Thursday, January 4, 2018

Hip or Knee Pain

For Hip or Knee Joints Pain

Drink the “lemon juice with cold water” the hip/knee joint pain will be cured.
Lemon                  Lemon                Lemon
Lemon                                              Lemon                                            Lemon
Symptoms: Hand pain and Leg pain.
Ingredients: Lemon Juice
Procedure to prepare: Drink often lemon juice before breakfast.

Cramps on Ankle
Apply the paste ofCassia fistula seed” the cramps and pain on ankle will be cured.
Cassia fistula                    Golden Shower Tree                   Cassia fistula flower  
      Cassia fistula                                Golden Shower Tree                        Cassia fistula flower

Symptoms: Pain on ankle and Pain on leg.
Ingredients: Cassia Fistula
Procedure to prepare: Take the seed of cassia fistula-Grind the seed of cassia fistula with water and 
Apply to the Cramps on ankle.

Swelling of Knee:
To cure the swelling of the knee > apply the paste of dried ginger.

Dried Ginger                        Dried Ginger                Dried Ginger
Dried Ginger                                     Dried Ginger                                  Dried Ginger

Symptoms: Pain on leg and pain on knee.
Ingredients: Dried Ginger
Procedure to prepare: Grind the dried ginger - Boil the powdered dried ginger and apply the paste on 
the knees
Ankle Pain
Apply milk of “ficus racemosa” to get relief from ankle pain.
Ficus religiosa Linn                     Fruit of Ficus religiosa Linn                   Fruit
    Ficus religiosa Linn                       Fruit of Ficus religiosa Linn                                 Fruit

Symptoms: Pain on hand and leg and Pain on ankle.
Ingredients: Milk of Ficus Religiosa Linn
Procedure to prepare: Take 2 teaspoon of “ficus racemosa” milk and Apply to the ankle and also to any
 pain in our body.

SIMPLE HOMELY-NAANY TREATMENTS: (For People of Chennai-Tamilnadu since the ingredients are easily available in Chennai.

For Lose motions even if it is chronic from 3 years with stomach ache:
Buy ‘Maangaattu Paruppu’ (name of an herb or mooligai in Tamil language) from any herbal shop (Pansaari/Marunudu kadai) and eat it followed by water. Continue this treatment for a week and it will help stop even the chronic Lose motions.
Eat twice a day, a tea spoonful of Gul-Qand (Rose flower petals long-time drenched in honey) followed by normal water. This Gul-Qand is available in any herbal shop (Herbal Medicinal Shops). This will help stop any chronic lose motions and it will fix digestion disorders.
For any Nervous Problems for Children (Remedy for “Narambu Thalarchi” for Children):
Take four (4) Alomonds + half of spoon of Qhash Qhash (Poppy Seeds) + half spoon of Raw Rice + one small piece of Cocoanut and put them all in a cup of water overnight and leave it till next morning. Next morning grind them and give the drink to children. It is good for any nervous problems (called “Narambu Thalarchi” in Tamil) for children.

Remedy for Joints or Knee-pain for young and old (no need for any surgical operation and please avoid any operation on your delicate body):  Try to buy the “Neela Vembu theyneer” from any Pansaari / Marundu kadai / Desi-medicinal shop. “Pavazha Malli” leaves and “Aavaarai ilaigal” or Aavarai leaves from herbal leaves shop:
First try to reduce your weight;
Buy “Neela Vembu Theyneer” mooligai, 5-6 “Pavazha Malli” leaves (ilaigal) and boil them together and drink the boiled water after filtering every day for a couple of weeks.
Buy “Aavaarai ilaigal” mooligai leaves. Grind the Aavaarai leaves mix before or after grinding the leaves with a handful of Mash-lintel powder or flour (Urud or Ulanda Parpu powder or flour) and apply the paste on the Knee-pain area during the day-time or before going to bed. Wash your Knees gently the next morning with little warm water. Continue this treatment for a couple of weeks till you are free from your pain.

If you include these two things namely “Neela Vembu Theyneer” and “Aavaarai ilaigal” in your daily / every day food, you can live long as a healthy person for 100 years without any sickness:
Vallarai Keerai and Thoodu Valai (Thoodu vell with violet flowers). You can buy these two herbal from Desi-local herbal shops. If you wish to buy the Vallarai Keerai from any Nursery use the Botanical names for Vallarai Keerai as “Cintella Asiatica”, “Hydropotine” or “Brumby” leaves or plant. Bring and grow these herbal plants in your garden for your future use. The combination of these two herbal leaves is good for your Brain, for Memory Loss and various other diseases. These two leaves are good for all ages/male and female, mainly for Children (students) and for the grown-up or aged old people for the old-age disorders.

You can also make a juice to drink of Vallarai Keerai: Take a handful of Vallariy Keerai, boil in a cup of water. Add little Cumin (Zeera), and little turmeric powder. Filter it and add with milk and Sugar to drink. (For Sugar/Diabetes patients add some Pana Karkandu or Pannai Vellam instead of Sugar) and give this drink especially to the children (students) every day. This drink is good for any Brain diseases called “Parkinson Diseases” in Allopathic. This drink is “Anti-Cancer”, a Nervous Tonic, and good for Liver. It will stop hair fall and Hairs will remain always Black. It is also good for any Skin Diseases and even good for Leprosy. 

To get Black hairs: Grind a handful of Vallarai Keerai + few Rice grains + a cup of Milk. Grind them and drink every morning one cup. You will never get white/grey hairs. It is good for female irregular periods. This drink is good for forgetfulness (good for Memory) memory loss and age-related disorders. This drink is especially good for students. The students can eat the “Vallarai Keerai Paste” mixed with cooked rice (as food) for good memory power to help in their studies.

Good for Students and Old Aged People: Buy an herbal or Mooligai called “ARSI TIPPILI” Mooligai from the Mooligai, Desi herbal shop. You have to wash it seven times wash and dry the Arasi Tippili for seven (7) times as explained below:

Put the “Arasi Tippili” in the water over night and dry it next day, again put them in the water overnight and dry it next day. Like this you have to put it in water overnight and dry the next day continuously for seven days and nights like you dry the pickles. Then eat it which is an alternative treatment for good memory for students and for the older people for age-disorders.


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