tree                          Portia Flower                                Bark of Portia 

Symptoms: Irritation on throat – Cough and Discomfort on throat.
Integrients: Portia root and Bark of portia.
Procedure to prepare: Take 2 teaspoon of powdered Portia root - Take 11/2 teaspoon of powdered bark of Portia - Boil Portia root with bark of Portia and filter it - Gargle with the decoction.

Productive Cough: Eat “cardamom with ghee “the productive cough will be cured

Cardamom         Cardamom          Ghee
Cardamom                     Cardamom                                           Ghee

Symptoms: Mucus - Sneezing - Continuous cough and Running Nose.
Integrients: Cardamom and Ghee.
Procedure to prepare: Grind the cardamom to make powder - Take 2 teaspoon of ghee and Mix cardamom powder with ghee and eat, the productive cough will be cured.

Irritation on Chest :

Drink the decoction of “anise seed, coriander, dried ginger and palmgur “ the irritation on chest will be cured.

Anise seed          Coriander           Palmgur
          Anise seed                              Coriander                                      Palmgur

Symptoms: Dry Cough - Irritaion on chest.

Integrients: Anise seed - Coriander - Dried ginger and Palmgur

Procedure to prepare: Take 2 teaspoon of coriander - Take 1 teaspoon of powdered driedginger.
Take 2 teaspoon anise seed - Take 1 teaspoon of palmgur - Boil the coriander,dried ginger,anise seed and palmgur - Filter the decoction - Drink two times per day especially morning and evening.

Running Nose – Gooseberry Powder:

Eat “Gooseberry powder” and “Terminalia chebula / Ink nut powder” with honey the “running nose” will be cured.

Indian GooseBerry          Ink Nut           Pure Honey
    Indian Goose Berry                       Ink Nut                               Pure Honey

Symptoms: Continuous Sneezing - Running Nose and Sneeze / cough with mucus.

Ingredients: Gooseberry powderInk nut powder and Honey.

Procedure to prepare: Take 1 teaspoon of Gooseberry powder. Take 1 teaspoon of ink nut powder and add 3 teaspoon of honey and eat, the running nose and sneeze will be cured.


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