Monday, December 28, 2015

Natural facial beautification

USE TOMATOES:  Make Tomato SUN-SCREEN Lotion for Sun-Burn: Treatment # 1
Please note the Sun-burn rashes will give rise to Skin-Cancer at a later stage, if you ignore un-attended immediately. Soon after you enter your house from a Sunny-day with sun-burns on your face, you can have a formal face wash with cold water and dry gently. Take few red tomatoes make a Puree / Paste / juice. Apply a thin layer of tomato Puree on your face as a Facial Cream, leave it for 30 minutes and have a face wash with cold water and dry. It acts as cleansing agent for sun-burn rashes, black dots and Pimples. This protects your facial skin from sun-burns and future Skin-Cancer. It is good for Skin Cancer because it contains ‘Carotinoid Lyco Peediam’ (like available in Carrots) which protects our skin from the ‘Ultra Violet Rays’ to save us from Skin-Burn. This is why Tomatoes and Carrots are good for Cancer and Skin-Cancer. The tomato Paste/Puree acts like SPF a ‘Sun Protective Lotion’. The best way to protect your facial skin with tomatoes Puree as an economic home-remedy to suit your budget. Few applications of tomato Puree will bring life, shining and charm to your facial skin. This is very helpful for White-skin Europeans/Westerners.
TOMATOES:  Treatment # 2
Boil some water in a bowl, turn-off the fire. Put few medium size fresh tomatoes in the boiled water for five (5) minutes. Take out the tomatoes cool them and try to peel its skin gently and put the peeled tomato skin on to your Sun-burn skin of your face and hands (on your exposed body parts to Sun-burn) and leave it for 10-15 minutes. Remove the Tomato skin and have a face wash with fresh water. The same procedure can be adopted for any person with skin rashes, skin itching, Eczema, melting Skin and for those suffering from any Skin problem. Tomatoes include a medicine called ‘Carotene’ which is good for Skin-Cancer. It will give life and shine to your facial and body skin.
C:\Users\Mazhar Sayeed\Pictures\Govava tender fruit un-riped.jpg                             C:\Users\Mazhar Sayeed\Pictures\Govava riped fruits.jpg
                                      GUVAVA                                                                                         GUVAVA  FRUIT

USE GUAVA: How to make Guava face cream or Guava Solution: Treatment # 3
Take 4-5 Guavas green leaves and a couple of un-riped Guava wash and cut them in small pieces, boil them very well in very little water (50ml) in a Pan to prepare a Concentrated Solution like a thick paste and filter to use it when it is cool. Dip a small cotton-piece and apply a thin toning on your face as often to stop Ageing-Wrinkles. It acts as Anti-Biotic intermittent for fever. It acts as Anti-Fungal Astringent. The facial black dots, Pimples will disappear. You can apply the Guava green leaves paste/puree like the girls/females apply ‘Henna’ and cover the toes completely and between your feet toes before going to sleep and wash it the next morning which is good for feet Anti-fungal problem. Continue this treatment for few days to get rid of your feet fungal problem for ever.
USE HONEY + Cinnamon Powder- Pimples-Skin infections: Treatment # 4
Take three tablespoons of honey and one teaspoon of cinnamon powder paste. Apply this paste on the pimples before going to bed and wash it off next morning with warm water. Do this for every night two weeks to clear your skin. Apply 3 spoons of honey and cinnamon in equal portions to eczema, psoriasis, ringworm and other skin infections will help relieve the itchiness and pain of any rash and will help to cure infection.
USE PUMPKIN How to make a Face Cream from Pumpkin: Treatment # 5
To make the natural Facial Cream, take three (3) table-Spoon of Boiled White Pulp, add some Curd/Yoghurt and add little Turmeric powder - mix it very well to make a thick paste and apply a thin layer on your face for facial beauty. For Facial Sun-burns and body rashes >  First have a formal face-wash with fresh-water soon after you return from outside/hot-Sun. Apply a thin layer of the above face cream, wait for 20-30 minutes and give a fresh-water wash. This procedure will protect your skin from Sun-burns and rashes. This facial cream is good for any Skin disease, Pimples, Eczema. It will cure any swelling around the new or old stinking injuries or called Blisters with terrible smell and itching.
Use a hand full of ‘Green Moong” lintel / Daal (buy from any Grocery). Grind it very well and add one table Spoon of Yoghurt, stir it very well to make a thick Paste/Puree. Gently apply a thin layer on your face and exposed hands/parts of your body and leave it for 30-45 minutes and wash/take a shower with fresh/warm water. Continue this treatment for a couple of weeks and/or often during Sumer-Sunny days to protect your skin from Sun-burns, rashes, pimples, black dots. The repeated applications will give nutrition to your skin and your face and skin will start to shine.
Ingredients: Custard Oil and Turmeric Powder and Hot water to wash your feet (affected area of heels).
Wash affected area first with warm water and dry your feet. Then take some Custard Oil and mix it very well with Turmeric Powder to make a thick paste. Then apply the paste on the affected area of the cracked heels before going to bed.  Next morning wash your feet or take a shower. Please continue this treatment for a week. This will cure the bad heels from cracks.  


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