Sunday, February 21, 2016

Benefits of onion

C:\Users\Mazhar Sayeed\Pictures\image of Onion.png   C:\Users\Mazhar Sayeed\Pictures\White Onion-1.png    C:\Users\Mazhar Sayeed\Pictures\Sambaar Onions.png   C:\Users\Mazhar Sayeed\Pictures\image of Spring Onions.png
       Red Onion                           White Onions                 Cherry Onions             Spring Onions
Onion is known with other names as 'Alliam Shifa' (in Egypt), 'Pallandu' and 'Durgand' in Tamilandu India. Onion is Sacred for Egyptians like Lemon for Hindus in India. Onion is Anti-Biotic – Hypo Glycerin (Reduces Sugar in Blood). Like Egyptians, Chinese also use Onion too much in the daily food. Onions are good for Cholera epidemic treatments. Symptoms of Cholera: Loose watery motions with vomiting, which leads to de-hydration. The Onion contains Allin-Allisin, (we feel a kind of burning in our eyes due to this substance). It also contains vitamins Minerals, Amino Acids, Magnesium Calcium. Onions is good for Atherosclerosis or Heart Attack. Remove the skin of the Onions, cut in two pieces and put them in fresh water for some time and then chop them to your requirement. You will never get water-running from your eyes or eyes-burning.

Varieties of Onions: Red Onions, White Onions, Cherry Onions and Spring Onion.
White Onions and Spring Onions have good medicinal values.

The simple treatment for Cholera:

Symptoms of Cholera: Loose watery motions with vomiting, which leads to de-hydration.

Ingredients: If we use One White Onion = 10 solid Black Pepper + 1 glass of water 100ml.

You take two tablespoon of White Onion Paste + Black Pepper Powder. Boil in 100 ml fresh water to make a mixture. After boiling the mixture it will reduce to 50 ml, add honey or sugar to taste. This is good for the Cholera affected patients to drink 50ml of this mixture every day till recovery. This is also good for Eye-Cataract for grown-ups. Onions are good for Cholera epidemic treatments.

Spring Onions are good for Stomach Ache: Take few Spring-Onion white bulbs - cut the bulbs into small pieces and fry it well in 2 spoon of Ghee in a Pan. Then mix the above substance with the cooked rice very well. Give this food dish to the patient with stomach-ache to eat. It is good for ‘Spasmodic’ Pain or Stomach-ache to cure.
 For Peptic-Ulcer Patients – Take Few Spring Onion Bulbs, cut-pieces of them, plus + small cut pieces of few green long leaves of the Spring Onions and fry with Ghee. Take the cooked substance and mix it with cooked-rice very well.  Give this food dish to the Ulcer or Peptic Ulcer patients to eat for cure. This is good for elders and children as well.
Diabetic gives rise to Heart-Attack (Ortherio-Celoris) at a later stage. The Spring Onions act as Anti-Diabetic and Di-Sulphide (Allin Allisin). The Allopathic doctors prescribe Aspirin tablets Anti-inflammatory Analgesic/Analgesic or Anti-Coagulant for heart-attack patients. As a result of recent research studies show that the white bulbs of the spring onion contain the base medicinal substance of Aspirin in it. Therefore the Spring Onions are equal or far better than Aspirin, as a natural treatment and good for our immune system.
How to protect our hairs from Dandruff: Grind the green long leaves of the Spring Onions (it acts like Anti-Bacterial/Anti-Fungal agent) like a thick paste and apply on your head-hairs, leave it for half-an-hour and take a shower. It will cure Dandruff in three (3) weeks.  
Smokers Cough Syrup/Expectorant: Make White Onion Juice equal to 10ml + Add one table spoon of Honey 10ml. Mix it very well to make a Cough Syrup/Expectorant to drink. It is good for any kind of Cough and it would dissolve/melt-down the Chest Flum (Balgham). This is good for especially for Smokers Cough even with blood vomiting stage.
 Cure for Venomous Scorpion/Insect bite or the insects. Cut the Red Onion into two halves and rub on the insect-stink area to heal the venom immediately.
Natural Cure for Bald-Head: The same procedure of Red Onion, half cut-piece, as well for the Bald-Head but sprinkle some salt-powder on the cut Onion pieces to rub it on the bald area. Leave it for 30 min and then have a shower daily.  Watch for the result within a couple of weeks the hairs will start to grow. This is a natural and simple method for the Bald-head cure.
 Onion Health Tonic: Ingredients: White Onion Juice + Add Honey to taste = (Child dose 5ml and Adult dose 10ml) Mix it well like thick paste and lick the above tonic every morning in empty stomach. It is a wonderful tonic to boost your immune system. This is even good for ‘Smokers Cough’ who coughs with blood.
 How to make a drink for Asthma or breathing trouble: White Onion Juice + Fresh Butter Milk + Honey = total 50 ml (always choose to use fresh Curd/yoghurt to make butter-milk and avoid the old-curd from the fridge). This drink is good for any breathing trouble and to stop the blood-cough. This is good for even for Asthma patients ‘Bronchial Construction’ Allergy induced. This is good for ‘Age related vascular disorders’. It acts as an Anti-Coagulant agent. It is good for Platelet Aggregation inhibition of Platelet aggression. Drink regularly 50ml of this mixture in the morning empty stomach every day till you feel better and completely recovered. 

1 comment:

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