Sunday, February 21, 2016

Benefits of tomato

Benefits of Tomatoes:  
C:\Users\Mazhar Sayeed\Pictures\Tomatoes.png        C:\Users\Mazhar Sayeed\Pictures\tangerine-tomato-230.jpg     C:\Users\Mazhar Sayeed\Pictures\Tomatoes-2.png
           Red Tomatoes                       Tangerine Orange colour Tomatoes              Red Tomatoes                  
Tomato is called ‘Lycopodeum Escoletum’. The Indonesian Lovers exchange tomato as a sign of Love to one another, so it is called ‘Love Apple’ in Indonesia.
Tomatoes are not only a healthy food, but it also got incredible medical values. It acts as Anti-Oxidant, as it contains Vitamin C, Vitamin A, and Vitamin D, Folic Acid and Fiber in abundance. Tomato Tonic is good for Cardiac-Patients/Heart-Patients as it contains lots of Potassium. Tomatoes act as a ‘Stimulant’ and gives strength to Bones for growing children and aged as it contains Vitamin C, Phosphates, Potassium and Calcium.
Precaution:  The patients with ‘Kidney-disorders’ should avoid to use Tomatoes as it is dangerous for their life.
How to make Tomato SUNSCREEN Lotion for Sun-Burn:
Please note the Sun-burn rashes will give rise to Skin-Cancer at a later stage, if you ignore un-attended immediately. Soon after you enter your house from a Sunny-day with sun-burns on your face, you can have a formal face wash with cold water and dry gently. Take few red tomatoes make a Puree / Paste / juice / Charam. Apply a thin layer of tomato Puree on your face as a Facial Cream, leave it for 30 minutes and have a face wash with cold water and dry. It acts as cleansing agent for sun-burn rashes, black dots and Pimples. This protects your facial skin from sun-burns and future Skin-Cancer. It is good for Skin Cancer because it contains ‘Carotinoid Lyco Peediam’ (like available in Carrots) which protects our skin from the ‘Ultra Violet Rays’ to save us from Skin-Burn. This is why Tomatoes and Carrots are good for Cancer and Skin-Cancer. The tomato Paste/Puree acts like SPF a ‘Sun Protective Lotion’. The best way to protect your facial skin with tomatoes Puree as an economic home-remedy to suit your budget. Few applications of tomato Puree will bring life, shining and charm to your facial skin. This is very helpful for White-skin Europeans/Westerners.
Another simple way: Boil some water in a bowl, turn-off the fire. Put may be five medium size fresh tomatoes in the boiled water for five (5) minutes. Take out the tomatoes cool them and try to peel its skin gently and put the peeled tomato skin on to your Sun-burn skin of your face and hands (on your exposed body parts to Sun-burn) and leave it for 10-15 minutes. Remove the Tomato skin and have a face wash with fresh water. The same procedure can be adopted for any person with skin rashes, skin itching, Eczema, melting Skin and for those suffering from any Skin problem. Tomatoes include a medicine called ‘Carotene’ which is good for Skin-Cancer. It will give life and shine to your facial and body skin.
For Weight Reduction/Obesity:  Ingredients: Red Tomatoes, Salt, Pepper and Sesame Oil
Daily take two (2) medium size fresh tomatoes, cut/chop them in thin round slices. Cook/Fry them (half-cooked) just for two minutes on a Pan in Sesame Oil. Instead of raw, better to fry the tomato slices and eat them for internal use (Tomato contain ‘Lycopy’ medicinal values). Sprinkle little salt and pepper to taste while frying (keep turning the slices up and down with a spoon while frying) and eat as a side-dish/Salad with your daily normal break-fast every morning. You can record your weight on your calendar the day you started and check your weight after a couple of weeks and continue as long as you wish. No side effects and no allergies. This dish is open for all age children and to grown-up, except ‘Kidney-disorder’ Patients. Tomato is a good blood purifier, as it contains ‘Glycopenia Escoletum’.  It is good for all kinds of Heart Patients, Cardiac-Arrest, and Stroke patients and for any weak-heart patients.
Tomato Energy Drink:
Take daily five (5) fresh Tomatoes - make juice and filter, avoid the seeds in your drink. Do not use ‘White Sugar’- you can use Brown-sugar or ‘Panakarkandu’ which is available in Indian shops - add it for taste and drink daily. Tomato contains ‘Beta Carotene’ and ‘Alfa Carotenes’  the energy drink will boost your immune system. It contains Vitamin C, Vitamin B. This energy drink is good for ‘Depression’, ‘De-hydration’, ‘Fatigue’, and generally good for everyone. Depression people will get better mood. It is good for Stomach Cancer/Peptic-Ulcer and for Prostate Cancer. Good for females suffering from Metoragia and Lukeria. It is good for ‘Bone Density’ as it gives strength to Bones (good for growing children and people of all age especially senior people with knee pain/soar).  It protects from Bone diseases like ‘Chlorecton Cancer’ and ‘Prostate Cancer’. Give everyday a cup of filtered fresh Tomato juice to every family member, especially to girls as a preventive measure to avoid Breast-Cancer in future.  The female suffering from ‘Breast Cancer’ undergoing allopathic therapy can also take this energy drink every day for better results. This is good for dangerous Cancers like ‘Colon Cancer’, ‘Colon Carcinoma’. Tomato juice is good as a preventive medicine for ‘Metoragia’ (for females) with disturbed menstruation ‘Menopause’ and also good for White-discharge called ‘Lukeria’, as a preventive measure from the beginning stage. During Sumer season drink Tomato Juice for ‘De-hydration’ and apply on skin for ‘Sun-Burn’. Good for kids and elders as it helps maintain your heart-beat.
For the Breast-Feeding Moms who does not get enough milk for their newly-born:
It is good for ‘Galagtogo’.  Take a whole tomato growing plant with its root from the garden/nursery with its leaves, branches with green tomatoes and flowers. Wash the root for the soil. Cut the whole plant into small pieces and grind/crush them all to make a thick paste. Apply the paste as a thin layer on the breast/chest of the mom/woman who just delivered a baby. This treatment will help a Mom to get enough milk to breast-feed her newly born.

Some useful information about Tangerine Orange Colour tomatoes: 
Anti-Cancer Benefits:
While not well researched for all cancer types, tomatoes have repeatedly been show to provide us with anti-cancer benefits. The track record for tomatoes as a cancer-protective food should not be surprising, since there is a very large amount of research on tomato antioxidants and a more limited but still important amount of research on tomato anti-inflammatory nutrients. Risk for many cancer types starts out with chronic oxidative stress and chronic unwanted inflammation. For this reason, foods that provide us with strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory support are often foods that show cancer prevention properties.

Prostate cancer is by far the best-researched type of cancer in relationship to tomato intake. The jury verdict here is clear: tomatoes can definitely help lower risk of prostate cancer in men. One key tomato nutrient that has received special focus in prostate cancer prevention is alpha-tomatine. Alpha-tomatine is a saponin phytonutrient and it shown the ability to alter metabolic activity in developing prostate cancer cells. It's also been shown to trigger programmed cell death (apoptosis) in prostate cancer cells that have already been fully formed. Research on alpha-tomatine has also been conducted for non-small cell lung cancer, with similar findings.
Along with prostate cancer and non-small cell lung cancer, pancreatic cancer and breast cancer are the two best-studied areas involving tomatoes and cancer risk. Research on tomatoes and breast cancer risk has largely focused on the Carotinoid Lycopene, and there is fairly well documented risk reduction for breast cancer in association with Lycopene intake.

Other Health Benefits:
While not as thoroughly researched as these other areas of antioxidant support, cardiovascular support, and anti-cancer benefits, several other health benefit areas are important to mention with respect to tomatoes. Diets that include tomatoes have been linked with reduced risk of some neurological diseases (including Alzheimer's disease) in multiple studies. Tomato-containing diets have also been linked in a few studies with reduced risk of obesity.

The tomato is the fruit of the plant Lycopersicon Escoletum. (Botanically speaking, tomato is not only a fruit, but also a berry since it is formed from a single ovary.) Originally, tomato was named after the food family to which it belongs - the Solanaceae (sometimes called "solenoid" or "nightshade") family. The botanical name Selenium Lycopersicon for tomatoes has now largely been replaced by the name Lycopersicon Escoletum. (The genus/species name Lycopersicon Escoletum is also sometimes used to refer to tomatoes.)

The French sometimes refer to the tomato as pomme d'amour, meaning "love apple," and in Italy, tomato is sometimes referred to as "pomodoro" or "golden apple," probably referring to tomato varieties that were yellow/orange/tangerine in colour.
Regardless of its name, the tomato is a wonderfully popular and versatile food that comes in over a thousand different varieties that vary in shape, size, and colour. There are small cherry tomatoes, bright yellow tomatoes, Italian pear-shaped tomatoes, and the green tomato, famous for its fried preparation in Southern American cuisine.

Only the fruits of this plant are eaten since the leaves often contain potentially problematic concentrations of certain alkaloids (see Individual Concerns section below). Tomatoes have fleshy internal segments filled with slippery seeds surrounded by a watery matrix. They can be red, pink, yellow, orange/tangerine, green, purple, brown, or black in colour.
Beefsteak and beef master tomatoes are among the largest-sized varieties. Roma tomatoes are more of an intermediate size, while cherry and grape tomatoes are small and rounded. The term "heirloom tomatoes" has become somewhat confusing as it can have a variety of different meanings. In the most traditional sense, "heirloom" refers to seeds from tomato cultivars that get handed down over time from family to family. Obviously, seeds handed down in this way do not make it possible for tomato production on a very large commercial scale. Yet there are definitely "commercial heirloom" tomatoes in the marketplace (sometimes produced from cross-breeding and sometimes produced through open pollination.)

Although tomatoes are fruits in a botanical sense, they don't have the dessert quality sweetness of other fruits. Instead they have a subtle sweetness that is complemented by a slightly bitter and acidic taste. They are prepared and served like other vegetables, which is why they are often categorized as such, including in our A-Z List of the World's Healthiest Foods. Cooking tempers the acid and bitter qualities in tomatoes and brings out their warm, rich sweetness.

There are few food sensations that better mark the summer and early fall months than the sweet juiciness of a vine-ripened tomato. Although tomatoes are available year-round across the U.S., some of the most delicious tomato flavours come from fresh tomatoes that have been planted in late spring or early summer and ripen from July through September.


1 comment:

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