Sunday, February 21, 2016

Health benefits of drumsticks and bitter melon

Health Benefits of Drumsticks and Bitter Melon
MORINGA in Southern India the miracle tree. Muringa aleifora MACA lepidium meyenii!!! And
CHORELLA, CAMU CAMU, ACAI euterpe oleracea is “Bitter Melon” another Vegetables!

8 important reasons why drumsticks or Shajan are good for your health!
Do you eat drumsticks? If not, start eating this vegetable as it provides numerous health benefits. These vegetables are available in any Indian/Asian Grocery shops.
Known as Shajan in Hindi, drumsticks are loaded with valuable minerals, healthy proteins and essential minerals making it a healthy food. A must-have ingredient in sambar a famous South Indian dish, one can harness its health benefits in numerous ways such as cooking it with other vegetables, lentils (dals) or in the form of soup. Being high in nutrients and tasty in nature, here are eight reasons you should include drumsticks in your diet.

#1 It builds strong bones
Being high in Calcium, iron and other vitamins, drumsticks help in strengthening bones. When consumed either in the form of a juice or with milk on a regular basis, it is found to raise the bone density and enhance bone health in kids.

#2 It purifies blood
The leaves and pods of this green vegetable posses blood purifying properties and it also acts as a potent antibiotic agent. The regular consumption of drumsticks, either in the form of soups or juices, reduces acne and other related skin problems.

#3 It lowers blood sugar levels
Drumstick leaves significantly reduce the blood glucose levels in the body and help in controlling diabetes. It is also found to enhance gall bladder function, which in turn helps to lower sugar levels, helping you live a healthier life.

#4 It eases respiratory problems
In case you suffer from a sore throat, cough or congestion, drink a cup of drumstick soup. The anti-inflammatory properties of drumsticks help in relieving a wide range of respiratory complications by flushing out your toxic load. It acts as an effective natural remedy to fight against lung diseases such as asthma, bronchitis and tuberculosis.

#5 It is good for pregnant women
It is recommended that women should eat drumsticks during pregnancy as it helps in delivery and also eases pre and post delivery complications. The presence of essential vitamins and minerals in this vegetable reduces the sluggishness of the uterus along with boosting the milk production after delivery.

#6 It protects against infections
The leaves and flowers of drumstick contain antibacterial agents that help in preventing a wide range of infections related to the throat and skin. It also contains high levels of Vitamin C, which boosts the immune activity and helps in eliminating the harmful free radicals from the body.

#7 It helps in digestion
Drumstick leaves and pods are loaded with B complex vitamins (such as niacin, riboflavin, folic acid and pyridoxine), which are said to play a vital role in digestion. These vitamins regulate the digestive process by helping in the breakdown of complex carbohydrates, proteins and fats into their simpler forms.

#8 It enhances sexual health
The presence of good amounts of zinc in drumsticks is found to enhance the process of spermatogenesis along with playing a key role in female sterility. The bark of this plant is found to contain certain compounds that help in curing impotency, premature ejaculation and thinness of semen.

Many of us consult diet nutrition in order to stay fit and healthy. Likewise, we spend a fortune on supplements assuming that they have the potential to provide all kind of benefits on our health. In the meanwhile, we forget the fact that there are many fruits and vegetables that we get in our kitchen garden or in the market which are low cost and equally beneficial for our health. It is imperative for us to understand the fact that instead of exploring for foods that are beyond our reach for good health. Include simple fruits and vegetables that you get in the market for a prosperous health. Drumstick, as we all know is also known as “moringa oleifera” or “horseradish tree”. It is a 'yard stick' for health, as it is known to be beneficial for the human health in one way or the other. This vegetable provides all kind of nutritional benefits and also cures many ailments. Drumstick, from its stems, leaves and seeds are known to have medicinal properties. 
                                                                            Drumstick Plant Leaves                                                                             Drumstick cut pieces

       Image of Drumsticks in complete shape-Veggies                                                                   
CHORELLA, CAMU CAMU, ACAI euterpe oleracea is “Bitter Melon” another Veggies!                                                    

10 Benefits of Bitter Melon that makes it even more worth eating

Bitter melon, or Goya, is commonly used for beneficial health reasons. Bitter melon is also referred to as bitter gourd, Karela, or Balsam Pear. The melon has an extremely bitter taste, but it is a helpful food. The more it is bitter the more it is good for our immune system. Bitter melon is commonly added to stir-fry or may be enjoyed stuffed. It may also be added to the diet as a supplement. In order to receive the full health benefits, find and cook the melon regularly. Here’s some sweet information you need to know about this bitter vegetable:
  1. Type II Diabetes
Some studies have shown that bitter melon lowers blood sugar through increased metabolism of glucose. Drink one cup daily. Grind a couple of Bitter Melons to make its juice and try this recipe for full benefit of the fruit. As with any changes to your diet, be sure you consult your physician. Stop to use if you’re experiencing abdominal pain, diarrhea, or fever. Monitor blood sugar regularly and adjust medications as necessary, with the assistance of your doctor.
2. Kidney Stones
A kidney stone is an extremely painful medical condition. Bitter melon can be helpful in ridding the body of kidney stones through naturally breaking them down. Bitter melon reduces high acid that help produce painful kidney stones. Infuse bitter melon powder with water to create a healthful tea. The tea of bitter melon requires sweetening (No Sugar for diabetic patients) use only pepper and salt to taste.
3. Lower Cholesterol
Help lower dangerous cholesterol levels with bitter melon. Reducing cholesterol significantly reduces heart attack, heart disease, and stroke. The added benefit is that bitter melon is completely natural in working with the body to prevent these health risks. High cholesterol can only be diagnosed with a blood test. Try Bitter Melon delight to reap the reward of this surprising health benefit.
4. Pancreatic Cancer

One of the most surprising health benefits of bitter melon is its anti-cancer properties. Bitter melon has been shown to disrupt the production of glucose, potentially inhibiting the growth of pancreatic cancer cells. Try these Bitter Melon juice for a touch of variety and to reap the full health reward of this unusual melon. Bitter melon may also starve other cancerous cells in the liver, colon, breast, or prostate.

5. Skin Benefits


Foods or drink taken from this melon benefit the skin. Taken regularly, bitter melon is said to have a “glowing” effect on the skin and is helpful in treating acne, psoriasis, and eczema. You can experience natural and soothing relief with bitter melon. Try Bitter Melon Soup for relief of any of these skin conditions or for more beautiful skin. An added benefit is that bitter melon is a blood-purifying agent.

6. Weight Loss                                          1-bitt

As is common with most plants, bitter melon is extremely low in calories and very filling. Lose,
or maintain a healthy weight, with bitter melon. Prepare Stuffed Bitter Melon to enjoy this benefit. The same properties that aid against Type II Diabetes also assist in health weight loss and maintenance. The melon is very high in nutrients, which is another reason it’s so beneficial in weight loss.
7. Liver Tonic                                 1-bitt
There are several benefits of regularly consuming a liver tonic. A tonic aids in digestion, improves gallbladder function, and lowers fluid retention. Cirrhosis of the liver, hepatitis, and constipation may be relieved with a bitter melon liver tonic. Drink a Bitter Melon juice at least once a day to enjoy the benefits. A liver tonic is also aids in weight loss, and may relieve the symptoms of irritable bowel system.

8. Carbohydrate Digestion     1-bitt

This is a very important benefit for those who have Type II Diabetes. Carbohydrates turn to sugar, and bitter melon metabolizes the sugars. Faster metabolism of carbohydrates means that less fat is stored in the body which leads to weight loss, and healthy weight maintenance. Proper carbohydrate digestion also aids in muscle growth and development. A bitter melon stir- fry is just the ticket for the many benefits of bitter melon.

9. Vitamin-K Source           1-bitt

Vitamin-K contributes to bone health, blood-clotting, and is an anti-inflammatory. Those suffering from arthritis can experience lower pain and inflammation in the joints through increasing Vitamin-K. No-Fry Karela Crispies are a delicious way to add Vitamin-K to your diet. The addition of bitter melon satisfies your body’s daily nutritional need for Vitamin-K. Also, the addition of bitter melon is a great source for dietary fiber.
10. Increased Immunity                  

A healthy immune system is vital for fending off potential infections and diseases. Add this delicious and easily prepared Bitter Melon Stir-Fry for this added health benefit. Stop or prevent a cold instantly in its tracks while benefiting the digestive system. Prevent or curb food allergies, and get rid of yeast infections, naturally. An added bonus of bitter melon is relief of acid reflux and indigestion.


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