Wednesday, January 3, 2018


BENEFITS OF MINT LEAVES - Called ‘Menta Avensis’ or ‘Menta Acuantica’
C:\Users\Mazhar Sayeed\Pictures\Mint leaves1.png      C:\Users\Mazhar Sayeed\Pictures\Mint leaves2.png         C:\Users\Mazhar Sayeed\Pictures\Mint leaves3.png

Mints are hardy, rapidly growing perennial plants native to Europe and Asia. Peppermint, one of the most widely grown and used forms, is a hybrid of spearmint. It is also a type of mint called water mint and has stronger properties than either of its parent plants. Ancient Greeks and Romans used mint leaves to relieve pain, and mint has been used in natural medicine to alleviate indigestion for nearly as long. Modern scientific studies have uncovered a variety of potential health benefits for mint.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Mint leaves are widely used as a digestive aid. Peppermint leaf oil relaxes the muscular lining of the digestive tract, relieving cramps and gas and alleviating indigestion, according to naturopath Michael T. Murray, author of "The Encyclopedia of Healing Foods." A double-blind study published in the May 2010 issue of the journal "Digestive Diseases and Sciences" found that enteric-coated peppermint oil significantly reduced abdominal pain and improved the quality of life for patients with irritable bowel syndrome. Participants took one capsule of the mint supplement three times per day for eight weeks.

Anti-Cancer: Mint may offer anticancer benefits by virtue of its peryllyl alcohol, one of its constituent compounds. A tissue culture study published in the August 2012 issue of the journal "Biochimie" found that peryllyl alcohol may inhibit Prostate Cancer cell growth and reproduction by destabilizing its DNA structure. The compound may also help prevents liver Cancer, according to a study published in the August 2012 issue of the journal "Current Cancer Drug Targets." Researchers theorize that this and similar compounds, including carotenoids and retinoids, may act by blocking the action of cancer-causing substances in the liver. 

Allergies: Mint contains high levels of rosmarinic acid, an antioxidant that quenches free radicals and reduces allergy symptoms by inhibiting COX-1 and COX-2 enzymes. A study published in the 2004 issue of the journal "Biofactors" found that 50 milligrams of rosmarinic acid per day for 21 days reduced levels of allergy-related white blood cells, called eosinophils, and inflammatory molecules and decreased allergy symptoms significantly. In a laboratory animal section of the study, topical application of rosmarinic acid reduced skin inflammation within five hours. Researchers concluded that rosmarinic acid may offer benefits for the treatment of seasonal allergies due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.

Tonic for in-digestion: Used as food and it acts as good medicine. It contains heaps of menthol. It is good for Cough Anti-expectorant and a digestive tonic. It is good fever and stomach upset. It is good as anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory. It is good for face pimples if used Pudina paste mixed with few drops of lemon juice, make a gentle application on face with the help of cotton. We can steam Mint leaves with turmeric powder. Good for cold cough, Nasal congestion, or Closed Nose, Sinusitis, and head-ache. Cover with a blanket while breathing the steam water.

Mint Juice: Ingredients: Mint juice, Zeera, salt, lemon juice, little water.
Procedure: Mix water with Mint leaves paste, add 5 drops of lemon, add one spoon (zeera) Cummins and add little salt. Add Dry Ginger powder and Pepper powder. Drink half glass juice around 11 am so that you can eat your lunch freely. It is good for morning sickness for pregnant ladies. 

Mint Tea: Boil two glass of water in a bowl. Add 20to 30 Mint leaves + add some lemon juice with Tea. You can add sugar/honey for sweet flavour add some Cardamoms (if you do not add lemon, you can add Cardamom). Filter and drink (without Milk) as black tea, will act as a good appetizer. It is good for indigestion. Cramps called stomach pain called Cramps during menses or due to Menthol contents (APC) will help for indigestion and for any menstrual pains. It will also cure skin diseases.

Mint-Liniment: Put some Cocoanut Oil + Mint leaves Paste in a pan and turn-on the stove, heat it for 5 minutes. Add some Camphor. Apply this Mint liniment for head-ache. It is good for head-ache for both elders and even for children. Since Mint contains lots of Menthol, which acts as a counter-irritant for head-ache. It is good for ‘Reflex Syndrome’ and ‘Acidity’. This is good for “Smokers cough”, a better remedy for Cancer (tongue, Mouth, Colon cancer). 

Mix Mint paste with salt powder and munch for a couple of seconds, then brush your tooth with the same mint and salt as tooth paste which is good for Tooth-Pyorrhea, bleeding Gums, and bad odor. It will help for age-related disorders and maintain the Blood-Circulation for aged people.

Guvava: guava's effects primarily on Prostate Cancer, Breast Cancer, and oral Cancers. ... Guava is also beneficial in treating gastroenteritis for the same… Read ‘benefits of Guvava’.
Tangerine Tomatoes for Prostate Cancer: (Yellow coloured tomatoes are called Tangerine tomatoes) Lycopene has been linked with Prostate Cancer ... what role Lycopene might play in the prevention or treatment of Cancer… Read ‘Tangerine Tomatoes for Prostate Cancer’.

Brazil Nuts (Dry Nuts): Every man after 45 + may get Prostate problem. The above treatments are a preventive measure. You can eat a couple of “Brazil Nuts” (Dry nuts) every day to prevent Prostate Cancer in the future.

1 comment:

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