Sunday, February 21, 2016

Benefits of turmeric

The Benefits of Turmeric
There are three types of Turmeric: (1) Long type Turmeric (2) Gundu or Ball/Oval shaped Turmeric and (3) Kasturi turmeric-which will be available only in Indian Grocery/Medicine shop.
Turmeric is a good Stimulant: The Turmeric acts as a kind of stimulant to our human immune system.
Mangalam: Mangalam means beauty - In ancient day, Mangalam is referred to the practice of females (mostly young girls) apply Turmeric Paste on their body skin before taking bath/shower mainly to protect their skin from any skin disease, and also to enhance the skin-shine and natural skin beauty.
Anti-insecticide: The Hindus of South India apply Turmeric Paste on the entrance foot-steps and wooden frame of their house doors to prevent the entry of any insects inside the house. According to Hindu faith Turmeric acts as an anti-insecticide.
The long size turmeric is good for Asthma Patients (helps for Nasal Conjunction-alternative for inhaler). The Gundu or Ball/Oval shaped Turmeric (otherwise called Cur-cumin or Curcuma) which is good for Cancer patients.  
Treatment Procedure for Asthma Patients: Hold the turmeric stick in fire for some time to burn. The Asthma patients can inhale/breath directly or indirectly the smoke coming out of the burning turmeric stick. It is good for Nasal Conjunction and for heavy-head.
Treatment Procedure for Muscular Catch or Sprain or Pain:
Ingredients: Turmeric Powder+ add little Lemon Juice
Take some Turmeric Powder + add some lemon juice, mix it well and make a paste. Apply this paste on the area of Muscular Catch or body Sprain or body injury, apply only on the swelling area around the chronic blisters to heal or restore complete skin cure. This natural and simple Paste acts as Anti-inflammatory and Anti-Analgesic. If you don’t attend to such blisters at once, it develops into cancer.
The Treatment Procedure for Cold, Flue, (Sinus or Head-ache):
Ingredients: One spoon of Lime (Chunnambu eaten with betel nuts) + add Turmeric Powder + few drops of water and mix it well to make thick Paste.
Take one Spoon of lime, the white-lime paste normally used with Betel nuts to chew by Indians (otherwise called Vetrilai-Chunnambu in Tamil language). Use this Chunnambu/white-lime paste mixed with Turmeric Powder + add few drops of water, make thick paste and apply on forehead, Nose and also a little inside the Nostrils and allow it to dry for some time. This will help for Cold, Flue, Sinus and headache and half-headache called Migraine. This is also good for any dirt-injuries or the Chronic Blisters with swellings around it with very awful/nasty smell.
Treatment for Bad or Cracked Heels:
Ingredients: Custard Oil and Turmeric Powder and Hot water to wash to foot (affected area of heels).
Take some Custard Oil and mix it very well with Turmeric Powder to make a thick paste. Wash with hot water the affected area or the feet. Then dry and apply this thick paste on the affected area of the cracked heels, before going to bed. Please continue this treatment for a week. This will cure the bad heels from cracks.   
Treatment for Diabetes (Sugar), High Cholesterol and for any Virus fever:
Ingredients: Three (3) fingers of long Turmeric or Turmeric Power (75gm), Hot water or Hot milk and make Butter-Milk of your own from fresh Curd/Yoghurt and Fresh Water.
Take a pinch of three-finger of Turmeric Powder (75gm). Add with hot water or hot Milk and drink it directly. Take a big Cup/big Jar of butter-milk (Make your own fresh butter-milk - Take two table-Spoonful of fresh Yoghurt/Curd + add little fresh water, stir/mix it very well and then add some more fresh water, mix it well to make fresh butter-milk (we call it “More” in Tamil language) and drink it in the early morning in empty stomach to cool down your digestive/immune system. The Turmeric mixture will give strength directly to the human Liver. These drinks are very good for Jaundice, Arterial Ulcer, Mouth Ulcer, and Good for type two (2) Diabetes Anti-Lipid Sugar and for Fat diseases like LDL Cholesterol. Please continue this treatment for minimum seven (7) days and watch the improvement in your health.
How to make a natural Health Tonic for Diabetic Patients:
Ingredients: Take 1 to 2gm of Turmeric Powder and Take 5-10 gm (i.e. 4 to 5 pieces) of “Dry Nelli Vathal” (buy it from Indian herbal/medicinal shop). This Nelli Vethal (Nellikka-dry fruit vathal) is full of Vitamin-C in it, which is good for Diabetic Patients.
Boil both the above items with 100ml of or glass of water in a pan. Boil it for half an hour and allow it to dry to 50ml of the mixture. Filter the boiled mixture which is good for diabetic patients to drink directly without adding anything to taste. Other than diabetic patients, you can add little “Honey” or “Panai Vellam” to taste. This acts as an Anti-Accident and Anti-Diabetic for Diabetes Patients. It is also good for “in-Continence of Urine” for the Diabetes Patients.
Treatment for Female Facial Beauty/Natural Female Fairness Face Cream:
Natural ingredients, very safe with no side effects or allergy: Green Moong daal/lintel, Kasturi Manjal/Turmeric and Fresh Yoghurt/Curd.  
Take some Green Moog Daal/Lintel (called “Pachhai Pairu” in Tamil language). Grind the Green Moong/lintel into fine Powder. Take some “Kasturi Manjal” / Kasturi Turmeric (this quality of Turmeric will be available only in any “Indian Medicinal Shop” otherwise called “Nattu Maruttuwam shop”. Grind the Kasturi Manjal/Turmeric as fine powder.
Mix both the above grounded Green Moog Daal + Kasturi Manjal/turmeric Powder in two (2) table spoon of fresh Curd/Yoghurt, to the required quantity, so as to apply a thin layer on your face any time in a day or night at your leisure, once in a week and leave it for 15-20 minutes then wash your face with fresh water. Continue this procedure as many weeks as you wish to maintain your facial charm and natural beauty. Never use any Beauty Cosmetics and protect your skin.  


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