Thursday, January 4, 2018

Benefits of Basil Seeds

If there is one drink I am crazy about, it is ‘Jigirthanda’ (Liver Cooler). It is a sweet drink made with condensed milk, rose petal jam, ice and loads of sabja seeds. There is a street vendor near my sister's place, who makes heavenly ‘jigirthanda’. Though I have tasted it in so many places, he is one of the best. I think it has to do with the best homemade ingredients that he uses. Nowadays my sister teases me that I visit her only for eating ‘jigirthanda’. I like this drink mainly because of the sabja/ tukmaria/ sweet basil seeds in them and each time I will ask for extra sabja seeds in the drink. Sabja seeds closely resemble chia seeds and in India it is also called as falooda or tukmaria seeds. The seeds are not from holy basil but from sweet basil and we call it "Sabja Vethai" in Tamil. The seeds are rich in fiber and it has amazing health benefits. The seeds can be easily found in any departmental stores. To use, take the sabja seeds in a cup and pour water till the seeds are completely immersed. Let it soak for 30 minutes. After half an hour, the sabja seeds would have soaked up the water and would have swollen up to twice it's size. Strain the left over water and now the sabja seeds can be added to any dessert. It can also be added to chilled milk along with little rose syrup and rose petal jam to make an easy and healthy drink. This drink is very filling, very tasty and has wonderful health benefits. Give this milk to children often to increase their immunity.

 Amazing health benefits of sabja/ tukmaria/ sweet basil seeds

1. Sabja seeds for weight loss: Though there is no scientific research to prove that tukmaria/ sweet basil seeds aids in weight loss, whenever I consume sabja seeds it keeps me full. I don't feel hunger at all for a long time, as the sabja seeds are full of fiber. If you are looking for foods to include in your weight loss plan, sabja seeds will be a great addition.

2. Sabja seeds for body heat: Usually sabja seeds are consumed during the summer time, as it is one of the best body coolant. This is also one reason that street vendors who sell sabja seeds based dishes close their shops during the winter time and reopen it only during the next summer. The addition of rose petal jam along with sabja seeds also help to cool the body. Usually I will be waiting for summer to consume my favorite drink.

3. Sabja seeds for Diabetes: Sabja seeds are said to be very effective for people with type 2 diabetes as sabja seeds help regulate blood sugar. If you are diabetic and want to consume sabja seeds, after soaking it in water, mix it with plain cold milk and add a few drops of pure vanilla. You have a wonderful healthy drink minus the sugar. You can also add it to other non dairy milk like almond milk or soy milk too.

4.  Sabja seeds for constipation: If you suffer from constipation, then adding sabja seeds to your diet will help you with the problem. If you are suffering from constipation, take the sabja seeds along with milk before bed, like I mentioned before. Try taking it regularly for few days to see results.

5. Sabja seeds for acidity: Sabja seeds has soothing effect on the stomach. If you suffer from stomach burn or acidity, a cup of this sabja milk will do wonders. Substitute it for your cola and coffee for a few days and you will notice a nice difference. Try to take it along with the rose petal jam, as even rose petal jam helps in treating stomach burn.

6. Sabja seeds for skin: Sabja seeds when mixed together with coconut oil are very effective for treating skin related problems. To make the Sabja seeds Oil, first crush the dry seeds without soaking them in water. Heat little coconut oil in a pan and add the crushed seeds and remove from flame. Strain and apply on affected skin area for eczema, psoriasis, white patches and other skin related problems.

7. For healthy skin & hair: Sabja seeds are very high in vitamins especially vitamin k and keeps our skin and hair in peak health. It is also very high in protein and iron. A small cup of this Sabja seeds will almost satisfy your daily requirement of iron and protein. These seeds also store well.


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  3. Hi there,

    First of all, I'd like to say thanks for all the information on your blog! Very helpful indeed.

    Holy Organic Wellness Basil Seeds are commonly known as sabja. It is known for centuries and is used in deserts, sweets and faloodas. It has very tremendous health benefits.

    It has very tremendous health benefits. It helps to cool down the body & in weight loss.
    It is an excellent digestive.
    Also acts as a stress reliever and helps in skin health.

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