Sunday, February 21, 2016

Benefits of pumpkin

The Benefits of Pumpkin:
The Pumpkin otherwise called as “Curcubita Moschita” or “Squash” or “Push-Pandam”. Any variety of Pumpkin is good for human health as food and medicine. Pumpkin flowers, leaves, seeds and the Pulp or Paste are good as natural medication for various health problems. It acts as Anti-Biotic, Anti-Fungal, and Anti-Oxidant. The green colour skin Pumpkins with “White Pulp” inside, gives Coolness to our immune system. The multi-colour skin Pumpkin with “Yellow Pulp” inside, gives hotness to our immune system. The Pulp of any colour either white or yellow is good to stabilize our body heat/temperature.      
C:\Users\Mazhar Sayeed\Pictures\Bottle Pumpkin.png                       C:\Users\Mazhar Sayeed\Pictures\Green Bottle Pumpkin-Lockey.jpg
               Bottle Gourd Green Locke Pumpkin
C:\Users\Mazhar Sayeed\Pictures\images of Pumpkin grows on Climbers.jpg C:\Users\Mazhar Sayeed\Pictures\Pumkin Seeds without Skin.jpg
          Pumpkin Pumpkin (skin-removed) Seeds
The Pulp Juice of the Pumpkin is good for any Urinary-tract problem for both male and females. It pushes the urine out. It is especially good for females with “White-Discharge” problem called “Lukeria”. The women become very weak and skinny in this sickness due to body over-heat. The Lukeria patients should eat Pumpkin dish at least twice in a day. To drink the Juice of the boiled Pulp is good for Epilepsy, Fits or Seizure. The natural Facial Cream made from boiled white-Pulp acts as a natural “Sun Protective Factor” (SPF). It acts as Anti-Ageing agent (40 +) to remove facial Wrinkles, facial black dots or Pimples, Eczema, and any swellings around the old injuries of chronic blisters, rashes with itching on skin. This cream is a good “Emulsion” for external application to protect your skin and stop growing facial hairs for females.
Handicapped Patients: Any Pumpkin Pulp juice and food dishes are good to cure the in-Sanity patients with behaviour-disorders, for the people who act Funny/Cranky/Crazy and Brain-damaged/Nervous Breakdown and handicapped patients. Good for patients with madness.
How to make a Face Cream for External use: To make the natural Facial Cream, take three (3) table-Spoon of Boiled White Pulp, add some Curd/Yoghurt, add little Turmeric powder - mix it very well to make a thick paste and apply a thin layer on your face for facial beauty. For facial sun-burns and body rashes, have a formal face wash with fresh water soon you return from outside/hot-Sun. Apply a thin layer of the above face cream, wait for 20-30 minutes and give a fresh-water wash. This procedure will protect your skin from Sun-burns and rashes. This facial cream will cure any Skin disease, Pimples, Eczema and prevent hair growth on face for females. It will cure any swelling around the new injuries or old stinking blisters with bad smell and itching.
How to make the Pumpkin Juice for internal use to drink:
Take three (3) tablespoon of Pumpkin Seeds. (Skin removed seeds, readily available in any shop or Indian/herbal shop). Boil the seeds in a pan with 100ml fresh water, add little honey to taste. Filter and drink the juice every day as long as you recover. This is good for female White-discharge patients, good for Epilepsy, Seizure or Fits and good for Jaundice patients, Patients with Urinary tract problems and Urine burning, Urine with blood (due to stone growth in Kidney).  It Cools down the Stomach/immune system over-heat, normalizes digestive disorders and good even for Peptic Ulcer Patients, since it acts as Anti-Biotic and Anti-Fungal agent.
These herbal treatments are slow in action but very effective in the long run, with no-side/after effects   or allergies. Guaranteed 100% cure with permanent relief.
How to make a medicinal food-dish for Ulcer (Peptic Ulcer) and Diabetes patients:
Ingredients: Take a White Pulp Pumpkin. Remove the green skin and seeds, cut the Pumpkin pulp into reasonably big square-size pieces and boil them for few minutes and keep them separately. Keep separately some Curd/Yoghurt, Salt, Pepper and little turmeric powder at the end while seasoning/cooking.
How to Season: Cook or Season the dish of Boiled White Pumpkin Pulp in less than 5 minutes as follows:
Put some Cooking Oil/Corn Oil (Sesame Oil) in a frying Pan. Put some Cumin Seeds (Zeera), put some Mustard seeds, few Kari leaves. Put the boiled Pumpkin Pulp pieces, put half-teaspoon of turmeric powder, add salt and pepper to taste. If available add some Cocoanut powder/paste and little Cumin Powder to make it more delicious. Mix it very well while cooking and add curd/yoghurt at the end (cook it for less than 5 minutes) because the Pumpkin Pieces are already boiled to cook. Allow it to cook down and serve it. Eat this dish few times in a week which is good for the Ulcer and Diabetes patients. Do not add Chilly for Ulcer Patients, but compensate with Pepper. For those without ulcer, add little of green chilies instead of Pepper. This dish is good for those with Peptic ulcer or Blisters in the intestine or Peptic Ulcer patients. It is a delicious food-dish generally for everyone and at the same time a medicine to Cure Ulcer and Diabetic Patients.   
The Pumpkin Leaves Paste or Juice (apply for 21 days). It is good for old stinking injuries, Chronic Blisters with swelling around the injury. It is good for Sun-burn bruises/rashes on the body. The boiled Pulp -Paste also can be applied on face and body for quick skin-recovery.
The Yellow Pulp Juice is good for “In-Sanity” Patients with behaviour-disorders, for people who act Funny/Cranky/Crazy with Brain-damage and handicapped patients.
The Jaundice patients are given to eat raw “Pumpkin flowers” in China.
C:\Users\Mazhar Sayeed\Pictures\Cross Section of Pumpkin.jpg      C:\Users\Mazhar Sayeed\Pictures\Pumpkin Cross Section.jpg   C:\Users\Mazhar Sayeed\Pictures\Pumpkin Leaves-1.png
                                                 Cross Section of Pumpkin with seeds                    Pumpkin Leaves
C:\Users\Mazhar Sayeed\Pictures\cross section of Pumpkin-2.jpg      C:\Users\Mazhar Sayeed\Pictures\Pumpkin flower.jpg

           Cross Section of Pumpkin with seeds                                        Pumpkin Flower


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