Sunday, November 15, 2015


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Our Prophet (Sal) said Kalonji is a healing treatment for any sickness except death (Bukhari - Muslim)
All the following treatments to be continued for forty eight (48) days to two (2) months:
  1. Kalonji black seeds (called Habba Sooda in Arabic) or black Cummins/Zeera helps to discharge any blockade of female menses periods, breast milking or passing of Urine from our body;
  2. Kalonji strengthens our digestive (Maida) system;
  3. Grind Kalonji and mix with Vinegar and drink. It kills the parasites in the stomach;
  4. Good for Chronic Cold (Nazla/Zukam). Heat-up Kalonji seeds and smell which is good for Cold.
  5. Apply Kalonji Oil on your Bald head, you will get hairs growing and prevents future grey hairs;
  6. Grind half a spoon of Kalonji seeds and drink with normal water couple of times in a day, great remedy for Mucus Asthma, Gas, Cold, stroke, Migraine one-sided headache, loss of memory, Nausea, giddiness, memory power, panic patients and even good for Diabetes patients. Kalonji also balances the digestive system;
  7. Grind Kalonji black seeds powder mixed with little hot water and honey, and drink like a health smoothie, it will crush Kidney stone and Gall Bladder stone;
  8. Grind Kalonji black seeds powder mixed with milk and drink like a smoothie, it is the best remedy for Jaundice.
  9. If you swallow, small spoonful twice a day followed by water every day it will protect you from any future Paralytic attacks;  
  10. Drink a cup of boiled Kalonji water twice a day it will cure Hemorrhoids or Piles (Blood motions called Bawaaseer in Urdu, Persian and Arabic).
  11. Grind the Kalonji seeds filtered powder apply in your eyes like Surma “Eye Cool”. It will protect you from any future Eye Cataract;
  12. For Ear-ache/Ear-Sore, put a couple of drops of “Olive Oil boiled with Kalonji black seeds” and  put it for running-nose, you will get rid of cold (Zukaam and Nazla);
  13. Daily use of one tea spoon of Kalonji seeds, it will stop your discomforting sour-burps;
  14. Mix little powder of Kalonji with butter and lick, it will stop hiccups;
  15. Use of one tea-spoon full of Kalonji seeds every day, will release blockade of Urine;

  1. Air Kalonji smoke, the poisonous microscopic-parasites/bed bugs will escape from the house;
  2. Keep Kalonji seeds in your Woolen/Winter clothes, it will kill the bugs;
  3. Eat Kalonji seeds with Olive Oil in the empty stomach, your face glow like a Rose flower;
  4. Eat eleven (11) Kalonji seeds every day in empty stomach, will increase your memory power and Wisdom, this is very good for students/children and aged people;
  5. To swallow eleven (11) Kalonji seeds with water every day after every meal will be a normal diet for men/women of all ages, which is a cure for all disease except death. To grind and eat the Kalonji seed is more effective than eating it as solid (Hadees Sahih Bukhari and Muslim).
What is Kalonji?

Kalonji, which may also be called nigella, refers to small black seeds grown on Kalonji bushes, which are grown widely through India. The plant may have originally been grown in Turkey and/or Italy, but according to herbal lore has been grown in India for several millennia. Kalonji is both flavoring, added to a variety of traditional foods, and an herbal remedy that has been touted as the magic bullet for a variety of ailments.

Kalonji seeds are about the same size as sesame seeds, though they have a more triangular instead of oval shape. In foods, you’ll find kalonji seeds in a variety of recipes. They may be added to traditional Indian flatbread (naan), any type of curry or stew, and to dal. Lovers of these little black seeds praise their nutlike, somewhat peppery taste. To make this taste most evident, kalonji may be prepared first by being roasted in a pan. Due to the high oil content, it is unnecessary to add other oils during the roasting process.
Sometimes the seeds are used to make oil. It’s rare to find such oil outside of India or Arabic countries, but you can order it online. It’s normally used more as an herbal remedy than as cooking oil, and may be present in a variety of lotions or ointments to treat skin conditions.
Some of the ailments which kalonji purportedly cures include:

  • Common cold
  • Male pattern baldness
  • Facial paralysis
  • Kidney and Bladder stones
  • Earache
  • Dysentery
  • Heart Palpitations
  • Rabies

The list of supposed cures is extremely extensive and nigella is said to cure anything short of death or plague. These are obviously inflated claims with little evidence to prove any truth regarding most of them. The use of these black seeds may be helpful as a laxative because of their high oil content, and the oil made from the seeds might be helpful in treating dry skin. Beyond that, most of the purported herbal remedies are based on slim and anecdotal evidence, with little Western medical evidence in the form of double-blind clinical trials to support claims of the magic cures the seeds supposedly offer.
The list of supposed cures is extremely extensive and nigella is said to cure anything short of death or plague. These are obviously inflated claims with little evidence to prove any truth regarding most of them. The use of these black seeds may be helpful as a laxative because of their high oil content, and the oil made from the seeds might be helpful in treating dry skin. Beyond that, most of the purported herbal remedies are based on slim and anecdotal evidence, with little Western medical evidence in the form of double-blind clinical trials to support claims of the magic cures the seeds supposedly offer.
Despite dubious claims regarding health benefits, these black seeds can be a tasty addition to foods, and if they do promote health, this may be the ideal use of kalonji. Consider topping breads with kalonji, adding a few seeds to soups or stews, or mixing them into hummus for extra texture.
C:\Users\Mazhar Sayeed\Pictures\Kalonji pic2.jpg

Health benefits of kalonji seeds


Black Seeds for Health Maintenance

Black seeds, in their natural form, assist the body in the healing process and may help people to deal with some illnesses. Generally they are of great importance for health maintenance. The positive effects are achieved without disturbing the overall balance. Black seeds have important medicinal and nutritional values which are helpful in relieving conditions and building resistance against any future ailments.
Black seeds are rich in monosaccharide’s and non-starch polysaccharides so they are the great source of dietary fiber. What is more, there are fifteen different types of amino acids present in these seeds along with many essential fatty and unsaturated fats. Arginine, an amino acid, is another component of black seeds and its presence is beneficial for infants. Carotene, one more component of black seeds is important for prevention of cancer. Besides, all the mentioned, black seeds additionally contain sufficient amounts of iron, calcium, potassium and sodium.
Black seeds are very efficient in enhancing the human immunity and, therefore, could play an important role in treating AIDS and cancer. A substance called Nigellone can be easily extracted from black seeds and used in treatment of bronchial asthma and allergic reactions triggered by histamine. Nigellone inhibits certain types of proteins that cause histamine to be released and it decreases the uptake of calcium in mast cells.
Furthermore, black seeds can be used in treatment of certain types of cancer. Fatty acids efficiently inhibit the development of Ehrlich ascites carcinoma and Dalton’s lymphoma ascites. Black seeds can completely prevent the development of certain tumors.
The strong anti-tumor properties come from a potent agent called nigella sativa. Black seeds also have very strong antifungal and antibacterial properties that can even be compared to certain types of commonly used antibiotic medications such as gentamicin, ampicillin, cotrimoxazole, tetracycline and nalidixic acid. In some cases, black seeds are even more effective against various bacteria than the commonly used antibiotics and chemotherapeutic medications.
Black seeds have very powerful anti-inflammatory properties and can be used to relieve the symptoms of arthritis. The seeds prevent eicosanoid from being generated and provide antioxidant activity in the cells of the human body. Certain types of fatty acids found in black seeds contribute to the already mentioned activities as well.
One more advantage of black seeds is an increase in the output of breast milk due to its richness of specific lipids and hormonal structures.
And finally, black seeds have been used in homeopathy for the treatment of conditions of the digestive tract, diarrhea, vomiting and flatulent colic.

How can Zaatar Help in Health Maintenance

Zaatar is the term used for a family of herbs all of which originate from the Middle East. The very term zaatar also refers to a condiment that contains a mixture of different herbs which is added to many meals. For instance, the mixture may include dried thyme, oregano, marjoram and be additionally enhanced with toasted sesame seeds. What is more, the taste becomes richer when salt and other spices such as sumac are added. As for commercial form of zaatar, it additionally contains roasted flour.
Zaatar, the very herb as well as the condiment is consumed on regular basis in different countries including Iran, Iraq, Armenia, Jordan, Lebanon, Tunisia, Turkey etc.
This mixture is considered special and many women in the Middle East prepare zaatar according to their own recipe which they are not willing to share with other people, not even their daughters or relatives. This is the reason why it is sometimes hard to determine all the potential ingredients zaatar can have.
There is a general belief that zaatar spice mixture is highly efficient against certain illnesses. It seems to keep the mind alert and preserve the strength of the entire body. Because of the mentioned many children are actually taught to eat zaatar sandwich in the morning, especially before exams. So, people are persuaded that by eating meals enriched with zaatar they will become smarter.
Many herbalist recommend zaatar to people suffering from different illnesses. Some individuals may experience digestive difficulties when eating bread. This can be efficiently avoided with zaatar. As a matter of fact allergic reaction related to bread may be prevented and dealt with by consuming this spice mixture.
Furthermore, a combination of zaatar and boiling water sweetened with honey is beneficial for digestive issues and stomach problems. This combination can additionally eliminate unpleasant symptoms associated with whooping cough, catarrh and sore throat.
The herb itself can be consumed in a form of tea. Such tea helps women suffering from menstrual cramps. Zaatar tea is also effective when it comes to excess phlegm.
Finally, zaatar may be of major importance for all individuals who are feeling drowsy or are depressed. The herb practically stimulates the brain, improves the mood and may also boost one's memory.
Being familiar with all the benefits of both black seeds and zaatar may influence people to start using these herbs and experience all the positive effects they bring along. But as it is the case with any other herb or spice, it is best to be moderate in their consumption and of course to consult with a health care provider prior introducing these herbs into the diet.


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