Saturday, December 12, 2015

Mouth Ulcers (Stomatitis) remedy

MOUTH ULCER – Natural remedy for Stomatitis # 1: Stomatitis, a general term for an inflamed and sore mouth. It can disrupt a person’s ability to eat, talk, and sleep. Stomatitis can occur anywhere in the mouth, including the inside of the cheeks, gums, tongue, lips, and palate.
Causes: The varied causes of stomatitis include viral, yeast and bacterial infections, trauma, diet, tobacco, chemotherapy and radiation therapy. The causes of Stomatitis are drugs, medications, substances. As with all medical conditions, there may be many causal factors.
Salt              Jambul Fruit                Sugar  
Salt                                           Jambul Fruit                                           Sugar

Symptoms: Mouth inflammation, Sore mouth, Mouth ulcers, Sore oral membranes and Oral membrane ulcers.
Diagnosis: Diagnosis of stomatitis can be difficult. A physical examination is done to evaluate the oral lesions and other skin problems. Blood tests may be done to determine if any infection is present.
Ingredients: Jambul Fruit, Salt or Sugar
Natural Remedies: Jambul Fruit contains many flavonoids, phenols and are loaded with protein and calcium mineral. It is a very excellent resource of carotene, iron, vitamin b folic acidity, calcium mineral potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and sodium. To cure stomatitis and mouth and teeth issues implement jamun fruit juice and also consume it.
Add sugar and salt in the mixture to get taste. And drink this with empty stomach at daily morning. You should use it approximately 2 months, and then you completely get rid from Stomatitis.

Mouth Ulcer – Natural remedy # 2: A mouth ulcer is a sore on the inside of the mouth and lips or on the tongue. These may occur with measles and may be red or have white coating on them. They make it difficult to eat or drink.
Causes: Bacterial infections, Canker sores, Dietary deficiencies, such as lack of vitamin B-12, zinc, folate (folic acid), or iron, Emotional stress, Food allergies, Substance abuse, especially methamphetamine use, Toothpastes and mouth rinses containing sodium lauryl sulfate and Viral infections.
Symptoms: Cracks in the corners of the mouth, Dry mouth, Fever, Loss of appetite, Malaise or lethargy, Pus or white patches covering the tonsils or throat, Skin rash, Sore throat and Swollen lymph nodes
Diagnosis: The goal of diagnosing is to relieve symptoms. The cause, if known, should be treated. Gentle, thorough oral hygiene may relieve some of the symptoms. Avoid hot or spicy foods, which often increase the pain of mouth ulcers. Get advice from your doctor.
Alternanthera amoena               Alternanthera amoena                Alternanthera amoena
Alternanthera Amoena                Alternanthera Amoena                Alternanthera Amoena

Ingredients: Alternanthera Amoena.
Natural Remedies: Chemical Constituents: Sitosterol, Stigmasterol, campesterol. A-spinasterol, Oleanolic acid rhamnoside, 24-methylene cycloartenol, cycloeucalenol, lupeol, 5-a-stigmasta-7-enol and its palmitate. Take alternanthera amoena leaves with your food often.

Natural Remedy for Bad breath # 3: Bad breath plagues just about everyone at one time or another.  People snicker about it, but bad breath can be a devastating social disability.
Causes: The mouth:  The structures in the mouth that can harbor bad breath are: The teeth, The Gums, The tongue (especially the back of the tongue). The upper respiratory tract: This includes the nasal cavities, sinuses, throat, tonsils and the larynx (voice box). A) The term for bad breath from the upper respiratory tract is ozostomia. B) Ozostomia is the second most common type of bad breath, and is most commonly associated with post nasal drip, but can be associated with infections of the various organs in the upper respiratory tracts as well, including sinusitis, sore throat and laryngitis. The lungs: A) Stomatodysodia is the term for bad breath caused by outright disease processes in the lungs, such as various infections, emphysema, bronchitis or lung cancer. B) Halitosis is the term for bad breath that results from physiologic processes elsewhere in the body and carried to the lungs by the bloodstream, or to the mouth by chronic vomiting. The stomach: Technically, this type of bad breath is a subcategory of halitosis, but one that does not originate from the lungs.  Bad breath originating from the stomach is caused by disease processes which produce chronic vomiting.
Poor dental hygiene — Teeth are coated with film or plaque, food debris trapped between teeth, pale or swollen gums
Infections in the mouth —  Gums may be red, swollen and bleed easily, especially after brushing or flossing; pus may drain from between teeth; a pocket of pus (abscess) at the base of a tooth; loose teeth or a change in “fit” of a denture; painful, open sores on the tongue or gums
Respiratory tract infections —  Sore throat, swollen lymph nodes (“swollen glands”) in the neck, fever, stuffy nose, a greenish or yellowish nasal discharge, a mucus-producing cough
External agents — Cigarette stains on fingers and teeth, a uniform yellow “coffee stain” on teeth
Dry mouth —  Difficulty swallowing dry foods, difficulty speaking for a prolonged period because of mouth dryness, a burning sensation in the mouth, an unusually high number of dental caries, dry eyes (in Sjögren’s syndrome)
Systemic (body wide) illnesses — Symptoms of diabetes, lung disease, kidney failure or liver disease
Diagnosis: Self Diagnosis - Professional diagnosis: - Hallimeter, - Gas chromatography, - BANA test, - β-galactosidase

Bay leaf                   Bay leaf                  Bay leaf
            Bay leaf                                              Bay leaf                                              Bay leaf
Ingredients: Bay leaves
Natural Remedies: Medicinally, the properties of the bay leaf and its berries are legendary. It has astringent, diuretic, and appetite stimulant properties. Essential oil from the bay leaves contains mostly cineol (50%); furthermore, eugenol, chavicol, acetyl eugenol, methyl eugenol, α- and β-pinene, phellandrene, linalool, geraniol and terpineol are also found. Take 1 bay leaf. Clean and chew it.

Natural Remedy for Mouth Ulcer # 4 : A mouth ulcer is a sore on the inside of the mouth and lips or on the tongue. These may occur with measles and may be red or have white coating on them. They make it difficult to eat or drink.
Causes: Bacterial infections - Canker sores - Dietary deficiencies, such as lack of vitamin B-12, zinc, folate (folic acid), or iron - Emotional stress - Food allergies - Substance abuse, especially methamphetamine use - Toothpastes and mouth rinses containing sodium lauryl sulfate - Viral infections
 Symptoms: Cracks in the corners of the mouth - Dry mouth – Fever - Loss of appetite - Malaise or lethargy - Pus or white patches covering the tonsils or throat - Skin rash - Sore throat - Swollen lymph nodes
Diagnosis: The goal of diagnosing is to relieve symptoms. The cause, if known, should be treated. Gentle, thorough oral hygiene may relieve some of the symptoms. Avoid hot or spicy foods, which often increase the pain of mouth ulcers. get advice from your doctor.

Wood sorrel leaves              Fenugreek              Buttermilk
   Wood sorrel leaves                              Fenugreek                                     Buttermilk

Ingredients: Wood sorrel - Fenugreek and Butter milk
Natural Remedies: Constituents: Water, fat, protein, carbohydrate, calcium, phosphorus, iron, niacin, vitamin C and beta carotene. Wood sorrel possesses various medicinal actions like anthelmintic, astringent, antiscorbutic, diuretic, stomachic, febrifuge and styptic. The whole plant is edible and used in salads to be eaten raw. Wood sorrel has a capacity to reduce the mouth ulcer, so if you take some wood sorrel leaves, clean it. Add some fenugreek. Grind it. Mix with butter milk. Then drink it often.
Home Treatment for Bad breath-Mouth Ulcer # 5: Bad breath plagues just about everyone at one time or another.  People snicker about it, but bad breath can be a devastating social disability.
The mouth:  The structures in the mouth that can harbor bad breath are: The teeth, The Gums, The tongue (especially the back of the tongue). The upper respiratory tract: This includes the nasal cavities, sinuses, throat, tonsils and the larynx (voice box). A) The term for bad breath from the upper respiratory tract is ozostomia. B) Ozostomia is the second most common type of bad breath, and is most commonly associated with post nasal drip, but can be associated with infections of the various organs in the upper respiratory tracts as well, including sinusitis, sore throat and laryngitis.
The lungs: A) Stomatodysodia is the term for bad breath caused by outright disease processes in the lungs, such as various infections, emphysema, bronchitis or lung cancer.
B) Halitosis is the term for bad breath that results from physiologic processes elsewhere in the body and carried to the lungs by the bloodstream, or to the mouth by chronic vomiting.
The stomach: Technically, this type of bad breath is a subcategory of halitosis, but one that does not originate from the lungs.  Bad breath originating from the stomach is caused by disease processes which produce chronic vomiting.
Poor dental hygiene — Teeth are coated with film or plaque, food debris trapped between teeth, pale or swollen gums
Infections in the mouth —  Gums may be red, swollen and bleed easily, especially after brushing or flossing; pus may drain from between teeth; a pocket of pus (abscess) at the base of a tooth; loose teeth or a change in “fit” of a denture; painful, open sores on the tongue or gums.
Respiratory tract infections — Sore throat, swollen lymph nodes (“swollen glands”) in the neck, fever, stuffy nose, a greenish or yellowish nasal discharge, a mucus-producing cough
External agents — Cigarette stains on fingers and teeth, a uniform yellow “coffee stain” on teeth.
Dry mouth —  Difficulty swallowing dry foods, difficulty speaking for a prolonged period because of mouth dryness, a burning sensation in the mouth, an unusually high number of dental caries, dry eyes (in Sjögren’s syndrome)
Systemic (body wide) illnesses — Symptoms of diabetes, lung disease, kidney failure or liver disease
Diagnosis: Self Diagnosis
Professional diagnosis: - Hallimeter, - Gas chromatography, - BANA test, - β-galactosidase
Lime leaves               Lime leaves              Lime leaves
Lime leaves                                 Lime leaves                                     Lime leaves
Ingredients: Lime leaves
Natural Remedies: Lime leaves: The leaves however are the richest part of the plant. They are easy to store since they can be frozen for many months without losing flavor. Just one or two are enough to flavor a pot full of soup. The leaves can be rubbed on to gums and teeth for total dental health. The essential oil in the leaves is extracted and used for various purposes. Take some lime leaves. Clean and chew it.

Natural Treatment for Mouth ulcer –Homemade remedy for Mouth Ulcer # 6: A mouth ulcer is a sore on the inside of the mouth and lips or on the tongue. These may occur with measles and may be red or have white coating on them. They make it difficult to eat or drink.
Causes: Bacterial infections - Canker sores - Dietary deficiencies, such as lack of vitamin B-12, zinc, folate (folic acid), or iron - Emotional stress - Food allergies - Substance abuse, especially methamphetamine use - Toothpastes and mouth rinses containing sodium lauryl sulfate and Viral infections
 Symptoms: Cracks in the corners of the mouth - Dry mouth – Fever - Loss of appetite - Malaise or lethargy - Pus or white patches covering the tonsils or throat - Skin rash - Sore throat and swollen lymph nodes
Diagnosis: The goal of diagnosing is to relieve symptoms. The cause, if known, should be treated. Gentle, thorough oral hygiene may relieve some of the symptoms. Avoid hot or spicy foods, which often increase the pain of mouth ulcers. Get advice from your doctor.
Ironweed leaves                Ironweed leaves               Ironweed leaves
    Ironweed leaves                              Ironweed leaves                            Ironweed leaves
Ingredients: Ironweed leaves
Natural Remedies: Vernonia have the highest oil content, up to 41.9% with up to 80% vernolic acid, and is used in paint formulations, coatings plasticizers, and as a reagent for many industrial chemicals. Vernonia species are used as food plants by the larvae of some Lepidoptera species including Coleophora vernoniaeella (which feeds exclusively on the genus) and Schinia regia. Take some vernonia cinerea leaves. Cook it and take with your food often.

Natural Treatment for Bad breath # 7: Bad breath plagues just about everyone at one time or another.  People snicker about it, but bad breath can be a devastating social disability.
The mouth:  The structures in the mouth that can harbor bad breath are: The teeth, The Gums, The tongue (especially the back of the tongue).
The upper respiratory tract: This includes the nasal cavities, sinuses, throat, tonsils and the larynx (voice box).
A) The term for bad breath from the upper respiratory tract is Ozostomia.
B) Ozostomia is the second most common type of bad breath, and is most commonly associated with post nasal drip, but can be associated with infections of the various organs in the upper respiratory tracts as well, including sinusitis, sore throat and laryngitis.
The lungs: A) Stomatodysodia is the term for bad breath caused by outright disease processes in the lungs, such as various infections, emphysema, bronchitis or lung cancer.
B) Halitosis is the term for bad breath that results from physiologic processes elsewhere in the body and carried to the lungs by the bloodstream, or to the mouth by chronic vomiting.
The stomach: Technically, this type of bad breath is a subcategory of halitosis, but one that does not originate from the lungs. Bad breath originating from the stomach is caused by disease processes which produce chronic vomiting.
Poor dental hygiene: Teeth are coated with film or plaque, food debris trapped between teeth, pale or swollen gums
Infections in the mouth: Gums may be red, swollen and bleed easily, especially after brushing or flossing; pus may drain from between teeth; a pocket of pus (abscess) at the base of a tooth; loose teeth or a change in “fit” of a denture; painful, open sores on the tongue or gums
Respiratory tract infections: Sore throat, swollen lymph nodes (“swollen glands”) in the neck, fever, stuffy nose, a greenish or yellowish nasal discharge, a mucus-producing cough
External agents: Cigarette stains on fingers and teeth, a uniform yellow “coffee stain” on teeth
Dry mouth: Difficulty swallowing dry foods, difficulty speaking for a prolonged period because of mouth dryness, a burning sensation in the mouth, an unusually high number of dental caries, dry eyes (in Sjögren’s syndrome)
Systemic (body-wide) illnesses: Symptoms of diabetes, lung disease, kidney failure or liver disease
Diagnosis: Self Diagnosis - Professional diagnosis: - Hallimeter, - Gas chromatography, - BANA test, - β-galactosidase

Alpinia galanga leaves               Alpinia galanga leaves               Alpinia galanga leaves
 Alpinia Galanga leaves                  Alpinia Galanga leaves                 Alpinia Galanga leaves
Natural Remedies: Alpinia galanga rhizome contains the flavonol Galangin
Take some Galangal leaves, clean and chew them, mouth Ulcer and bad breath will be gone.

Stomatitis – Homemade remedy for Mouth Ulcer # 8: Stomatitis, a non-specific term for an inflamed and sore mouth, can disrupt a person’s ability to eat, talk, or sleep. Stomatitis can occur anywhere within the mouth, including the inside of the cheeks, gums, tongue, lips, and palate.
Types of Stomatitis-The following are some common examples of stomatitis: Canker sore or Aphthous Ulcer and Cold sores, also known as “fever blisters”
Canker sore: Many factors may contribute to their development, such as:
Certain medications, trauma to the mouth, poor nutrition, stress, bacteria or viruses, lack of sleep, sudden weight loss, and certain foods such as potatoes, citrus fruits, coffee, chocolate, cheese, and nuts. Canker sores may also be related to a temporarily reduced immune system because of a cold or flu, hormonal changes, mechanical irritation, or low levels of vitamin B12 or folate. Even biting the inside of the cheek or chewing a sharp piece of food can trigger a canker sore. Canker sores may result from a genetic predisposition and are considered an autoimmune disease; they are not contagious.
Cold sores or fever blisters: Fever blisters are contagious as they are caused by the herpes simplex virus type 1. The initial infection often occurs before adulthood and may be confused with a cold or the flu. Once the person is infected with the virus, it stays in the body, becoming dormant and reactivated by such conditions as stress, fever, trauma, hormonal changes (such as menstruation), and exposure to sunlight.
Symptoms: Canker Sores: Sores can be painful-Usually last 5 to 10 days-Tend to recur and generally not associated with fever.
Cold sores or “fever blisters”: Usually painful-Usually gone in 7 to 10 days and sometimes associated with cold or flu-like symptoms.
Diagnosis: Treatment of the underlying cause-Oral hygiene measures-Topical local anesthetics - Anesthetic mouthwash and get more vitamin B12 and foods rich in iron into your diet.

Solanum nigrum leaves                Mango Seed kernels               Solanum nigrum leaves
Solanum Nigrum leaves                      Mango Seed kernels               Solanum Nigrum leaves
Natural Remedies: (Solanum Nigrum) Black nightshade consist of moisture 82.1%, protein 5.9%, fat 1.0%, minerals 2.1% and carbohydrates 8.9% per 100 grams. The minerals and vitamins present in it include calcium, iron, phosphorus, riboflavin, niacin and vitamin C.
Mango Seed kernels: After soaking and drying to 10% moisture content, the kernels are fed to poultry and cattle. Without the removal of tannins, the feeding value is low. Cuban scientists declare that the mineral levels are so low mineral supplementation is needed if the kernel is used for poultry feed, for which purpose it is recommended mainly because it has little crude fiber. Take the juice of Solanum Nigrum leaves, plus grind one mango seed kernels with this juice. Then drink this juice remedy for Stomatitis/Mouth Ulcer.

Bad breath - Mouth Ulcer # 9: Bad breath plagues just about everyone at one time or another.  People snicker about it, but bad breath can be a devastating social disability.
Causes: The mouth: The structures in the mouth that can harbor bad breath are:
The teeth, The Gums, The tongue (especially the back of the tongue)
The upper respiratory tract: This includes the nasal cavities, sinuses, throat, tonsils and the larynx (voice box).
A. The term for bad breath from the upper respiratory tract is Ozostomia
B. Ozostomia is the second most common type of bad breath, and is most commonly associated with post nasal drip, but can be associated with infections of the various organs in the upper respiratory tracts as well, including sinusitis, sore throat and laryngitis.
The lungs:
A. Stomatodysodia is the term for bad breath caused by outright disease processes in the lungs, such as various infections, emphysema, bronchitis or lung cancer.
B. Halitosis is the term for bad breath that results from physiologic processes elsewhere in the body and carried to the lungs by the bloodstream, or to the mouth by chronic vomiting.
The stomach: Technically, this type of bad breath is a subcategory of halitosis, but one that does not originate from the lungs.  Bad breath originating from the stomach is caused by disease processes which produce chronic vomiting.
Poor dental hygiene: Teeth are coated with film or plaque, food debris trapped between teeth, pale or swollen gums.
Infections in the mouth: Gums may be red, swollen and bleed easily, especially after brushing or flossing; pus may drain from between teeth; a pocket of pus (abscess) at the base of a tooth; loose teeth or a change in “fit” of a denture; painful, open sores on the tongue or gums
Respiratory tract infections: Sore throat, swollen lymph nodes (“swollen glands”) in the neck, fever, stuffy nose, a greenish or yellowish nasal discharge, a mucus-producing cough
External agents: Cigarette stains on fingers and teeth, a uniform yellow “coffee stain” on teeth
Dry mouth: Difficulty swallowing dry foods, difficulty speaking for a prolonged period because of mouth dryness, a burning sensation in the mouth, an unusually high number of dental caries, dry eyes (in Sjögren’s syndrome)
Systemic (body-wide) illnesses: Symptoms of diabetes, lung disease, kidney failure or liver disease
Diagnosis: Self Diagnosis-Professional diagnosis-Hallimeter-Gas chromatography-BANA test and β-galactosidase.
Nutmeg leaves               Nutmeg leaves             Nutmeg leaves
      Nutmeg leaves                               Nutmeg leaves                             Nutmeg leaves

Ingredients: Nutmeg leaves
Natural Remedies: Nutmeg: Medicinal Properties: Sedative, stimulant, relaxant, anti inflammatory, antiseptic, bactericide, etc. Culinary Uses: Nutmeg is used in sweet and spicy dishes like pies, custard; cookies spice cakes, cheese sauces, soups, egg and vegetables dishes. Mace is often preferred in light-colored dishes for the bright orange, saffron-like color it imparts. Take some leaves of nutmeg, clean and crush them. Soak them in water. By using this water, flush-out/mouth gargle is the best natural remedy for mouth ulcer and bad breath.

Bitterness- Mouth Ulcer # 10:  A bitter taste in the mouth that is not from a bitter substance is a distorted sense of taste. A persistent bad taste in the mouth, whether bitter, metallic or foul, is called Dysgeusia.
Causes: A bitter or altered sense of taste can be due to certain diseases, disorders. Common conditions and everyday habits that can cause a bitter taste in your mouth include: Breathing through your mouth – Dehydration - Dry mouth – Smoking – Bilious and Pregnancy
Symptoms: Bitter taste - Poor sense of taste and Vomiting.

Spondis pinnata leaves               Spondis pinnata leaves              Spondis pinnata leaves
 Spondis Pinnata leaves               Spondis Pinnata leaves               Spondis Pinnata leaves

Ingredients: Spondias Mombin leaf
Natural Remedies: Spondias Pinnata bark contains large amounts of flavonoids and Phenolic compounds, exhibits high antioxidant and free radical scavenging activities. It also Chelates iron and has reducing power. Eat raw Spondias leaves or take with your food like chutney.

Bad breath-Mouth Ulcer # 11: Bad breath plagues just about everyone at one time or another.  People snicker about it, but bad breath can be a devastating social disability.
Causes: The mouth: The structures in the mouth that can harbor bad breath are: * the teeth, The Gums, The tongue (especially the back of the tongue)
The upper respiratory tract: This includes the nasal cavities, sinuses, throat, tonsils and the larynx (voice box).  
A. The term for bad breath from the upper respiratory tract is ozostomia
B. Ozostomia is the second most common type of bad breath, and is most commonly associated with post nasal drip, but can be associated with infections of the various organs in the upper respiratory tracts as well, including sinusitis, sore throat and laryngitis.
The lungs
A. Stomatodysodia is the term for bad breath caused by outright disease processes in the lungs, such as various infections, emphysema, bronchitis or lung cancer. 
B. Halitosis is the term for bad breath that results from physiologic processes elsewhere in the body and carried to the lungs by the bloodstream, or to the mouth by chronic vomiting.
The stomach: Technically, this type of bad breath is a subcategory of halitosis, but one that does not originate from the lungs.  Bad breath originating from the stomach is caused by disease processes which produce chronic vomiting.
Symptoms: Poor dental hygiene: Teeth are coated with film or plaque, food debris trapped between teeth, pale or swollen gums
Infections in the mouth: Gums may be red, swollen and bleed easily, especially after brushing or flossing; pus may drain from between teeth; a pocket of pus (abscess) at the base of a tooth; loose teeth or a change in “fit” of a denture; painful, open sores on the tongue or gums
Respiratory tract infections: Sore throat, swollen lymph nodes (“swollen glands”) in the neck, fever, stuffy nose, a greenish or yellowish nasal discharge, a mucus-producing cough
External agents: Cigarette stains on fingers and teeth, a uniform yellow “coffee stain” on teeth
Dry mouth: Difficulty swallowing dry foods, difficulty speaking for a prolonged period because of mouth dryness, a burning sensation in the mouth, an unusually high number of dental caries, dry eyes (in Sjögren’s syndrome)
Systemic (body-wide) illnesses: Symptoms of diabetes, lung disease, kidney failure or liver disease.
Diagnosis: Self Diagnosis-Professional diagnosis- Hallimeter-Gas chromatography-BANA test
- β-galactosidase

peppermint              Ginger                Peppermint
Peppermint                                       Ginger                                        Peppermint

Ingredients: Peppermint leaves and Ginger
Natural Remedies: Peppermint Leaf can help relax the bile ducts for improved flow of this very important digestive fluid. Peppermint Leaf contains bio-flavonoids and exhibits antioxidant activity. The herb can also stimulate a sluggish liver or gallbladder into performing its functions in a more effective manner. It also helps to combat indigestion.
Ginger: High in potassium, manganese which builds resistance to disease, protects lining of heart, blood vessels and urinary passages, silicon which promotes healthy skin, hair, teeth and nails, helps assimilate calcium and also contains Vitamin A, C, E, B-complex, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, iron, zinc, calcium, beta-carotene. Natural remedy for mouth Ulcer and bad breath clean and eat some Peppermint leaves and a small piece of Ginger.

Bad breath - Mouth Ulcer # 12: Bad breath plagues just about everyone at one time or another.  People snicker about it, but bad breath can be a devastating social disability.
Causes: The mouth: The structures in the mouth that can harbor bad breath are: The teeth, The Gums, The tongue (especially the back of the tongue).
The upper respiratory tract: This includes the nasal cavities, sinuses, throat, tonsils and the larynx (voice box).  
A. The term for bad breath from the upper respiratory tract is ozostomia
B. Ozostomia is the second most common type of bad breath, and is most commonly associated with post nasal drip, but can be associated with infections of the various organs in the upper respiratory tracts as well, including sinusitis, sore throat and laryngitis.
The lungs
A. Stomatodysodia is the term for bad breath caused by outright disease processes in the lungs, such as various infections, emphysema, bronchitis or lung cancer.  
B. Halitosis is the term for bad breath that results from physiologic processes elsewhere in the body and carried to the lungs by the bloodstream, or to the mouth by chronic vomiting.
The stomach: Technically, this type of bad breath is a subcategory of halitosis, but one that does not originate from the lungs.  Bad breath originating from the stomach is caused by disease processes which produce chronic vomiting.
Symptoms: Poor dental hygiene: Teeth are coated with film or plaque, food debris trapped between teeth, pale or swollen gums
Infections in the mouth: Gums may be red, swollen and bleed easily, especially after brushing or flossing; pus may drain from between teeth; a pocket of pus (abscess) at the base of a tooth; loose teeth or a change in “fit” of a denture; painful, open sores on the tongue or gums
Respiratory tract infections: Sore throat, swollen lymph nodes (“swollen glands”) in the neck, fever, stuffy nose, a greenish or yellowish nasal discharge, a mucus-producing cough
External agents: Cigarette stains on fingers and teeth, a uniform yellow “coffee stain” on teeth
Dry mouth: Difficulty swallowing dry foods, difficulty speaking for a prolonged period because of mouth dryness, a burning sensation in the mouth, an unusually high number of dental caries, dry eyes (in Sjögren’s syndrome)
Systemic (body-wide) illnesses: Symptoms of diabetes, lung disease, kidney failure or liver disease
Diagnosis: Self Diagnosis-Professional diagnosis- Hallimeter-Gas chromatography-BANA test and β-galactosidase
Clove leaf                 Clove leaf                Clove leaf
Clove leaf                                        Clove leaf                                         Clove leaf
Ingredients: Clove leaves
Natural Remedies: Health Benefits of Clove Leaf Clove leaves contain high amounts of eugenol, which makes it a potent anti fungal medicine. Dentists use the analgesic effect of clove leaves as an effective anesthetic in times of severe toothache. Cloves are very good sources of flavonoids and hence inhibit free radical oxidation. Clove leaves have anti-inflammatory properties. Clove leaves can also be used to treat mild infections like common cold, cough, flu, and indigestion. They are effective against bloating and flatulence too. Skin eruptions like boils, pimples and acne can find relief with topical application of clove leaves. Take some cloves’ leaf, clean them and eat without cooking.

Bad breath # 13: medically called halitosis, can result from poor dental health habits and may be a sign of other health problems. Bad breath can also be made worse by the types of foods you eat and other unhealthy lifestyle habits.
Causes: Poor dental hygiene - Infections in the mouth - Respiratory tract infections - External agents - Dry mouth - Systemic illnesses and Psychiatric illness.
Symptoms: A person may not always know that he or she has bad breath. This phenomenon is because odor-detecting cells in the nose eventually become accustomed to the constant flow of bad smells from the mouth. Others may notice and react by recoiling as you speak. Other associated symptoms depend on the underlying cause of bad breath:
Poor dental hygiene: Teeth are coated with film or plaque, food debris trapped between teeth, pale or swollen gums;
Infections in the mouth: Gums may be red, swollen and bleed easily, especially after brushing or flossing; pus may drain from between teeth; a pocket of pus (abscess) at the base of a tooth; loose teeth or a change in “fit” of a denture; painful, open sores on the tongue or gums
Respiratory tract infections: Sore throat, swollen lymph nodes (“swollen glands”) in the neck, fever, stuffy nose, a greenish or yellowish nasal discharge, a mucus-producing cough
External agents: Cigarette stains on fingers and teeth, a uniform yellow “coffee stain” on teeth
Dry mouth: Difficulty swallowing dry foods, difficulty speaking for a prolonged period because of mouth dryness, a burning sensation in the mouth, an unusually high number of dental caries, dry eyes (in Sjögren’s syndrome)
Systemic (body-wide) illnesses: Symptoms of diabetes, lung disease, kidney failure or liver disease. Diagnosis: Self Diagnosis-Professional diagnosis-Hallimeter-Gas chromatography-BANA test and β-galactosidase.
Coriander leaves                   Coriander leaves                   Coriander leaves
      Coriander leaves                               Coriander leaves                              Coriander leaves
Ingredients: Cilantro leaves
Natural Remedies: Cilantro leaves have many known health benefits and researchers are finding more every day. Here some benefits: Prevents nausea, Relieves intestinal gas, Lowers blood sugar, Lowers bad, cholesterol (LDL) and raises good cholesterol (HDL), A good source of dietary fiber, A good source of iron, A good source of magnesium, Rich in phytonutrient and flavonoids. Cilantro leaves has the capacity to reduce the bad breath if you eat some Cilantro leaves without cooking.
Stomatitis - Mouth Ulcer # 14: Stomatitis, a non-specific term for an inflamed and sore mouth, can disrupt a person’s ability to eat, talk, or sleep. Stomatitis can occur anywhere within the mouth, including the inside of the cheeks, gums, tongue, lips, and palate.
Types of Stomatitis: The following are some common examples of stomatitis: Canker sore or Aphthous ulcer and Cold sores, also known as “fever blisters”
Causes: Canker sore: Many factors may contribute to their development, such as
Certain medications, trauma to the mouth, poor nutrition, stress, bacteria or viruses, lack of sleep, sudden weight loss, and certain foods such as potatoes, citrus fruits, coffee, chocolate, cheese, and nuts. Canker sores may also be related to a temporarily reduced immune system because of a cold or flu, hormonal changes, mechanical irritation, or low levels of vitamin B12 or folate. Even biting the inside of the cheek or chewing a sharp piece of food can trigger a canker sore. Canker sores may result from a genetic predisposition and are considered an autoimmune disease; they are not contagious.
Cold sores or fever blisters: Fever blisters are contagious as they are caused by the herpes simplex virus type 1. The initial infection often occurs before adulthood and may be confused with a cold or the flu. Once the person is infected with the virus, it stays in the body, becoming dormant and reactivated by such conditions as stress, fever, trauma, hormonal changes (such as menstruation), and exposure to sunlight.
Symptoms: Canker Sores: Sores can be painful-Usually last 5 to 10 days-Tend to recur and generally not associated with fever.
Cold sores or “fever blisters”: Usually painful-usually gone in 7 to 10 days and sometimes associated with cold or flu-like symptoms.
Diagnosis: Treatment of the underlying cause-Oral hygiene measures-Diluted bicarbonate of soda mouthwash-Topical local anesthetics-Anesthetic mouthwash and get more vitamin B12 and foods rich in iron into your diet.
Indian fig fruit                 Indian fig fruit                Indian fig fruit
      Indian fig fruit                                  Indian fig fruit                                  Indian fig fruit
Ingredients: Indian fig fruit
Natural Remedies: Ficus racemosa Linn. (Moraceae) is a popular medicinal plant in India, which has long been used in Ayurveda, the ancient system of Indian medicine, for various diseases/disorders including diabetes, liver disorders, diarrhea, inflammatory conditions, hemorrhoids, respiratory, and urinary diseases. Ficus racemosa is pharmacologically studied for various activities including antidiabetic, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, antitussive, hepatoprotective, and antimicrobial activities. A wide range of phytochemical constituents have been identified and isolated from various parts of F. racemosa. In this review, a comprehensive account of its traditional uses, phytochemical constituents, and pharmacological effects is presented in view of the many recent findings of importance on this plant. Indian fig fruit has the capacity to cure the Stomatitis (Mouth wound) so eat Indian fig fruit regularly.

Stomatitis (Mouth wound)-Mouth Ulcer # 15: Stomatitis, a non-specific term for an inflamed and sore mouth, can disrupt a person’s ability to eat, talk, or sleep. Stomatitis can occur anywhere within the mouth, including the inside of the cheeks, gums, tongue, lips, and palate.
Types of Stomatitis: The following are some common examples of stomatitis: Canker sore or Aphthous ulcer. Cold sores, also known as “fever blisters”
Canker sore: Many factors may contribute to their development, such as certain medications, trauma to the mouth, poor nutrition, stress, bacteria or viruses, lack of sleep, sudden weight loss, and certain foods such as potatoes, citrus fruits, coffee, chocolate, cheese, and nuts. Canker sores may also be related to a temporarily reduced immune system because of a cold or flu, hormonal changes, mechanical irritation, or low levels of vitamin B12 or folate. Even biting the inside of the cheek or chewing a sharp piece of food can trigger a canker sore. Canker sores may result from a genetic predisposition and are considered an autoimmune disease; they are not contagious.
Cold sores or fever blisters: Fever blisters are contagious as they are caused by the herpes simplex virus type 1. The initial infection often occurs before adulthood and may be confused with a cold or the flu. Once the person is infected with the virus, it stays in the body, becoming dormant and reactivated by such conditions as stress, fever, trauma, hormonal changes (such as menstruation), and exposure to sunlight.
Canker Sores: Sores can be painful-usually last 5 to 10 days-Tend to recur and generally not associated with fever.
Cold sores or “fever blisters”: Usually painful-usually gone in 7 to 10 days and sometimes associated with cold or flu-like symptoms.
Diagnosis: Treatment of the underlying cause-oral hygiene measures-diluted bicarbonate of soda mouthwash-topical local anesthetics-anesthetic mouthwash and get more vitamin B12 and foods rich in iron into your diet.

Gull nut                 Gull nut                 Gull nut
Gull nut                                               Gull nut                                            Gull nut

Ingredients: Gall Nut and mother’s milk
Natural Remedies: Gall Nut (Terminalia Chebula) has a strong effect against the herpes simplex virus HSV, has antibacterial activity and exhibits strong cardio tonic properties. Terminalia Chebula also has antioxidant components which indicate, it can increase the life of tissues. Terminalia Chebula is used in India to treat many diseases such as digestive diseases, urinary diseases, diabetes, skin diseases, parasitic infections, heart diseases, irregular fevers, flatulence, constipation, ulcers, vomiting, colic pain and hemorrhoids. Yet another study shows the anti-tumor activity of Terminalia Chebula and another study shows that it has considerable effect in inhibiting the HIV virus which ultimately results in AIDS. Take some Gall nuts, grind them mix with mother’s milk and apply on your mouth wounds.

Mouth ulcer # 16: is a sore on the inside of the mouth and lips or on the tongue. These may occur with measles and may be red or have white coating on them. They make it difficult to eat or drink.
Causes: Bacterial infections-Canker sores-Dietary deficiencies, such as lack of vitamin B-12, zinc, folate (folic acid), or iron-Emotional stress-Food allergies and substance abuse, especially methamphetamine use: Toothpastes and mouth rinses containing sodium lauryl sulfate and viral infections
Symptoms: Cracks in the corners of the mouth-Dry mouth-Fever-Loss of appetite-Malaise or lethargy-Pus or white patches covering the tonsils or throat-Skin rash-Sore throat and swollen lymph nodes.
Diagnosing Mouth ulcer: The goal of diagnosing is to relieve symptoms. The cause, if known, should be treated. Gentle, thorough oral hygiene may relieve some of the symptoms. Avoid hot or spicy foods, which often increase the pain of mouth ulcers.
Grapes juice                  Sugar              Grapes juice    
Grapes juice                                          Sugar                                Grapes juice
Ingredients: Grapes juice and Sugar
Natural remedies: Red grapes, in particular, contain a compound called Resveratol, which has been demonstrated to reduce cholesterol and protect the heart. Fresh grape skin contains between 50 to 100 micrograms of Resveratol per gram, depending on the variety of grape.
Grapes juice and sugar have the capacity to reduce the mouth ulcer problem, so if you take a cup of grapes juice and 2 teaspoon of sugar, then you mix both the things properly and drink it.

Mouth ulcer # 17: By gargling “Solanum Nigrum Soup” the mouth ulcer will be reduced.
Solanum nigrum                 Solanum nigrum                Solanum nigrum
    Solanum Nigrum                              Solanum Nigrum                              Solanum Nigrum
Symptoms: Pain on mouth.
Ingredients: Solanum Nigrum
Procedure to prepare: Solanum Nigrum leaves have the capacity to cure the mouth ulcer problem, so if you take a cup of Solanum Nigrum leaves and boil it in 1liter water, then you filter the boiled water to gargle your mouth.

To reduce mouth bitterness – Mouth Ulcer # 18: Eat “Drumstick Flowers with Lentil” the mouth bitterness will be reduced.
Drumstick flowers                Lentil               Drumstick flowers
    Drumstick flowers                                       Lentil                                  Drumstick flowers
Symptoms: Mouth bitterness.
Ingredients: Drumstick flowers and Lentil
Procedure to prepare: Drumstick flowers and lentil have the capacity to reduce the mouth bitterness, so if you take a cup of drumstick flowers and 10g of lentil, then cook both the things and eat.

Halitosis (Bad breath from mouth) # 19: Gargle “Indian Gooseberry, Nutmeg and Terminalia Billerica water” the halitosis problem will be reduced.
Terminalia bellerica                  Nutmeg                    Indian gooseberry
  Terminalia Billerica                                   Nutmeg                                       Indian gooseberry
Symptoms: Bleeding gum and bad smell.
Procedure to prepare: Indian Goose berry, Nutmeg and Terminalia Billerica have the capacity to cure the halitosis problem. Take 5 or 6 Indian Gooseberry, 2or 3 Nutmeg and 3 or 4 Terminalia Billerica and soak them all in 1 liter of  water minimum for 2 days  and filter the soaked water, and gargle your teeth every morning by this water remedy for Halitosis.

Bad smell from mouth- Mouth Ulcer # 20: Chew and spit “Areca Nut and Clove” natural remedy for the bad smell problem and it will be reduced.
Areca nut                  Clove                Areca nut
Areca nut                                               Clove                                          Areca nut
Symptoms: Bad smell and bleeding on teeth.
Ingredients: Areca nut and Clove
Procedure to prepare: Areca nut and clove have the capacity to cure the bad smell problem, so if you take 1 or 2 Areca nut and 5g of clove. Then you chew both things together and spit it .You can do like this after the food.

To reduce the excess saliva – Mouth Ulcer # 21:  Eat “Sarsaparilla Roots and Honey” the saliva problem will be reduced.
Sarasaparilla                Honey               Sarasaparilla
        Sarsaparilla                                             Honey                                        Sarsaparilla
Symptoms: Excess saliva.
Ingredients: Sarsaparilla and Honey
Procedure to prepare: Sarsaparilla roots and honey have the capacity to reduce the excess saliva problem, so if you take 1 teaspoon of Sarsaparilla roots powder and 2 teaspoon of honey. Remedy to stop excess saliva from mouth, mix both things properly and eat it.  

Bad smell from mouth – Mouth Ulcer # 22:  Eat “Solanum Nigrum, Fenugreek seeds, Onion and Rice” the bad smell problem will be reduced.

Onion                Fenugreek seed                 Rice
Onion                                     Fenugreek seed                                               Rice

Symptoms: Bad smell. Ingredients: Solanum Nigrum-Fenugreek seed-Onion and Rice
Procedure to prepare: Solanum Nigrum, Fenugreek seed, Onion and Rice have the capacity to cure the bad smell problem. Take 1 cup of Solanum Nigrum leaves, 10g of fenugreek seed, 100g of Onion and 3 teaspoon of rice. First you should fry all these ingredients in medium heat, then put these things in 1 liter of water and boil it. After that you can filter the boiled water and drink it simple remedy to stop bad smell.

Mouth ulcer # 23:  Eat “Indigofera Aspalathoides” the mouth Ulcer problem will be reduced.
Indigofera aspalathoides                  Indigofera aspalathoides                  Indigofera aspalathoides
Indigofera Aspalathoides               Indigofera Aspalathoides                Indigofera Aspalathoides
Symptoms: Pain on mouth.
Procedure to prepare: Indigofera Aspalathoides leaves have the capacity to reduce the mouth ulcer pain, so if you take 5 or 6 Indigofera Aspalathoides leaves and put this leaves in to your mouth. Chew the leaves and spit it out.

Mouth ulcer # 24: Apply “Gall Nut, Honey and Milk” the mouth ulcer problem will be reduced.
Gall nut              Milk                 Honey
Gall Nut                                                 Milk                                             Honey

Symptoms: Pain on wounds. Ingredients: Gall nut, Honey and Milk
Procedure to prepare: Gall Nut, honey and milk have the capacity to cure the mouth ulcer problem. Take 1 or 2 Gall Nut and grind it, add two teaspoon of milk, and one teaspoon of honey. Mix them very well and apply that mixture on painful area.

Mouth ulcer5 #25:  Gargle the “Pomegranate flower bark and Alum” mouth ulcer will be cured.
Pomegranate bark                  Pomegranate flower                  Alum
   Pomegranate bark                          Pomegranate flower                                      Alum
Symptoms: Mouth ulcer. 
Procedure to prepare: Boil the pomegranate flower and bark in water. Mix it with Alum and Gargle the mouth by that mixture.
Mouth Ulcer # 26: Gargle “Ricinus Communis Resin” the mouth Ulcer will be reduced.
C:\Users\Mazhar Sayeed\Pictures\Ricinus Communis (Wunderbaum).jpgRicinus communis                                    Ricinus communis                      Ricinus communis
Symptoms: Pain on mouth. 
Ingredients: Ricinus communis
Procedure to prepare: Natural remedy to gargle your teeth by Ricinus Communis Resin.
Mouth Ulcer  # 27: Eat “Pineapple and honey” the mouth Ulcer will be reduced.
Pineapple                 Honey                Pineapple
Pineapple                                           Honey                                            Pineapple

Symptoms: Pain on mouth.  
Ingredients: Pineapple and Honey
Procedure to prepare: Eat the pineapple and honey the mouth Ulcer will be cured.

Mouth ulcer  # 28: Eat the “Amaranthus Spinosus with Lentil” the mouth Ulcer will be cured.

Amaranthus spinosus                 Lentil              Amaranthus spinosus
   Amaranthus Spinosus                             Lentil                                    Amaranthus Spinosus

Symptoms: Mouth ulcer. 
Ingredients: Amaranthus Spinosus and Lentil.
Procedure to prepare: Cook the Amaranthus Spinosus with Lentil and eat mouth Ulcer will be cured.

Mouth ulcer # 29: Gargle the “Peepul Tree bark” the mouth ulcer will be cured.

Peepul tree bark                 Peepul tree bark                Peepul tree bark
   Peepul tree bark                              Peepul tree bark                             Peepul tree bark
Symptoms: Pain on mouth.
Ingredients: Peepul tree bark
Procedure to prepare: Boil the Peepul Tree Bark with water and gargle the mouth ulcer will be cured.

Mouth ulcer # 30: Apply the “Betel Leaf with Garlic” the mouth ulcer will be cured.

Betel leaf                 Garlic                  Betel leaf
Betel leaf                                              Garlic                                            Betel leaf

Symptoms: Pain on mouth and Mouth ulcer.
Ingredients: Betel leaf and Garlic
Procedure to prepare: Take 1/2teaspoon of betel leaf juice - Take 1/2teaspoon of garlic juice and apply on mouth.

Mouth ulcer # 31: Eat the “Gall nut with Ghee or Butter milk” the mouth ulcer will be cured.

Gall nut    Ghee    C:\Users\Mazhar Sayeed\Pictures\Buttermilk-22.jpg      Butter
           Gall nut                        Ghee                         Butter Milk                         Butter
Symptoms: Mouth ulcer. Ingredients: Gall nut + Ghee  and Butter Milk
Procedure to prepare: Powder of Gall nut by grinding - Mix it with ghee or butter milk.

Mouth ulcer # 32: Apply the “Long Pepper, Gooseberry with Honey” the mouth ulcer will be cured.

Long pepper                  Honey                   Gooseberry
          Long pepper                                          Honey                                             Gooseberry
Symptoms: Mouth ulcer. Ingredients: Long pepper, Gooseberry and Honey
Procedure to prepare: To cure mouth ulcer apply the powder of long pepper and Gooseberry mixed with honey.

Mouth Ulcer # 33: Eat the “Cissus Quadrangularis paste, salt with butter” mouth ulcer will be reduced.
Butter                    Cissus quadrangularis                   Salt
Butter                                     Cissus Quadrangularis                                  Salt
Symptoms: Pain on mouth ulcer.
Ingredients: Cissus Quadrangularis - Salt  and Butter
Procedure to prepare: Grind and eat the Cissus Quadrangularis, mixed with salt and butter.

Mouth Ulcer # 34: Eat the “Solanum Nigrum leaves” mouth ulcer will be cured.
Solanum nigrum                Solanum nigrum              Solanum nigrum
     Solanum Nigrum                              Solanum Nigrum                         Solanum Nigrum
Symptoms: Mouth ulcer. Ingredients: Solanum Nigrum leaves
Procedure to prepare: Eat often Solanum Nigrum leaves the mouth ulcer will be cured.

Mouth Ulcer # 35: Apply the “Gooseberry Bark powder with honey” mouth ulcer will be reduced.
Honey               Gooseberry tree                Honey
Honey                                      Gooseberry tree                                      Honey
Symptoms: Pain on mouth ulcer. Ingredients: Gooseberry bark and Honey
Procedure to prepare: To cure mouth ulcer, grind and apply Gooseberry bark powder mixed with honey.

To Reduce Mouth Ulcer # 36: Mouth-wash with “Gooseberry leaves boiled water” mouth ulcer will be reduced.

Gooseberry leaves             Gooseberry leaves             Gooseberry leaves
     Gooseberry leaves                      Gooseberry leaves                       Gooseberry leaves
Symptoms: Pain on mouth ulcer. Ingredients: Gooseberry leaves
Procedure to prepare: To cure mouth ulcer, boil the Gooseberry leaves and mouth-wash.

Mouth Ulcer # 37: Apply the “Gooseberry bark with honey” mouth ulcer will be cured.

Honey                 Gooseberry bark               Honey
              Honey                                       Gooseberry bark                                    Honey

Symptoms: Mouth ulcer. Ingredients: Gooseberry bark and Honey
Procedure to prepare: Grind and apply the Gooseberry bark mixed it with honey the mouth ulcer will be cured.

Mouth Ulcer #38: Gargle the “Henna leaves with water” mouth ulcer will be cured.

Henna leaves                   Henna leaves               Henna leaves
          Henna leaves                                        Henna leaves                              Henna leaves

Symptoms: Mouth ulcer Ingredients: Henna leaves
Procedure to prepare: Grind the Henna leaves boil with water and gargle the mouth ulcer will be cured.

Mouth Ulcer # 39: Eat the “Coconut pieces” mouth ulcer will be cured

Coconut             Coconut             Coconut
Coconut                                         Coconut                                      Coconut

Symptoms: Mouth ulcer Ingredients: Coconut
Procedure to prepare: Eat often Coconut piece the mouth Ulcer will be cured.

Bitterness of mouth # 40: Eat the “Wood apple” mouth bitterness will be cured.

Wood apple                 Wood apple             Wood apple
         Wood apple                                     Wood apple                                   Wood apple

Symptoms: Bitterness on mouth. Ingredients: Wood apple
Procedure to prepare: Eat often Wood apple mouth bitterness will be cured.

Mouth Ulcer # 41: Eat the “Fennel” mouth ulcer will be cured.
Fennel             Fennel             Fennel
Fennel                                              Fennel                                           Fennel
Symptoms: Mouth ulcer. Ingredients: Fennel
Procedure to prepare: Eat often fennel mouth ulcer will be cured.
Mouth Ulcer # 42: Eat the “Gooseberry Root with Honey” mouth ulcer will be cured.

Gooseberry             Honey              Gooseberry
Gooseberry                                       Honey                                   Gooseberry

Symptoms: Mouth ulcer. Ingredients: Gooseberry root and Honey
Procedure to prepare: Powder of gooseberry root by grinding, mix it with honey and eat, mouth Ulcer will be cured.

Mouth Ulcer # 43: Gargle the “Coconut milk” mouth ulcer will be cured.

Coconut milk              Coconut milk             Coconut milk
      Coconut milk                                  Coconut milk                                  Coconut milk

Symptoms: Mouth ulcer Ingredients: Coconut milk
Procedure to prepare: Gargle the Coconut milk mouth ulcer will be cured.

Mouth Ulcer # 44: Eat the “Rose petals” mouth ulcer will be cured.

ரோஜா இதழ்கள்              ரோஜா இதழ்கள்            ரோஜா இதழ்கள்
           Rose petals                    Rose petals                                     Rose petals

Symptoms: Mouth ulcer. Ingredients: Rose petal
Procedure to prepare: Eat often Rose petals mouth ulcer will be cured.

Bitterness of Mouth # 45: Eat “Lemon juice with ginger” the bitterness of mouth will be cured.
Lemon                Ginger            Lemon
Lemon                                                 Ginger                                        Lemon

Symptoms: Bitterness on mouth.
Ingredients: Lemon juice and Ginger
Procedure to prepare: Soak the ginger with lemon juice and eat the soak ginger, bitterness of mouth will be cured.

Bad smell from mouth # 46: Apply “Neem powder, salt” bad smell from mouth will be cured.
Neem leaves               salt               Neem leaves
Neem leaves                                     salt                                             Neem leaves
Symptoms: smell on mouth. Ingredients: neem powder and salt
Procedure to prepare: Apply often Neem powder and salt bad smell from mouth will be cured.

Bad smell from mouth # 47: Drink the “Rose petal with Sugarcane Juice” the bad smell from mouth will be cured.
Rose petal                  Sugarcane juice                 Rose petal
           Rose petal                                    Sugarcane juice                                    Rose petal

Symptoms: Bad smell on mouth.
Ingredients: Rose petal and Sugarcane juice
Procedure to prepare: Grind the rose petals mix it with sugarcane juice and drink, bad smell from mouth will be cured.

Mouth Ulcer # 48: Eat “Sesbania leaves and Solanum Nigrum leaves” mouth ulcer will be cured.

Sesbania leaves              Solanum nigrum leaves              Sesbania leaves
       Sesbania leaves                    Solanum Nigrum leaves                     Sesbania leaves

Symptoms: Wound on mouth. Ingredients: Sesbania leaves and Solanum Nigrum leaves.
Procedure to prepare: Cook and eat the Sesbania leaves and Solanum Nigrum leaves, mouth Ulcer will be cured.

Mouth Ulcer # 49: Eat the “Solanum Nigrum” mouth ulcer will be cured.

Solanum nigrum                Solanum nigrum             Solanum nigrum
        Solanum Nigrum                          Solanum Nigrum                        Solanum Nigrum

Symptoms: Wound on mouth and Irritation on mouth.
Ingredients: Solanum Nigrum.
Procedure to prepare: Eat often Solanum Nigrum mouth ulcer will be cured.

Mouth Ulcer # 50: Eat “Coconut” mouth ulcer will be cured.

Coconut              Coconut                Coconut
Coconut                                             Coconut                                        Coconut
Symptoms: Wound on mouth and dryness on mouth.
Ingredients: Coconut.
Procedure to prepare: Eat often piece of Coconut the mouth ulcer will be cured.
Mouth Ulcer # 51: Drink the “dried coconut, poppy seeds with milk” then mouth ulcer will be cured.
Dried coconut                Poppy seeds                   Milk
     Dried coconut                                     Poppy seeds                                                Milk

Symptoms: Wound on mouth, irritation on mouth and dryness of mouth.
Ingredients: Dried coconut, Poppy seeds and Milk.
Procedure to prepare: Grind the dried coconut and poppy seeds mix it with milk and drink the mouth ulcer will be cured.

Wound on mouth # 52:  Apply the milk of “papaya” mouth wound will be cured.
Papaya              Papaya              Papaya
Papaya                                           Papaya                                               Papaya
Symptoms: Wound on mouth and irritation on mouth. Ingredients: Papaya.
Procedure to prepare: Apply the milk of papaya tree when you plunk the papaya from the tree, the mouth wounds will be cured.

Bad smell from Mouth # 53: Drink the “Lemon juice with water” mouth bad smell will be cured.

Lemon               Lemon              Lemon
Lemon                                               Lemon                                         Lemon
Symptoms: Bad smell of mouth.
Ingredients: Lemon
Procedure to prepare: Take 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, mix it with water and drink the bad smell from mouth will be cured.

Mouth Ulcer # 54: Eat the “Fig” fruit mouth ulcer will be cured.
fig               fig               fig
Fig fruit                                             Fig fruit                                          Fig fruit

Symptoms: Dryness of mouth. Ingredients: Fig fruit
Procedure to prepare: Eat often Fig fruit the mouth ulcer will be cured.

Mouth Ulcer # 55: Drink the “Poppy seeds with milk” the mouth ulcer will be cured.

Milk              poppy seeds              Milk
Milk                                           Poppy seeds                                          Milk
Symptoms: Irritation on mouth. Ingredients: poppy seeds and Milk.
Procedure to prepare: Grind the poppy seeds, mixed it with milk and drink the mouth ulcer will be cured.

Mouth Ulcer # 56: Drink “honey with milk of Coconut” mouth ulcer will be cured.

Honey              Milk of coconut              Honey
Honey                                       Milk of Coconut                                   Honey
Symptoms: Irritation on mouth and Dryness of mouth.
Ingredients: honey and milk of coconut.
Procedure to prepare: Take 1cup milk of coconut, take 1teaspoon of honey. Mix the honey with the milk of coconut and drink the mouth ulcer will be cured.

Tooth Pain # 57: Eat the “sugarcane” the tooth pain will be cured.
sugarcane             sugarcane             sugarcane
           sugarcane                                      sugarcane                                     sugarcane
Symptoms: Swelling on tooth and Pain on tooth. Ingredients: Sugarcane.
Procedure to prepare: Eat often sugar cane often then tooth pain will be cured.

Tooth pain # 58: Apply the “Milk of papaya” the tooth pain will be cured.
papaya             papaya            papaya      
Papaya                                            papaya                                          papaya
Symptoms: Swelling on tooth and Pain on tooth. Ingredients: Papaya.
Procedure to prepare: Apply milk of papaya on tooth.

Tooth pain # 59: Apply the “Clove ointment” the tooth pain will be cured.
Clove            Clove           Clove
Clove                                                Clove                                         Clove

Symptoms: Swelling on tooth.  Ingredients: clove.
Procedure to prepare: Take some clove ointment. Apply the ointment on tooth.

Wounds on lips # 60: Eat “Cluster Fig or Gular (Goolar) fig” often, the “wound on  lips and mouth ulcer” will be cured.
Gular Fig              Cluster Gular              Unripe Gular
Gular Fig                                      Cluster Gular                             Unripe Gular
Symptoms: Severe pain in mouth - Pain while chewing - Swelling on lips especially at the corners and Chapped on lips. Ingredients: Gular Fig.
Procedure to prepare: Eat 3 times Gular Fig will cure the wounds on lips.

Mouth Ulcer # 61: Gargle the mouth with the decoction of bark of “Ficus Religiousa or Buddha tree (Peepal tree)” the “mouth ulcer” will be cured.

Peepal Tree               Bark With leaves             Peepal leaves
Peepal Tree                             Bark With leaves                           Peepal leaves
Symptoms: Severe pain in mouth - Pain while chewing and swelling around the chin.
Ingredients: Buddha Tree (Peepal tree) and Water.
Procedure to prepare: Take 2 or 3 pieces of the bark of Peepal tree - Boil in a glass of water -
Filter the boiled decoction and Gargle with the decoction water.

Mouth Tingling # 62: Drink 3 times the decoction of “Sesbania Grandiflora (hummingbird tree)” the “wound of tongue” will be cured.
Hummingbird leaves             White flower Hummingbird tree             Red flower Hummingbrid tree
  Hummingbird                White flower Hummingbirds tree      Red flower Hummingbirds tree
Symptoms: Sever pain in mouth - Pain while chewing - Pain while eating.
Procedure to prepare: Wash the hummingbird leaves. Boil the leaves with 2 glass of water. Filter and drink the decoction 3 times the wound of tongue will be cured.



    Hello everyone out there, i am here to give my testimony about a herbalist called dr imoloa. i was infected with herpes simplex virus 2 in 2013, i went to many hospitals for cure but there was no solution, so i was thinking on how i can get a solution out so that my body can be okay. one day i was in the pool side browsing and thinking of where i can get a solution. i go through many website were i saw so many testimonies about dr imoloa on how he cured them. i did not believe but i decided to give him a try, i contacted him and he prepared the herpes for me which i received through DHL courier service. i took it for two weeks after then he instructed me to go for check up, after the test i was confirmed herpes negative. am so free and happy. so, if you have problem or you are infected with any disease kindly contact him on email or / whatssapp --+2347081986098.
    This testimony serve as an expression of my gratitude. he also have

    1. I'm so exited to share my testimonies about the Good Work of Dr. Udebhu who get me cured from herpes simplex virus (HSV1&2) with his herbs, I never thought that I will live on earth before the year runs out. I have been suffering from herpes, I had spent a lot of money going from one Hospital to another looking for way to get rid of this disease, the hospital have been my home everyday residence. Constant checks up have been my hobby not until this faithful day, I was searching
       through the internet, I saw a testimony on how Dr.Udebhu helped someone in curing his herpes disease using his healing
       Herbs, quickly I copied his email just to give him a test I spoke to him, he told me that he is going to provide the herbal cure to me, which he
      did, after i receive his herbs and i take it as instructed i was cure permanently from herpes my herpes disease was gone. so I decided to share my testimony, that nothing is impossible with God, God use a man to healed me. No matter what you are passing through, no matter how deadly the sickness is and no matter what the situation is God that did mine is still going to do yours, people suffering from herpes, brain tumor, kidney disease, pcos, AIDS, ALS,copd, asthma, athritis,herpes, Cancer,Hpv, any kind of disease, you can rich him now via ? Gmail address: or whatsapp +2349051254152  

  2. Suffering from herpes virus is a terrible experience because i was told it has no cure,the good news am happily sharing now is the great power behind herbal medication i got diagnosed of herpes virus in the year  2016 and in 2018 i started having outbreaks and it became more terrible for me to bare,One blissful morning i came across a blog comment posted by a man call Thompson on how he was cured of herpes simplex virus type 2 with the herbal medication of Dr CHUKWU MADU Herbal Home) who is a specialist in curing all kinds of std virus and chronic disease with herbs,i immediately copied out his contact mail that was Or Via WhatsApp  +2347030936239 and i explain all my problems to him, he was very honest with me and also kept his promise to get me cured with his herbs if i follow the prescriptions he gives along with the medication which i did exactly as he prescribed, to God be the glory My herpes simplex virus i have been suffering from got cured in just 2 weeks after completing the dose of his herbal cure. once again thank you so much sir for restoring my health back and most especially my skin. Please for any who has health problem of any kind should mail him on the email provided above. Give him a chance and see what he can do. JANE lisaru from MALAYSIA.

  3. I'm so exited to share my testimonies about the Good Work of Dr. Udebhu who get me cured from herpes simplex virus (HSV1&2) with his herbs, I never thought that I will live on earth before the year runs out. I have been suffering from herpes, I had spent a lot of money going from one Hospital to another looking for way to get rid of this disease, the hospital have been my home everyday residence. Constant checks up have been my hobby not until this faithful day, I was searching
     through the internet, I saw a testimony on how Dr.Udebhu helped someone in curing his herpes disease using his healing
     Herbs, quickly I copied his email just to give him a test I spoke to him, he told me that he is going to provide the herbal cure to me, which he
    did, after i receive his herbs and i take it as instructed i was cure permanently from herpes my herpes disease was gone. so I decided to share my testimony, that nothing is impossible with God, God use a man to healed me. No matter what you are passing through, no matter how deadly the sickness is and no matter what the situation is God that did mine is still going to do yours, people suffering from herpes, brain tumor, kidney disease, pcos, AIDS, ALS,copd, asthma, athritis,herpes, Cancer,Hpv, any kind of disease, you can rich him now via ? Gmail address: or whatsapp +2349051254152  

  4. FINALLY FREE FROM HERPES VIRUSI thought my life had nothing to offer anymore because lifebecame meaningless to me because I had Herpes virus, thesymptoms became very severe and bold and made my familyrun from and abandoned me so they won't get infected. I gaveup everything, my hope, dreams,vision and job because thedoctor told me there's no cure. I consumed so many drugs butthey never cured me but hid the symptoms inside me makingit worse. I was doing some research online someday when Icame across testimonies of some people of how DR Ebhotacured them from Herpes, I never believed at first and thoughtit was a joke but later decided to contact him on the detailsprovided and when I messaged him we talked and he sent mehis herbal medicine and told me to go for a test after twoweeks. Within 7 days of medication the symptomsdisappeared and when I went for a test Lo and behold I wasNEGATIVE by the Doctor Who tested me earlier. Thank you DREbhota because I forever owe you my life and I'll keep ontelling the world about you. If you are going through samesituation worry no more and contact DR Ebhota viadrebhotasolution@gmail. com or WhatsApp him via +2348089535482.he also special on cureing 1. HIV/AIDS2. HERPES 3. CANCER 4.ALS 5. HEPATITIS B 6.DIABETES 7. HUMAN PAPILOMA VIRUS DISEASE(HPV)8. ALZHEIMER 9. LUPUS (Lupus Vulgaris or LupusErythematosus 

    All thanks to dr Ojiro , i have being suffering from Herpes for so long till i met a woman who told me about a particular doctor who has cured her from Herpes i didn't believe it, till i collected her number and i called her,she is an Florida woman, she told me all i need to know about this doctor and i contacted the doctor and explain my situation to him and he told me all i need to do and I'm happy to tell the whole world now that amHerpes negative, may the good lord grant you long life doctor.Ojiro If you are suffering from such illness or you have any spiritual problem, HPV, CANCER, penis enlargement, hurry up and contact dr Ojiro via email: WhatsApp him to will forever be grateful.

    Dr Ojiro

  6. Can't still believe that I got cured from Genital Herpes through herbal treatment from Dr Vadi who I met through the internet, I actually couldn't believe it at first because it sounded impossible to me knowing how far I have gone just to get rid of it. Dr Vadi send me his medicine which I took as instructed and here I am living a happy life once again, a big thanks to Dr Vadi, I am sure there are many herbal doctors out there but Dr Vadi did it for me, contact him , also call or whatsApp him on +2348074133083.  
