Eye pain is also known as ophthalmalgia. Eye pain can fall into one of two categories: ocular pain and orbital pain. Eye pain that occurs on the surface may be a scratching, burning, or itching sensation.
Beal Leaf Beal Leaf Beal Leaf
Causes: Causes of eye pain fall into two broad categories: ocular pain and orbital pain. Ocular pain is eye pain coming from the outer structures of the surface of the eye. Orbital pain is described as a deep, dull ache behind or in the eye.
Symptoms: Decreased vision – Headache - Light sensitivity - Red eye or pinkeye and Tearing
Diagnosis: Eye care specialists use a variety of tools to diagnose eye pain, A slit-lamp exam uses bright light to look into all the structures of the eye. Dilating drops expand the pupil to allow the doctor to see deep into the eye. A pressure-gauging instrument can detect high pressures caused by glaucoma.
Natural Remedies: Beal leaf is also anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving. Fry the beal leaf with little hot. If you apply on the eye, you will subside the eye pain.
Eye irritation is a common complaint. If your eyes are red and irritated, one of the following conditions may be to blame. It is best to seek the opinion of an eye care professional.
Jambul Fruit Jambul Fruit Jambul Fruit
Causes: There are many possible causes of eye irritation. An allergy from environmental exposure or a chemical reaction to contact lens solution can result in red, watery irritated eyes. Some of the more common eye conditions include: Blepharitis, Keratitis, Iritis, Sties, Chalazia Symptoms: Hay fever – Pinkeye - Allergic reaction - Indoor allergens and Dry eyes
Diagnosis: Diagnosis is usually a complex process due to the sheer number of possible causes and related symptoms. In order to diagnose irritated eyes, we could: Research the topic, Find a doctor with the time, Use a diagnostic computer system. The Analyst™ is our online diagnosis tool that learns all about you through a straightforward process of multi-level questioning, providing diagnosis at the end.
Natural Remedies: The Jambul fruit has a wide variety of medicinal uses. The fruit as such, the leaves, seeds and fruit juice or dried bark are all useful to treat these health issues. Eat Jambul fruit, it will cure eye irritation.
For Common Eye Disease – Natural Remedy – Treatment # 3
Most of us will experience temporary eye problems from time to time, including itching, blurriness or fatigue. Most of these eye problems are short-lived and will probably go away on their own with no complications.
Causes: Eye Allergies - High body heat - Watching TV/video games - Sleeplessness, long driving
Symptoms: Eye redness - Itchy eyes - Tired eyes and Eye irritation
Diagnosis: Take vitamin A contained foods. Add green leaves with your food on a regular basis. Avoid long time watching TV/video games. Several disorders can cause eye pain. Pain may be felt in or around your eye, and it can be mild or severe. If you have eye pain that is severe or causes decreased vision, seek medical attention immediately.
Wood sorrel leaves Wood sorrel leaves Wood sorrel leaves
Natural Remedies: Constituents: Water, fat, protein, carbohydrate, calcium, phosphorus, iron, niacin, vitamin C and beta carotene. Wood sorrel possesses various medicinal actions like anthelmintic, astringent, ant scorbutic, diuretic, stomachic, febrifuge and styptic. The whole plant is edible and used in salads to be eaten raw.
Take some wood sorrel leaves, soak it and wash your eyes with this water it will cure many eye problems.
Common eye diseases: Most of us will experience temporary eye problems from time to time, including itching, blurriness or fatigue. Most of these eye problems are short-lived and will probably go away on their own with no complications.
Causes: Eye Allergies - High body heat - Watching TV/video games and Sleeplessness, long driving
Symptoms: Eye redness - Itchy eyes - Tired eyes - Eye irritation
Diagnosis: Take vitamin A contained foods. Add green leaves with your food on a regular basis. Avoid long time watching TV/video games and several disorders can cause eye pain. Pain may be felt in or around your eye, and it can be mild or severe. If you have eye pain that is severe or causes decreased vision, seek medical attention immediately.
Sweet leaf Sweet leaf Sweet leaf
Natural Remedies: Constituents: Papaverine, protein 49%, fibre 14-18%, Vitamins: A, B, C, Minerals: potassium content is 2.77% (comparison with dried banana 1.48%); calcium 2.77% (dried skim milk is 1.3%); phosphorus .61% (dried soybeans are .55%); magnesium .55%; iron 199pmm
It is a very good source of potassium, a mineral that has many health benefits. So take sweet leaf with your food often. It will protect your eyes from various eye diseases.
Common eye diseases: Most of us will experience temporary eye problems from time to time, including itching, blurriness or fatigue. Most of these eye problems are short-lived and will probably go away on their own with no complications.
Causes: Eye Allergies - High body heat - Watching TV/video games and Sleeplessness, long driving
Symptoms: Eye irritation - Eye redness - Itchy eyes and tired eyes
Diagnosis: Take vitamin A contained foods. Add green leaves with your food on a regular basis. Avoid long time watching TV/video games and several disorders can cause eye pain. Pain may be felt in or around your eye, and it can be mild or severe. If you have eye pain that is severe or causes decreased vision, seek medical attention immediately.
Chicken weed leaves Chicken weed leaves Chicken weed leaves
Natural Remedies: Medicinally Portulaca quadrifida is used less widely but has similar medicinal applications as Portulaca oleracea L.
Properties: The nutritional composition of Portulaca quadrifida is probably comparable to Portulaca oleracea. Portulaca quadrifida may contain oxalates in toxic quantities, which may cause death in livestock.
Chicken weed leaves have a capacity to reduce your eye irritation, so if you take some chicken weed leaves, clean and grind it, apply on your head. Take bath/shower after some time.
Eye Heat: Eye problems affect almost everyone at some point in their lives. For many, eye disorders have almost become a part of their everyday lives! There are many common eye problem symptoms that affect a lot of people in their daily lives.
Causes: Take high power medicine - Long time watching TV or Video games - Take Drug/Alcohol and Sleeplessness.
Symptoms: Irritation on eye. Eyes red or painful and Big heat boil under eyelids.
Diagnosis: Avoid long time watching TV / video games. Clean your eyes with pure water and Take good sleeping and enough rest for your eyes.
Chinese Spinach leaves Small onion Garlic
Natural Remedies: Amaranth is a popular green leafy vegetable grown all over India. It is usually a short lived annual herb, with erect and often thick and fleshy stems and green leaves. There are about six different species of amaranth in cultivation. Regular use of amaranth in our food items prevents the deficiency of vitamins A, B1, B2, and C, calcium, iron and potassium.
A Chinese Spinach leaf is a good source for eye. So take with your food often. Take some Chinese Spinach leaf, onion, garlic, turmeric powder. Make its soup and drink it regularly.
Visual impairment is vision loss (of a person) to such a degree as to qualify as an additional support need through a significant limitation of visual capability resulting from either disease, trauma, or congenital or degenerative conditions that cannot be corrected by conventional means, such as refractive correction, medication, or surgery
Causes: Myopia (Nearsightedness) - Hyperopia (Farsightedness) and Astigmatism.
Symptoms: Loss of attention and concentration – Daydreaming - Poor handwriting – Clumsiness – Headaches - Upset stomach - Loses place when reading - Blurring during and/or after reading - Lack of retention with reading and learning - Problem-solving difficulties - Difficulties respecting other children’s personal territory
Diagnosing vision impairment: Vision impairment diagnostic workup may be avoided by referring the patient to an ophthalmologist or a neurologist at the outset. If the diplopia is intermittent, a tensilon test would be indicated. If there are fever and chills, one should do a CBC, sedimentation rate, possibly blood cultures, skull x-ray, and x-rays of the sinuses.
Black nightshade leaf Black nightshade leaf Black nightshade leaf
Natural Remedies: (Solanum Nigrum) Black nightshade consist of moisture 82.1%, protein 5.9%, fat 1.0%, minerals 2.1% and carbohydrates 8.9% per 100 grams. The minerals and vitamins presents in it include calcium, iron, phosphorus, riboflavin, niacin and vitamin C.
Solanum Nigrum leaves have a capacity to improve your eye vision, so if you take some Solanum Nigrum leaves, cook it and then take with your food often.
Common eye diseases: Most of us will experience temporary eye problems from time to time, including itching, blurriness or fatigue. Most of these eye problems are short-lived and will probably go away on their own with no complications.
Causes: Eye Allergies - High body heat - Watching TV/video games - Sleeplessness, long driving. Symptoms: Eye redness - Itchy eyes - Tired eyes - Eye irritation
Diagnosis: Take Vitamin A contained foods. Add green leaves with your food on a regular basis. Avoid long time watching TV/video games. Several disorders can cause eye pain. Pain may be felt in or around your eye, and it can be mild or severe. If you have eye pain that is severe or causes decreased vision, seek medical attention immediately.
Beetroot leaves Beetroot leaves Beetroot leaves
Natural Remedies: Beetroot is a good tonic food for health. It contains carbohydrates, mainly in the form of sugar, and it has a little protein and fat. The beet juice is considered as one of the best vegetable juice. It is a rich source of natural sugar. It contains sodium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, sulphur, chlorine, iodine, iron, copper, and vitamin B1, B2, C and P. This juice is rich in easily digestible carbohydrates, but the calorie content is low. The protein factors and amino acids are good in both quality and quantity. Take beetroot leaves with your half cook food often or and eat as raw salad.
Common eye diseases: Most of us will experience temporary eye problems from time to time, including itching, blurriness or fatigue. Most of these eye problems are short-lived and will
Probably go away on their own with no complications.
Causes: Eye Allergies - High body heat - Watching TV/video games – Sleeplessness and long driving
Symptoms: Eye redness - Itchy eyes - Tired eyes and Eye irritation
Diagnosis: Take vitamin A contained foods. Add green leaves with your food on a regular basis. Avoid long time watching TV/video games. Several disorders can cause eye pain. Pain may be felt in or around your eye, and it can be mild or severe. If you have eye pain that is severe or causes decreased vision, seek medical attention immediately.
Champak flower Champak flower Champak flower
Ingredients: Champak flower. Natural Remedies: If you take some champak flower, clean and soaked for 3 hours. After that, wash your eyes with this soaking water, will be reducing your eye redness.
For Eye redness – Natural Treatment # 10
Common eye diseases: Most of us will experience temporary eye problems from time to time, including itching, blurriness or fatigue. Most of these eye problems are short-lived and will probably go away on their own with no complications.
Causes: Eye Allergies - High body heat - Watching TV/video games – Sleeplessness and long driving. Symptoms: Eye redness - Itchy eyes - Tired eyes - Eye irritation
Diagnosis: Take vitamin A contained foods. Add green leaves with your food on a regular basis. Avoid long time watching TV/video games. Several disorders can cause eye pain. Pain may be felt in or around your eye, and it can be mild or severe. If you have eye pain that is severe or causes decreased vision, seek medical attention immediately.
Champak flower Liquorice root Cardamom
Natural Remedies: Liquorice herb (Glycyrrhiza Glabra) has been used extensively in Chinese herbal medicine for thousands of years, in approximately half of their formulas. The reason given is that it tends to improve the action of all the other herbs and ‘harmonise’ the action of the herbal formula. If you take some champak flower, liquorice, cardamom and saffron, grind it and apply on your upper and lower eye-lids. After 1 hour, washout with cold water will be reducing your eye redness.
For Eye diseases – Natural Treatment # 11
Common eye diseases: Most of us will experience temporary eye problems from time to time, including itching, blurriness or fatigue. Most of these eye problems are short-lived and will probably go away on their own with no complications.
Causes: Eye Allergies - High body heat - Watching TV/video games - Sleeplessness, and long driving
Symptoms: Eye twitching - Itchy eyes - Tired eyes and Eye irritation
Diagnosis: Take vitamin A contain foods - Add green leaves with your food on a regular basis -Avoid long time watching TV/video games - Several disorders can cause eye pain. Pain may be felt in or around your eye, and it can be mild or severe. If you have eye pain that is severe or causes decreased vision, seek medical attention immediately.
Centella Asiatica leaves Milk Centella Asiatica leaves
Natural Remedies: Centella Asiatica is rich in triterpenoids, a group of saponins — or natural soap-like substances — responsible for many of the herb’s therapeutic effects. Centella asiatica also contains beneficial flavonoids, flavones, sterols, amino acids and lipids.
Milk forms an important component of our daily balanced diet. It serves as an excellent source of calcium that makes our bones and teeth strong.
Centella asiatica leaves have the capacity to reduce the eye diseases, so if you take some centella asiaatica leaves, clean and grind it. Then mix with milk and drink it often.
Common eye diseases: Most of us will experience temporary eye problems from time to time, including itching, blurriness or fatigue. Most of these eye problems are short-lived and will probably go away on their own with no complications.
Causes: Eye Allergies - High body heat - Watching TV/video games - Sleeplessness and Long driving.
Symptoms: Eye twitching - Itchy eyes - Tired eyes - Eye irritation.
Diagnosis: Take vitamin A contained foods. Add green leaves with your food on a regular basis. Avoid long time watching TV/video games. Several disorders can cause eye pain. Pain may be felt in or around your eye, and it can be mild or severe. If you have eye pain that is severe or causes decreased vision, seek medical attention immediately.
Cynodon grass Pepper Sesame oil
Natural Remedies: Herbicides that can be used to control Cynodon dactylon include the aryloxyphenoxy-propionates (fenoxaprop-P-ethyl, haloxyfop, propa-quizafop, quizalofop-P-ethyl), dinitroanilines (endimethalin, prodiamine, trifluralin), glyphosate, 2,4-D, 2,2-DPA, clomazone, and sulfonylureas (imazapyr, sulfometuron, and thiazopyr). Sulfometuron and metribuzin are more effective than thiazopyr and imazapyr, and glyphosate gives variable results.
Cumin is a seed that has been used since antiquity. Its health benefits and medicinal uses were well known even then. Recent studies have revealed that cumin seeds might also have anti-carcinogenic properties. In laboratory tests, this powerful little seed was shown to reduce the risk of stomach and liver tumors in animals.
Take 100grms of cynodon leaves, 75grms of pepper, and 50grms of cumin. Crush it. Mix with 1 lit sesame oil. Dry it in sunlight continuously 15 days. Then apply on your head and take bath often.
Eye Heat: Eye problems affect almost everyone at some point in their lives. For many, eye disorders have almost become a part of their everyday lives! There are many common eye problem symptoms that affect a lot of people in their daily lives.
Causes: Take high power medicine - Long time watching TV / video games - Take Drug/Alcohol - Sleeplessness.
Symptoms: Irritation on eye - Eyes red or painful and Big heat boil under eyelids.
Diagnosis: Avoid long time watching TV / video games - Clean your eyes with pure water - Take good sleeping and enough rest for your eyes.
Bael tree Bael fruit Bael tree
Natural Remedies: The bael fruit consists of moisture 61.5%, protein 1.8%, fat 0.3%, minerals 1.7%, fiber 2.9% and carbohydrates 31.8% per 100 grams of edible portion. Its mineral and vitamin contents include calcium, phosphorus, iron, carotene, riboflavin, thiamin, niacin and vitamin C.
Take some bael fruit, burn on wood stove. Then broke and take inside part of the fruit. Add apply on your head. After some time take bath.
For the eye heat – Natural treatment # 14: Eye problems affect almost everyone at some point in their lives. For many, eye disorders have almost become a part of their everyday lives! There are many common eye problem symptoms that affect a lot of people in their daily lives.
Causes: Take high power medicine - Long time watching TV and video games - Take Drug/Alcohol and Sleeplessness.
Symptoms: Irritation on eye - Eyes red or painful - Big heat boil under eyelids.
Diagnosis: Avoid long time watching TV / video games - Clean your eyes with pure water - Take good sleeping and enough rest for your eyes.
Cumin leaf Ginger Onion
Natural Remedies: Cumin leaf is consists of protein 17.7%, fat 23.8%, carbohydrates 35.5%.Their minerals and vitamins contents are calcium, iron, phosphorous, potassium, sodium, niacin, vitamin A and C. Ginger is consists of high in potassium, manganese which builds resistance to disease, protects lining of heart, blood vessels and urinary passages, silicon which promotes healthy skin, hair, teeth and nails, helps assimilate calcium and also contains Vitamin A, C, E, B-complex, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, iron, zinc, calcium, beta-carotene.
Take some cumin leaf, clean it and make its chutney with ginger, onion, tamarind and salt. Then eat with your food often.
For the eye heat Natural Treatment # 15: Eye problems affect almost everyone at some point in their lives. For many, eye disorders have almost become a part of their everyday lives! There are many common eye problem symptoms that affect a lot of people in their daily lives.
Causes: Take high power medicine - Long time watching TV / video games - Take Drug/Alcohol and Sleeplessness.
Symptoms: Irritation on eye - Eyes red or painful and big heat bolls under eyelids.
Diagnosis: Avoid long time watching TV / video games - Clean your eyes with pure water and Take good sleeping and enough rest for your eyes.
Drumstick flower Milk Drumstick flower
Natural Remedies: Take some drumstick tree flower, clean it and boil with milk. Filter it and drink it regularly.
Eye Heat: Eye problems affect almost everyone at some point in their lives. For many, eye disorders have almost become a part of their everyday lives! There are many common eye problem symptoms that affect a lot of people in their daily lives. Causes: Take high power medicine - Long time watching TV / video games - Take Drug/Alcohol and Sleeplessness.
Symptoms: Irritation on eye - Eyes red or painful and Big heat boil under eyelids.
Diagnosing: Avoid long time watching TV / video games - Clean your eyes with pure water and Take good sleeping and enough rest for your eyes.
Crape jasmine Crape jasmine Crape jasmine
Ingredients: Crape jasmine.
Natural Remedies: Take some crape jasmine, clean it and stick and remove on your eyes.
For Eye irritation – Natural treatment # 17: Eye irritation is a common complaint. If your eyes are red and irritated, you may be wondering whether you should see your eye doctor. The truth is, eye irritation can occur for several reasons. As always, it is best to seek the opinion of an eye care professional.
Causes: Watching TV/video games - High body heat – Sleeplessness - Long driving at night and Eye Allergies.
Symptoms: Redness - Eye pain and Eye irritation.
Diagnosis: Take vitamin A contain foods - Add green leaves with your food on a regular basis - Avoid long time watching TV/video games - Several disorders can cause eye pain. Pain may be felt in or around your eye, and it can be mild or severe. If you have eye pain that is severe or causes decreased vision, seek medical attention immediately.
Ivy gourd Ivy gourd Ivy gourd
Natural Remedies: Coccinia grandis Linn. (Cucurbitaceae) is a perennial branched handsome tendril climber, distributed throughout India. It has been used in folk medicine for the treatment of jaundice. grandis leaves possesses significant hepatoprotective activity. Its root contains resins, certain alkaloids, starch, glucose, gum, fatty acids, carbonic acid and ash that constitute about 16%. Besides these contains minerals like calcium, iron and phosphorus.
Ivy gourd have the capacity to cure the eye diseases, so if you take some Ivy gourd leaves, clean it and boil with water, filter and drink it.
Eye Vision: can come from conditions affecting a variety of organs. This is a undamaged eyes may still register light non-visually for the purpose. And the color vision deficiency is the decreased ability to perceive differences between some of the colours that others can distinguish. It is most often of genetic nature, but may also occur because of some eye, nerve, or brain damage, or exposure to certain chemicals.
Causes: Colour Blind – Achromatopsia.
Symptoms: Colour Blind and Dull View.
Diagnosing Eye Vision It is an Eye infection suffering. The color vision deficiency is the decreased ability to perceive differences between some of the colours that others can distinguish. It is most often of genetic nature, but may also occur because of some eye, nerve, or brain damage, or exposure to certain chemicals.
Cilantro Lentil Cilantro
Ingredients: Cilantro and Lentil. Natural Remedies: The coriander leaves and seed to contain antioxidants, but the leaves were found to have a stronger effect. Then the coriander leaves were found to have antibacterial activity against Salmonella choleraesuis and this activity was found to be caused in part by these chemicals acting as nonionic surfactants. Lentils also contain dietary fiber, folate, vitamin B1, and minerals. Red lentils contain a lower concentration of fiber than green lentils.
Cilantro and lentils are can be prepared the food and eating. Within 40 days you can see clear the eye vision damage and colour blindness problem will be cured.
Conjunctivitis is a Inflammation of the conjunctiva, the membrane on the inner part of the eyelids and the membrane covering the white of the eye. The conjunctiva membranes react to a wide range of bacteria, viruses, allergy-provoking agents, irritants and toxic agents. Viral and bacterial forms of conjunctivitis are common in childhood. Conjunctivitis is also called pinkeye and red eye. Causes: Infections caused by viruses or bacteria - Dry eyes from lack of tears or exposure to wind and sun - Chemicals, fumes, or smoke (chemical conjunctivitis) - Allergies.
Symptoms: Eye redness (hyperemia) - Swollen, red eyelids - More tearing than usual - Feeling as if something is in the eye (foreign-body sensation or keratoconjunctivitis) - An itching or burning feeling - Mild sensitivity to light (photophobia) and Drainage from the eye.
Diagnosis conjunctivitis: Conjunctivitis medications consist of turmeric powder to help ease irritation and antibiotics to prevent eye infections, but stop short of being a conjunctivitis cure. With good personal hygiene, viral conjunctivitis heals on its own within a week to ten days.
Natural remedies: Sesame seeds are also very good source of dietary proteins with fine quality amino acids that are essential for growth, especially in children. Just 100 g of seeds provide about 18 g of protein (32% of daily recommended values).
Sesame flowers have the capacity to cure the vomiting problem , so if you take 6 flower of sesame and eat it.
Visual impairment is vision loss (of a person) to such a degree as to qualify as an additional support need through a significant limitation of visual capability resulting from either disease, trauma, or congenital or degenerative conditions that cannot be corrected by conventional means, such as refractive correction, medication, or surgery
Causes: Myopia (Nearsightedness) - Hyperopia (Farsightedness) and Astigmatism
Symptoms: loss of attention and concentration – Daydreaming - Poor handwriting - Clumsiness - Headaches - Upset stomach - Loses place when reading - Blurring during and/or after reading - Lack of retention with reading and learning - Problem-solving difficulties - Difficulties respecting other children’s personal territory
Diagnosing vision impairment: Vision impairment diagnostic workup may be avoided by referring the patient to an ophthalmologist or a neurologist at the outset. If the diplopia is intermittent, a tensilon test would be indicated. If there are fever and chills, one should do a CBC, sedimentation rate, possibly blood cultures, skull x-ray, and x-rays of the sinuses.
Castor oil Castor oil Castor oil
Natural remedies: Castor oil is very high in ricinoleic acid. Ricinoleic acid is an Omega 9 essential fatty acid and is very good at drawing and keeping moisture in the area it’s applied. This causes castor oil to be a great moisturizer. Ricinoleic acid also has the interesting function of being antifungal and antimicrobial.
Castor oil has the capacity to clear the eye vision , so if you take a teaspoon of castor oil and apply it on your eyelashes ,while you are going to bed.
Conjunctivitis is a Inflammation of the conjunctiva, the membrane on the inner part of the eyelids and the membrane covering the white of the eye. The conjunctival membranes react to a wide range of bacteria, viruses, allergy-provoking agents, irritants and toxic agents. Viral and bacterial forms of conjunctivitis are common in childhood. Conjunctivitis is also called pinkeye and red eye.
Causes: Infections caused by viruses or bacteria - Dry eyes from lack of tears or exposure to wind and sun - Chemicals, fumes, or smoke (chemical conjunctivitis) and Allergies.
Symptoms: Eye redness (hyperemia) - Swollen, red eyelids - More tearing than usual – Feeling as if something is in the eye (foreign-body sensation or keratoconjunctivitis) - An itching or burning feeling - Mild sensitivity to light (photophobia) and Drainage from the eye.
Diagnosis conjunctivitis: Conjunctivitis medications consist of turmeric powder to help ease irritation and antibiotics to prevent eye infections, but stop short of being a conjunctivitis cure. With good personal hygiene, viral conjunctivitis heals on its own within a week to ten days.
Turmeric Turmeric Turmeric
Natural remedies: Turmeric is an excellent source of iron and manganese and it is also rich in vitamin B6, dietary fibre and potassium. The turmeric oil is a significant anti-inflammatory but something even more potent than this oil is a compound called Curcumi Turmeric, with its antibacterial action, prevents bacterial infections on wounds.
Turmeric water has the capacity to reduce the eye pain, so if you take 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder and mix it with 1 glass of water, then you clean your eyes by this water.
For the eye heat – Natural treatment # 22: Eye problems affect almost everyone at some point in their lives. For many, eye disorders have almost become a part of their everyday lives! There are many common eye problem symptoms that affect a lot of people in their daily lives.
Causes: Take high power medicine - Long time watching TV / video games - Take Drug/Alcohol and Sleeplessness.
Symptoms: Do you have irritation on eye? Are your eyes red or painful? Do you have a big heat boil under your eyelids?
Diagnosing: Avoid long time watching TV / video games - Clean your eyes with pure water - Take good sleeping and enough rest for your eyes.
Curry leaves Curry leaves Curry fruits
Natural remedies: Curry Leaves (Botanical name – Murraya Koenigi) - The leaves of this shrub are aromatic and slightly bitter - They are of great food value to diabetics and are valuable herbal remedies - To prevent diabetes of a hereditary origin eat at-least 10 fresh fully-grown curry leaves every morning for three months. – It also helps in weight reduction and is beneficial in the treatment of diabetes due to obesity. The diabetic patient stops passing sugar in the urine as weight reduces.
The fruit of the curry plant is also edible and can be used for the effective relief and treatment of stings and bites of some poisonous creatures.
Curry fruits have the capacity to reduce the eye heat, so you take a required amount of curry fruits and eat it, your eye heat will be cured.
Lentil Coconut Lentil
Symptoms: Pain on eye and Irritation on eye.
Procedure to prepare: Lentil and coconut have the capacity to cure the eye problem, so if you take 100g of lentil and ¼ cup of coconut millings, first you boil the lentil in 2 glass of water, after that you eat the boiled lentil with coconut millings you eye pain will be cured.
For Stye on an eyelid – Natural treatment # 24: Apply “Alternanthera Amoena, Maranthus tricolor, tamarind leaves and long pepper” the eye stye problem will be reduced.
Alternanthera Amoena Amaranthus tricolor Tamarind
Symptoms: Pain on eyelash and Irritation on eye.
Symptoms: Pain on eyelash and Irritation on eye.
Procedure to prepare: Alternanthera Amoena, Maranthus tricolor, tamarind leaves and long pepper honey have the capacity to cure the eye stye problem, so if you take ½ teaspoon of long pepper and an equal proportion of Alternanthera Amoena, Maranthus tricolor, tamarind leaves, grind all the things properly and apply it on painful eyelid place.
For the eye heat – Natural treatment # 25: Drink “Indian gooseberry juice” the body heat will be reduced.
Indian gooseberry Indian gooseberry juice Indian gooseberry
Symptoms: Heat on eyes. Ingredients: Indian gooseberry.
Symptoms: Heat on eyes. Ingredients: Indian gooseberry.
Procedure to prepare: Indian gooseberry has the capacity to reduce the eye heat, so if you take a cup of Indian gooseberry juice and drink it at every morning time.
Aegle Marmelos Aegle Marmelos Aegle Marmelos
Procedure to prepare: Fry the Aegle Marmelos leaves and Tie that leaves in eyes.
For Eye irritation – Natural treatment # 27: Eat the “Setreospermum Suovelons root with honey” the eye irritation will be cured.
Setreospermum Suovelons Honey Setreospermum Suovelons
Symptoms: Pain on eye and Irritation on eye.
Procedure to prepare: Dry the Setreospermum Suovelons root - Powder of dried Setreospermum Suovelons root by grinding and Mix it with honey.
For Eye irritation – Natural treatment # 28: Drink “flower of drum stick and lentil” the eye irritation will be reduced.
Drum stick flower Lentil Drum stick flower
Symptoms: Eye irritation and Eye pain.
Procedure to prepare: cooked the drum stick flowers and lentil.
For Eye irritation – Natural treatment # 29: Apply the “Alternanthera Amoena, black pepper with gingelly oil and milk” the eye irritation will be cured.
Alternanthera Amoena Gingelly oil Milk
Symptoms: Pain on eye.
Procedure to prepare: Boil the Alternanthera Amoena, black pepper with gingelly oil and milk - and Apply on head.
Natural Treatment for Eye pain – Natural treatment # 30: Take bath with “Sesbania Grandiflora and milk” the eye pain will be reduced.
Sesbania Grandiflora leaf Milk Sesbania Grandiflora leaf
Symptoms: Eye pain and Eye irritation.
Procedure: Grind the Sesbania Grandiflora leaf and added with milk, boiled and filter it and then take bath, the eye pain will be cured.
For Eye pain – natural treatment # 31: Eat the “Boerhavia Diffusa leaves, Alternanthera Amoena leaves, phyllanthus niruri” the eye pain will be cured.
Phyllanthus niruri Alternanthera Amoena Boerhavia Diffusa
Symptoms: Pain on eye.
Procedure to prepare: Eat the powder of Boerhavia Diffusa leaves, Alternanthera Amoena leaves, phyllanthus niruri after grinding the eye pain will be cured.
For Eye irritation – Natural treatment # 32: Drink the “Tribulus Terrestris leaves, Cynodon Grass” the eye irritation will be reduced.
Tribulus terrestris leaves Cynodon grass Tribulus terrestris leaves
Procedure to prepare: Boil the tribulus terrestris leaves, Cynodon grass.
Tie the “piece of aloe” the eye problem will be cured.
Aloe Aloe Aloe
Symptoms: Pain on eye.
Procedure to prepare: Tie the piece of aloe on your eyes the pain will be cured.
Eat the “Pineapple” the eye problem will be cured.
Pineapple Pineapple Pineapple
Symptoms: Swelling on eye - Irritation on eye and Pain on eye.
Procedure to prepare: Eat often pineapple the eye problem will be cured.
Natural Treatment for Eye problem – Natural treatment # 35
Drink the “Green leaves of Sesbania” soup the eye problem will be cured.
Green leaves of Sesbania Green leaves of Sesbania Green leaves of Sesbania
Symptoms: Pain on eye and Eye blind less
Procedure to prepare: Drink the soup of green leaves of Sesbania often eye problem will be solved.
Tie the eye with “Senna Auriculata” the eye problem will be cured.
Senna auriculata Senna auriculata Senna auriculata
Symptoms: Pain on eye and Swelling on eye.
Procedure to prepare: Apply the Senna auriculata and the tie the eye.
problem will be cured.
Gooseberry Gooseberry Gooseberry
Procedure to prepare: Apply the juice of gooseberry in your eye the eye problem will be cured.
For Visibility Problem – Natural treatment # 38: Eat “bottle gourd” with our food the vision problem will be cured.
Bottle Gourd Plant Bottle Gourd Bottle gourd
Symptoms: Less vision.
Procedure to prepare: Eat often bottle gourd.
If we eat “lemon” with our food then vision problem will be cured.
Lemon Lemon Lemon
Symptoms: Glaucoma and Less vision.
Procedure to prepare: Eat often lemon with our food.
If we eat “ sesbania grandiflora spinach” with our food then there will be better eyesight.
Sesbania grandiflora Sesbania grandiflora Sesbania grandiflora
Symptoms: Less eyesight and Color blindness.
Procedure to prepare: Eat often sesbania grandiflora spinach with our food.
Suffering from herpes virus is a terrible experience because i was told it has no cure,the good news am happily sharing now is the great power behind herbal medication i got diagnosed of herpes virus in the year 2016 and in 2018 i started having outbreaks and it became more terrible for me to bare,One blissful morning i came across a blog comment posted by a man call Thompson on how he was cured of herpes simplex virus type 2 with the herbal medication of Dr CHUKWU MADU Herbal Home) who is a specialist in curing all kinds of std virus and chronic disease with herbs,i immediately copied out his contact mail that was dr.chukwumaduherbalhome@gmail.com Or Via WhatsApp +2347030936239 and i explain all my problems to him, he was very honest with me and also kept his promise to get me cured with his herbs if i follow the prescriptions he gives along with the medication which i did exactly as he prescribed, to God be the glory My herpes simplex virus i have been suffering from got cured in just 2 weeks after completing the dose of his herbal cure. once again thank you so much sir for restoring my health back and most especially my skin. Please for any who has health problem of any kind should mail him on the email provided above. Give him a chance and see what he can do. JANE lisaru from MALAYSIA.