Wednesday, January 3, 2018


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       CHARCOAL POWDER                               COCONUT OIL                          CLOVE OIL

INGREDIENTS: Charcoal Powder, Coconut Oil, and Clove Oil. You can buy them from “Whole
Food Market” Located in Sun Center, 3670 W Dublin Granville Road, Columbus Ohio 43235

First Step:
Take One Table-Spoonfull of Coconut Oil in a small bowl and heat or microwave for 30 seconds and then add one tea baby spoonfull of Charcoal Powder and mix it very well. Allow it to cool down to Luke Warm (not too hot, not too cold).

Second Step:
Put the oil in your mouth, (but do not swallow) close your mouth, keep moving the oil within your mouth so that it touches the tooth and gums especially the painful Gum/Tooth area.  Also move it all around the mouth to touch both the upper and lower jaws. Keep doing it like this for at least 5 minutes or as much as you can. You can then spit-out the substance and use luke warm water mixed with Table Salt powder to Goggle your mouth to wash and clean it. There is no harm even if you swallow, because Cahrcoal and Coconuct Oil are edibile substances.

Third Step:
Better to apply Clove Oil one drop before going to bed, only on the painful Gum/Tooth, so that you can go to sleep. Your pain will disappear with the miracle of the above natural ingredients. Don’t repeat this application unless you feel pain again. There Is no side effects or after effects in this treatment. You can always consult your Dentist later about your tooth problem.
Avoid taking any pain killers which will weaken your Heart if you take tablets continuously. As a result your palm and fingers will start shivering because your Heart already become weak due to using more and more tablets and capsules every often.


  1. Suffering from herpes virus is a terrible experience because i was told it has no cure,the good news am happily sharing now is the great power behind herbal medication i got diagnosed of herpes virus in the year  2016 and in 2018 i started having outbreaks and it became more terrible for me to bare,One blissful morning i came across a blog comment posted by a man call Thompson on how he was cured of herpes simplex virus type 2 with the herbal medication of Dr CHUKWU MADU Herbal Home) who is a specialist in curing all kinds of std virus and chronic disease with herbs,i immediately copied out his contact mail that was Or Via WhatsApp  +2347030936239 and i explain all my problems to him, he was very honest with me and also kept his promise to get me cured with his herbs if i follow the prescriptions he gives along with the medication which i did exactly as he prescribed, to God be the glory My herpes simplex virus i have been suffering from got cured in just 2 weeks after completing the dose of his herbal cure. once again thank you so much sir for restoring my health back and most especially my skin. Please for any who has health problem of any kind should mail him on the email provided above. Give him a chance and see what he can do. JANE lisaru from MALAYSIA.

  2. I started on COPD Herbal treatment from Ultimate Life Clinic, the treatment worked incredibly for my lungs condition. I used the herbal treatment for almost 4 months, it reversed my COPD. My severe shortness of breath, dry cough, chest tightness gradually disappeared. Reach Ultimate Life Clinic via their website . I can breath much better and It feels comfortable!
