Sunday, February 21, 2016

Benefits of honey and cinnamon

Dear brothers:  As-Salam alaikkum
What Quran says about honey in Chapter: 16  
Surat ‘An-Nahl’ meaning ‘The Honey Bees’  
…Fi’hi Shifaa’un’Naas… (16: 68–69)
Translation: “wherein is healing for men” Verily, in this is indeed a sign for a people who think (The Holy Quran Chapter 16: Verses 68-69).

Magical effects of honey and cinnamon

وَأَوْحَىٰ رَبُّكَ إِلَى النَّحْلِ أَنِ اتَّخِذِي مِنَ الْجِبَالِ بُيُوتًا وَمِنَ الشَّجَرِ وَمِمَّا يَعْرِشُونَ
Translation:  Surah 16. An-Nahl, Verse 68: And your Lord revealed to the bee saying: Make hives in the mountains and in the trees and in what they build:
ثُمَّ كُلِي مِن كُلِّ الثَّمَرَاتِ فَاسْلُكِي سُبُلَ رَبِّكِ ذُلُلًا يَخْرُجُ مِن بُطُونِهَا شَرَابٌ مُّخْتَلِفٌ أَلْوَانُهُ فِيهِ شِفَاءٌ لِّلنَّاسِ إِنَّ فِي ذَٰلِكَ لَآيَةً لِّقَوْمٍ يَتَفَكَّرُونَ
Translation: Surah 16. An-Nahl, Verse 69: Then eat of all the fruits and walk in the ways of your Lord submissively. There comes forth from within it a beverage of many colors, in which there is healing for men; most surely there is a sign in this for a people who reflect.
Honey and Cinnamon even if they have a completely separate use of its healing powers, mixture of honey and cinnamon has elements of health elixir of immortality. It has always been soul food, the bliss of the spirit and the heavenly gift.

Here's what Scientists say: People used to be believed that honey and cinnamon can be used as a mixture to restore sight to the blind, or even revive the dead. If it does not, it certainly preserves the health, gives vigor, youth and fertility. For Eastern nations honey and cinnamon are considered like the most beneficial gift of nature and the elixir for centuries used to treat almost all diseases and mental conditions. There is a belief that a man, who takes honey at least several times a month, cannot be sick.
Scientific studies show that honey and cinnamon combined have tremendous healing powers, such as regeneration of the body, increasing the body's resistance and beauty. Certainly it has been established that honey and cinnamon have a beneficial effect on the whole body, making it more vital and powerful, and the latest statistics confirm that essentially extends human life.
The use of honey as an internal and external remedial agent may be much older than the history of medicine itself; it is, beyond doubt, the oldest health remedy. Hippocrates was a great believer in honey. He used it with great effect as an expectorant and he was always praising the virtues of honey. He used it as a remedy for many ailments including cleaning sores, burns, wounds, for mouth ulcers and carbuncles. Aristotle believed that honey prolonged life and Dioscorides, the ancient Greek physician (circa 40-90 AD), also acknowledged that honey was an excellent medicine and his Materia Medica is one of the oldest sources of medical knowledge.
Honey contains vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. It is a wonderful beauty aid that nourishes the skin and the hair. Honey also acts as an antibacterial and antifungal agent and helps disinfect and speed the healing process in wounds, scrapes and burns. Scientific research from the University of California, Davis has revealed that the consumption of honey raises our protective antioxidant levels and plays a big role in the prevention of cancer as well as heart disease.
Honey is easily digested because the sugar molecules in honey can be converted into other sugars like fructose to glucose. Honey is perfect for the most sensitive stomachs, despite its high acid content. It helps kidneys and intestines to function better.
Another quality of honey is its low calorie content in comparison to sugar; it gives 40% less/fewer calories for the same amount used, giving you a great amount of energy without all the extra calories.
Honey’s sugar molecules are rapidly diffused through the blood stream so when it is accompanied by water, it diffuses into the bloodstream in just seven minutes. Its free sugar molecules make the brain function better since the brain is the largest consumer of sugar, hence reducing fatigue.
Honey provides an important part of the energy needed by the body for blood formation and helps in cleansing the blood. It has some positive effects in regulating and facilitating blood circulation. It also functions as a protection against capillary problems and arteriosclerosis.
The bactericide (bacteria-killing) property of honey is named “the inhibition effect”. Experiments conducted on honey show that its bactericide properties increase twofold when it is diluted with water. It is very interesting to note that newly born bees in the colony are nourished with diluted honey by the bees responsible for their supervision. It is almost as though the bees know about this function of honey.
So the best thing you can do is utilise honey and cinnamon in your everyday diet for health and wellbeing.
What is Cinnamon?
Cinnamon, from the bark of cinnamon trees (Cinammomum zeylanicum), grows in Asia, and it’s used as a spice. Chinese Pharmacopoeia couldn’t conceive without these medicinal plants. Cinnamon bark is used for the treatment of colds, coughs, stomach cramps, problems with wellbeing, mental health problems and toning the body, and the essential oils from the leaves of this plant are used for the treatment of rheumatism and poor circulation, cellulite, stomach problems, infections, colitis and it prevents gluing platelets.
Below are the recipes for the most beneficial treatment with honey and cinnamon, published by prominent Canadian scientific magazine Weekly World News.
Immune System - To boost immunity: Daily consumption of honey and cinnamon can strengthen the immune system and protect against bacteria and viruses. Constant use of these two magical products enhances your immune system and gives strength to help fight and war off illness.
For long life: Hunza tribe enjoys the daily use of tea of ​​cinnamon and honey, they experience the ripe old age and at the same time, remain vigorous and vital, and this is the combination – scientists say that slowing the aging process, extending the life span and the skin makes this connection.
The recipe: one tablespoon of cinnamon and four tablespoons of honey boil in one cup of water. Divide into four parts and drink during the day (four times daily).
Age/Ageing: 12 Natural Ways to Stimulate Your Cells to Grow Younger!

Tea made with honey and cinnamon powder can slow down the ageing process. Add four tablespoons of honey, one tablespoon of cinnamon powder and three cups of boiling water, just as you would make tea. Drinking one cup each time, 3-4 times a day will keep your skin smooth and make your look younger!
Infertility: For Thousands of years Yunani and Ayurvedice medicines have been using honey to strengthen the semen of men and to treat impotence. Through the regular dosage of two tablespoons of honey before bed, impotence can be greatly reduced. In China, Japan and other far-Eastern countries, women who are unable to conceive and need to strengthen the uterus, have been taking cinnamon powder for centuries. They mix a pinch of cinnamon powder with half a teaspoon of honey and apply it to their gums frequently throughout the day, so that it slowly mixes with the saliva and enters the bloodstream.
There is a story of couple from Maryland, USA who could not conceive children after 14 years of marriage and had lost hope of having a child of their own. When told about the honey cinnamon mixture both the husband and wife started ingesting the mixture and the wife conceived after a few months, giving birth to healthy twins.
Obesity – Weight Loss: This is a huge problem in today’s society and it causes so many other health issues including, but not limited to heart disease, strokes, high blood pressure, all sorts of cancers, kidney disease, diabetes, stress, and depression, just to name a few. Well all need to be able to help ourselves and there has been some research saying that honey and cinnamon can aid in weight loss. Dissolve half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder in a cup of boiling water, stir and cover for half an hour. Add a teaspoon of honey and drink this on an empty stomach. It goes without saying that, along with this weight loss aid, you need to exercise more and cut out as many bad fats as possible.
Sore Stomach – indigestion: Research done in Japan and India confirms that honey and cinnamon can help relieve stomach ulcers, reduce stomach pains and discomfort and also help relieve wind. Use of honey strengthens the white blood granules in fight against brother grief a combination of cinnamon with honey promotes the digestion. To help with the digestion of food and to relieve acidity, take two tablespoons of honey mixed with cinnamon powder before meals.
Bone Cancer/tumours, and stomach: There have been a few studies conduction in Japan and Australia confirmed that have shown some interesting results with a mixture of honey and cinnamon successfully treat bone cancer and tumours, and stomach. There may be some merit in consuming two spoons of honey with one of cinnamon powder three times a day in some warm water for at least one month.
Fatigue: Recent studies have shown that the sugar content in honey is of more help than harm to the human body. Extensive research has been done by on this subject, and it seems that whenever you feel your energy level is down, you can drink a glass of water with honey and a small amount of cinnamon powder to bring your energy levels back. ½ tablespoon of honey and a quarter teaspoon cinnamon whisk in 2 ml of water. Drink on an empty stomach in the morning and in the afternoon around 3pm during the week. During this time it will restore the body strength and vitality.
Pimples-Skin infections: Take three tablespoons of honey and one teaspoon of cinnamon powder paste. Apply this paste on the pimples before going to bed and wash it off next morning with warm water. Do this for every night two weeks to clear your skin. Apply 3 spoons of honey and cinnamon in equal portions to eczema, psoriasis, ringworm and other skin infections will help relieve the itchiness and pain of any rash and will help to cure infection.
Bad Breath: The South Americans have a daily habit of gargling with hot water mixed with a teaspoon of honey and cinnamon and they say that their breath remains fresh throughout the day. So, if you suffer from bad breath, this should be on your list to do first thing in the morning.
Arthritis (Research result at the Copenhagen University in Denmark): Morning and evening, take one cup of hot water and put one teaspoon of cinnamon powder and two tablespoons of honey. Long-term therapy may lead to cure even chronic arthritis!
Anti-baldness – Hair Loss: In hot olive oil, put one tablespoon of honey and one small teaspoon of cinnamon. This mixture / paste rub into the roots of hair and leave it for fifteen minutes. In a few days it will strengthen the hair root and hair will stop falling!
Cholesterol: Mix three teaspoons of cinnamon and two tablespoons of honey in 4 dl of tea (preferably green tea). Drink three times a day. Two hours after first taking, blood cholesterol will reduce and after long term use it’s possible for total healing!
Colds: Regular use of honey and cinnamon reduces the possibility of colds and bladder infections. In one tablespoon warm honey mix a quarter cinnamon teaspoons. Taken three times a day for three days, cold will disappear. This way, it can even successfully clear sinuses and leaflets chronic cough.
Bladder infection: Mix two tablespoons of cinnamon and a teaspoon of honey in 2 ml of warm water and drink it. This mixture will clean the bladder and destroy bacteria.
Heart, nervousness, and stomachache: Honey and cinnamon for breakfast - If you regularly eat for breakfast bread/chapatti smeared with a mixture of equal parts of cinnamon and honey will have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, stomach aches, stomach ulcers and gas. The mixture of honey and cinnamon may aid in the reduction of cholesterol in your arteries, which in turn could lower the possibility of a experiencing a heart attack. Patients who have already suffered attacks are also advised to ingest the honey and cinnamon mixture as it may reduce the chance of further attacks.
Antiblocking acne by mixing the three tablespoons of honey and one teaspoon of cinnamon Apply to the affected parts every evening before sleep.
Stench/Stink/for disgusting odor from your mouth: Implicated one tablespoon of cinnamon and one tablespoon of honey in warm water and gargle every morning
Toothache: Make a paste of a tablespoon of cinnamon and five teaspoons of honey and used the paste to apply to the tooth that is aching. You can apply this three times a day or until the pain has gone.

Hearing correction: To fix hearing, every morning and evening, take a mixture of equal parts of honey and cinnamon.

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Benefits of pumpkin

The Benefits of Pumpkin:
The Pumpkin otherwise called as “Curcubita Moschita” or “Squash” or “Push-Pandam”. Any variety of Pumpkin is good for human health as food and medicine. Pumpkin flowers, leaves, seeds and the Pulp or Paste are good as natural medication for various health problems. It acts as Anti-Biotic, Anti-Fungal, and Anti-Oxidant. The green colour skin Pumpkins with “White Pulp” inside, gives Coolness to our immune system. The multi-colour skin Pumpkin with “Yellow Pulp” inside, gives hotness to our immune system. The Pulp of any colour either white or yellow is good to stabilize our body heat/temperature.      
C:\Users\Mazhar Sayeed\Pictures\Bottle Pumpkin.png                       C:\Users\Mazhar Sayeed\Pictures\Green Bottle Pumpkin-Lockey.jpg
               Bottle Gourd Green Locke Pumpkin
C:\Users\Mazhar Sayeed\Pictures\images of Pumpkin grows on Climbers.jpg C:\Users\Mazhar Sayeed\Pictures\Pumkin Seeds without Skin.jpg
          Pumpkin Pumpkin (skin-removed) Seeds
The Pulp Juice of the Pumpkin is good for any Urinary-tract problem for both male and females. It pushes the urine out. It is especially good for females with “White-Discharge” problem called “Lukeria”. The women become very weak and skinny in this sickness due to body over-heat. The Lukeria patients should eat Pumpkin dish at least twice in a day. To drink the Juice of the boiled Pulp is good for Epilepsy, Fits or Seizure. The natural Facial Cream made from boiled white-Pulp acts as a natural “Sun Protective Factor” (SPF). It acts as Anti-Ageing agent (40 +) to remove facial Wrinkles, facial black dots or Pimples, Eczema, and any swellings around the old injuries of chronic blisters, rashes with itching on skin. This cream is a good “Emulsion” for external application to protect your skin and stop growing facial hairs for females.
Handicapped Patients: Any Pumpkin Pulp juice and food dishes are good to cure the in-Sanity patients with behaviour-disorders, for the people who act Funny/Cranky/Crazy and Brain-damaged/Nervous Breakdown and handicapped patients. Good for patients with madness.
How to make a Face Cream for External use: To make the natural Facial Cream, take three (3) table-Spoon of Boiled White Pulp, add some Curd/Yoghurt, add little Turmeric powder - mix it very well to make a thick paste and apply a thin layer on your face for facial beauty. For facial sun-burns and body rashes, have a formal face wash with fresh water soon you return from outside/hot-Sun. Apply a thin layer of the above face cream, wait for 20-30 minutes and give a fresh-water wash. This procedure will protect your skin from Sun-burns and rashes. This facial cream will cure any Skin disease, Pimples, Eczema and prevent hair growth on face for females. It will cure any swelling around the new injuries or old stinking blisters with bad smell and itching.
How to make the Pumpkin Juice for internal use to drink:
Take three (3) tablespoon of Pumpkin Seeds. (Skin removed seeds, readily available in any shop or Indian/herbal shop). Boil the seeds in a pan with 100ml fresh water, add little honey to taste. Filter and drink the juice every day as long as you recover. This is good for female White-discharge patients, good for Epilepsy, Seizure or Fits and good for Jaundice patients, Patients with Urinary tract problems and Urine burning, Urine with blood (due to stone growth in Kidney).  It Cools down the Stomach/immune system over-heat, normalizes digestive disorders and good even for Peptic Ulcer Patients, since it acts as Anti-Biotic and Anti-Fungal agent.
These herbal treatments are slow in action but very effective in the long run, with no-side/after effects   or allergies. Guaranteed 100% cure with permanent relief.
How to make a medicinal food-dish for Ulcer (Peptic Ulcer) and Diabetes patients:
Ingredients: Take a White Pulp Pumpkin. Remove the green skin and seeds, cut the Pumpkin pulp into reasonably big square-size pieces and boil them for few minutes and keep them separately. Keep separately some Curd/Yoghurt, Salt, Pepper and little turmeric powder at the end while seasoning/cooking.
How to Season: Cook or Season the dish of Boiled White Pumpkin Pulp in less than 5 minutes as follows:
Put some Cooking Oil/Corn Oil (Sesame Oil) in a frying Pan. Put some Cumin Seeds (Zeera), put some Mustard seeds, few Kari leaves. Put the boiled Pumpkin Pulp pieces, put half-teaspoon of turmeric powder, add salt and pepper to taste. If available add some Cocoanut powder/paste and little Cumin Powder to make it more delicious. Mix it very well while cooking and add curd/yoghurt at the end (cook it for less than 5 minutes) because the Pumpkin Pieces are already boiled to cook. Allow it to cook down and serve it. Eat this dish few times in a week which is good for the Ulcer and Diabetes patients. Do not add Chilly for Ulcer Patients, but compensate with Pepper. For those without ulcer, add little of green chilies instead of Pepper. This dish is good for those with Peptic ulcer or Blisters in the intestine or Peptic Ulcer patients. It is a delicious food-dish generally for everyone and at the same time a medicine to Cure Ulcer and Diabetic Patients.   
The Pumpkin Leaves Paste or Juice (apply for 21 days). It is good for old stinking injuries, Chronic Blisters with swelling around the injury. It is good for Sun-burn bruises/rashes on the body. The boiled Pulp -Paste also can be applied on face and body for quick skin-recovery.
The Yellow Pulp Juice is good for “In-Sanity” Patients with behaviour-disorders, for people who act Funny/Cranky/Crazy with Brain-damage and handicapped patients.
The Jaundice patients are given to eat raw “Pumpkin flowers” in China.
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                                                 Cross Section of Pumpkin with seeds                    Pumpkin Leaves
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           Cross Section of Pumpkin with seeds                                        Pumpkin Flower
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Benefits of turmeric

The Benefits of Turmeric
There are three types of Turmeric: (1) Long type Turmeric (2) Gundu or Ball/Oval shaped Turmeric and (3) Kasturi turmeric-which will be available only in Indian Grocery/Medicine shop.
Turmeric is a good Stimulant: The Turmeric acts as a kind of stimulant to our human immune system.
Mangalam: Mangalam means beauty - In ancient day, Mangalam is referred to the practice of females (mostly young girls) apply Turmeric Paste on their body skin before taking bath/shower mainly to protect their skin from any skin disease, and also to enhance the skin-shine and natural skin beauty.
Anti-insecticide: The Hindus of South India apply Turmeric Paste on the entrance foot-steps and wooden frame of their house doors to prevent the entry of any insects inside the house. According to Hindu faith Turmeric acts as an anti-insecticide.
The long size turmeric is good for Asthma Patients (helps for Nasal Conjunction-alternative for inhaler). The Gundu or Ball/Oval shaped Turmeric (otherwise called Cur-cumin or Curcuma) which is good for Cancer patients.  
Treatment Procedure for Asthma Patients: Hold the turmeric stick in fire for some time to burn. The Asthma patients can inhale/breath directly or indirectly the smoke coming out of the burning turmeric stick. It is good for Nasal Conjunction and for heavy-head.
Treatment Procedure for Muscular Catch or Sprain or Pain:
Ingredients: Turmeric Powder+ add little Lemon Juice
Take some Turmeric Powder + add some lemon juice, mix it well and make a paste. Apply this paste on the area of Muscular Catch or body Sprain or body injury, apply only on the swelling area around the chronic blisters to heal or restore complete skin cure. This natural and simple Paste acts as Anti-inflammatory and Anti-Analgesic. If you don’t attend to such blisters at once, it develops into cancer.
The Treatment Procedure for Cold, Flue, (Sinus or Head-ache):
Ingredients: One spoon of Lime (Chunnambu eaten with betel nuts) + add Turmeric Powder + few drops of water and mix it well to make thick Paste.
Take one Spoon of lime, the white-lime paste normally used with Betel nuts to chew by Indians (otherwise called Vetrilai-Chunnambu in Tamil language). Use this Chunnambu/white-lime paste mixed with Turmeric Powder + add few drops of water, make thick paste and apply on forehead, Nose and also a little inside the Nostrils and allow it to dry for some time. This will help for Cold, Flue, Sinus and headache and half-headache called Migraine. This is also good for any dirt-injuries or the Chronic Blisters with swellings around it with very awful/nasty smell.
Treatment for Bad or Cracked Heels:
Ingredients: Custard Oil and Turmeric Powder and Hot water to wash to foot (affected area of heels).
Take some Custard Oil and mix it very well with Turmeric Powder to make a thick paste. Wash with hot water the affected area or the feet. Then dry and apply this thick paste on the affected area of the cracked heels, before going to bed. Please continue this treatment for a week. This will cure the bad heels from cracks.   
Treatment for Diabetes (Sugar), High Cholesterol and for any Virus fever:
Ingredients: Three (3) fingers of long Turmeric or Turmeric Power (75gm), Hot water or Hot milk and make Butter-Milk of your own from fresh Curd/Yoghurt and Fresh Water.
Take a pinch of three-finger of Turmeric Powder (75gm). Add with hot water or hot Milk and drink it directly. Take a big Cup/big Jar of butter-milk (Make your own fresh butter-milk - Take two table-Spoonful of fresh Yoghurt/Curd + add little fresh water, stir/mix it very well and then add some more fresh water, mix it well to make fresh butter-milk (we call it “More” in Tamil language) and drink it in the early morning in empty stomach to cool down your digestive/immune system. The Turmeric mixture will give strength directly to the human Liver. These drinks are very good for Jaundice, Arterial Ulcer, Mouth Ulcer, and Good for type two (2) Diabetes Anti-Lipid Sugar and for Fat diseases like LDL Cholesterol. Please continue this treatment for minimum seven (7) days and watch the improvement in your health.
How to make a natural Health Tonic for Diabetic Patients:
Ingredients: Take 1 to 2gm of Turmeric Powder and Take 5-10 gm (i.e. 4 to 5 pieces) of “Dry Nelli Vathal” (buy it from Indian herbal/medicinal shop). This Nelli Vethal (Nellikka-dry fruit vathal) is full of Vitamin-C in it, which is good for Diabetic Patients.
Boil both the above items with 100ml of or glass of water in a pan. Boil it for half an hour and allow it to dry to 50ml of the mixture. Filter the boiled mixture which is good for diabetic patients to drink directly without adding anything to taste. Other than diabetic patients, you can add little “Honey” or “Panai Vellam” to taste. This acts as an Anti-Accident and Anti-Diabetic for Diabetes Patients. It is also good for “in-Continence of Urine” for the Diabetes Patients.
Treatment for Female Facial Beauty/Natural Female Fairness Face Cream:
Natural ingredients, very safe with no side effects or allergy: Green Moong daal/lintel, Kasturi Manjal/Turmeric and Fresh Yoghurt/Curd.  
Take some Green Moog Daal/Lintel (called “Pachhai Pairu” in Tamil language). Grind the Green Moong/lintel into fine Powder. Take some “Kasturi Manjal” / Kasturi Turmeric (this quality of Turmeric will be available only in any “Indian Medicinal Shop” otherwise called “Nattu Maruttuwam shop”. Grind the Kasturi Manjal/Turmeric as fine powder.
Mix both the above grounded Green Moog Daal + Kasturi Manjal/turmeric Powder in two (2) table spoon of fresh Curd/Yoghurt, to the required quantity, so as to apply a thin layer on your face any time in a day or night at your leisure, once in a week and leave it for 15-20 minutes then wash your face with fresh water. Continue this procedure as many weeks as you wish to maintain your facial charm and natural beauty. Never use any Beauty Cosmetics and protect your skin.  

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