Saturday, December 12, 2015

Eczema remedy

Natural Treatments for Eczema
Drink the “Bassia longifolla, Pavetta Indica, Acorus Calamus and onion” the Eczema will be cured.
Bassia longifolla                       Pavetta indica                Acorus calamus               
       Bassia longifolla                                      Pavetta Indica                               Acorus Calamus

Symptoms: Reddish color on skin and Itching on body.
Ingredients: Pavetta indica-Acorus calamus-onion and Bassia longifolla.
Procedure to prepare: Take 1 teaspoon of acorus calamus-Take ½ cup of onion-Take 1 teaspoon of bassia longifolla-Take ½ cup of pavetta indica-Boil it with the water and Drink 1 times per day.
Eczema Problem # 2: Drink the Prosopis Spicigera with milk the eczema will be cured.
Prosopis spicigerato                   Prosopis spicigerato                    Milk
Spicigera                                Prosopis Spicigera                                         Milk

Symptoms: Itching on body-Irritation on body and Reddish skin.
Ingredients: Prosopis Spicigera and Milk.
Procedure to prepare: Grind the Prosopis Spicigera to make powder-Take 5 g of powdered Prosopis Spicigera-Mix it with milk and Drink 1 times per day.
Eczema # 3:  Apply the “Coconut oil with leaves of Prosopis Spicigera and honey” the Eczema will be cured.
Proscopis cineraria                   Honey                    Coconut oil
   Proscopis cineraria                                       Honey                                             Coconut oil

Symptoms: Irritation on body and Feel tiredness.
Procedure to prepare: Grind the prosopis spicigera to make powder-Mix the powder with the honey-Then mix it with the coconut oil and apply the oil 2 times per day.

1 comment:

  1. Suffering from herpes virus is a terrible experience because i was told it has no cure,the good news am happily sharing now is the great power behind herbal medication i got diagnosed of herpes virus in the year  2016 and in 2018 i started having outbreaks and it became more terrible for me to bare,One blissful morning i came across a blog comment posted by a man call Thompson on how he was cured of herpes simplex virus type 2 with the herbal medication of Dr CHUKWU MADU Herbal Home) who is a specialist in curing all kinds of std virus and chronic disease with herbs,i immediately copied out his contact mail that was Or Via WhatsApp  +2347030936239 and i explain all my problems to him, he was very honest with me and also kept his promise to get me cured with his herbs if i follow the prescriptions he gives along with the medication which i did exactly as he prescribed, to God be the glory My herpes simplex virus i have been suffering from got cured in just 2 weeks after completing the dose of his herbal cure. once again thank you so much sir for restoring my health back and most especially my skin. Please for any who has health problem of any kind should mail him on the email provided above. Give him a chance and see what he can do. JANE lisaru from MALAYSIA.
