Thursday, October 26, 2017

Miracles of Olive Oil and Saffron

Miracles of Olive Oil and Saffron
Treatment for Paralysis attack, Chronic Knee Pain, Back Pain, Joints Pain and for Pain due to Arthritis

C:\Users\Mazhar Sayeed\Pictures\Olive Oil-Olives.jpg        
                       Olive Oil                                                     Saffron or Zafraan

1) One liter of Genuine Olive Oil (preferably Spanish),
2) Six (6) Grams of Swiss Saffron (aka Zafraan).  Buy online at Amazon (look for Mehr Zafraan from Afghanistan.)
3) One Table Spoonful of White Cane Sugar

Procedure to prepare:
Step 1:  Grind the Saffron/Zafraan to powder shape with the Sugar
(Saffron will not be grinded without Sugar to powder shape) and save it aside.
Step 2: Boil the 1 liter of Olive Oil in a big bowl. Add the grinded Saffron/Zafraan powder and stir it well, cool down and safe the boiled Olive Oil + Saffron in the same empty bottle for daily use.

Apply the as much as little Oil in a very gentle manner on the affected areas.
Remember No Rubbing No Massaging while applying Oil on the Paralysis affected area.
You can massage this Oil to any patient with Knee pain, Back Pain or any body part of the painful area.

Step 3: Please take one teaspoonful or even less, start to apply daily on the affected area or painful area of the patient in the morning or if not convenient apply before bed-time. Apply the oil very gently (no rubbing and no massaging) to the Paralytic patient at least alternate days or once in a week with hot water by using a piece of towel, make the towel wet and clean gently the whole body of the Paralysis patient. For other patients just with Knee pain or back pain can have “Luke Warm Water” Shower every alternate day if not daily… “Cleanliness is next to Godliness”!

You can watch gradually the improvement of the patient. Please include Cooked Fish dishes for the Paralysis patients and feed the patient with 2-3 pieces of Fish to eat daily or alternate days, with the daily normal routine food. Please do not serve “Fry fish” and avoid Fish fried in the Oil or Deep Fry Fish especially to the Paralysis patient but you can Grill the Fish on Charcoal and feed the Paralysis patient. For general patients with Knee-Pain, Back-pain and joints Pain, they can also eat fish along with their daily routine normal food dishes.


1 comment:

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